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Keeping your hair post hair transplant

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@Icicle I'm not a doctor but I would imagine that the answer would really lie in your genetics. If you have photos of the males in your family tree this may be of some indication. Along with that I would also have to mention diet and overall general health. All the best!

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3 hours ago, Icicle said:

Guys how long in your opinion or based on studies do you think you can hang onto your hair post transplant without taking finasteride or and other DHT blockers?



No person or scientific study can show or predict this. Hair loss is progressive and there's people that aggressive hair loss strikes early in their teens to 20s and then can slow down a lot. It can also although more unusual go the other way where its stable in teens to 20s and then aggressively accelerates in some people in their 30s.

Finasteride helps to shore up your DHT blocking defence and hopefully you don't have the above happen and are more average in your hair loss and it is gradual. 

I have a friend who wants a hair transplant and doesn't want to take Finasteride but he doesn't i think appreciate that point as much as i tried to emphasise to him. You cannot say "So, if i get this hair transplant. It will last me like 10 years and look fine right? After that, i don't care and can shave it all off".

That's basically the conversation with my friend and it shows how general people don't quite understand the nuance of hair transplant and hair loss in general. 

In fact, some people believe the donor area regenerates after extractions and hence think its unlimited! 

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I assume you are talking about retaining natural hair and not the transplanted hair?  I will answer your question based on the assumption that this is what you are talking about.

That being said, there really is no clear cut answer.  The truth is, everyone loses hair at different rates, different times and different  amounts.  Family history can help predict how much hair you will lose and maybe even when.  But it’s not foolproof. 

The good news is however, that transplanted hair is pretty permanent.  As we get older our hair naturally thins out a little.  But ultimately, the transplanted hair seems to hang on just as long as DHT resistant natural hair.

Rahal Hair Transplant

Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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