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1 hour ago, David Araujo said:

I really want to know, I have been completely bald on the top of my head forever 20 years. is it possible that hair transplantation will can give me a full head of hair. If so after the transplant will I will I continue to loose my hair?

Firstly we would need to see some pictures of your head from the top and sides as well as front where possible. The back of your head (donor area) and do you have a beard? As that would be a very useful area to use if possible especially in high Norwood cases as you appear to be on describing. 

Also, realistically most donor hair are more permanent but usually there's a less safe area FUE goes into so using medication like Finasteride can still be helpful. 

Look at Eugenix on YouTube and Karl Whelan for what's possible. He's @Zoomsteron the forum here and probably happy to add his own views. 

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Please post some pics, and let us know your current age, your goals. Depending on your level of balding and how much your donor area can give will determine how much coverage you can achieve. Most of us with a high Norwood level seem to have a good beard than can also be utilised. 

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Hi David

in short no a HT will never give a completely bald on top gentleman a full head of hair …however it will give you what looks like a full head of hair to most folks using an illusion of density as it’s ace card .

Full head of hair without seeing your pics would be circa 80 to 110 fu sq cm versus a nicely executed HT would be circa 35 to 50 fu sq cm…the good news is the 35 to 50 looks like the 80 to 110 when grown out using the shingling effect ( layering ) .

Best of luck…


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Welcome to the discussion forum.  While today’s surgical hair restoration is extremely natural and can accomplish great things for people with thinning hair and baldness, unfortunately, hair transplant surgery cannot restore a completely full head of hair on somebody with a completely bald head on top.   Since hair is moved from the donor area (areas of hair on the sides and back of the scalp that’s resistant to DHT, the hormone responsible for male pattern baldness) to the recipient area (thinning and bald areas on top of the scalp that have been affected by DHT) - hair transplant surgery is limited because donor hair is limited.

To give you a for instance, the human head contains approximately 100,000 hairs.  Averaging 2.2 hairs per follicular unit,  that means there are approximately 45,454 follicular unit grafts on the scalp.  If you break this down, another rough estimate suggests that approximately half of these folliculari units make up the top portion of the scalp.  That means a Norwood 5A will need approximately 22,727 follicular units at “true density” to restore a full head of hair.  But since one only starts noticing signs of hair loss once they lose over 50% of their existing natural true hair density, someone who is completely bald in a Norwood 5A pattern could get away with obtaining 11,364 grafts and still look like they have a pretty full looking head of hair under most leading conditions.

Long story short however, most hair transplant patients don’t have that many grafts available for transplanting and thus, surgeons have to strategically place follicular units in areas that will create the most aesthetically pleasing result.

The good news is, not all patients have that much bald area to cover and those that do, can still achieve a nice, natural looking  aesthetically pleasing result that makes them look younger even if not all areas of the scalp can be completely covered with transplanted hair.

I suggest researching more about the procedure and consulting with a few leading surgeons who can help you assess your needs and goals and determine whether or not you are good candidate for surgery.

best wishes,

Rahal Hair Transplant

Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Research, research, research....

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Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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