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17 minutes ago, NARMAK said:

I completely understand the concern around Finasteride and let me share my story for a moment. 

For about 10 years from my early 20s till 30s i didn't take it at all. Because originally when i looked the anecdotal BS was your penis will stop working and its permanent even if you stop etc. and all sorts of other fear mongering. As a young 20 something guy i said i'd rather lose my hair than that happen, BUT i never did any actual research on the clinical data. So i never used it and extremely lucky like you that my hair loss seemed to be slow generally. However, my brother who had been hit harder than me and was a few years younger had already begun to take Dutasteride. A much stronger version of Finasteride if you will. Hr luckily showed no side affects really of concern that he mentioned at all. Just the good stuff it helped him with like some regrowth even. Things came to a head when during lockdown he's cutting my hair and telling me how badly it looked like it was starting to get in terms of the signs for thinning. Bearing in mind i had Covid prior to that which apparently now has been linked to some hair loss and i had really bad scalp condition. So, i got back, bit the bullet and decided to go for Dutasteride. Hell, when you realise they already say you're at the 50% mark so i went nuclear to try jet engine regaining any ground i could. I did have side affects for a few months as my body got used to the sharp drop of DHT as i took 0.5mg everyday. After my body recalibrated i would even say those sides have almost all but abated and i don't notice anything of concern that would stop me continuing it. 

I made sure i got my blood worl etc. tested and they identified Vitamin D deficiency which was addressed and helped me too as it can be responsible for hair loss. I added Nizoral but it wasn't helping enough with my scalp dandruff but adding T-Gel recently had helped a lot. I need to pick Microneedling up again but i feel in a better place than 10 months ago with the medication. I will certainly share things around the 12 month mark around here. 

Thank for this detailed feedback.

I am really thinking about it seriously, I will check with the dermatologist as if it prescibed it is paid by health insurance 🙂

I'll keep you posted !

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16 minutes ago, FabioCH said:

Thank for this detailed feedback.

I am really thinking about it seriously, I will check with the dermatologist as if it prescibed it is paid by health insurance 🙂

I'll keep you posted !

You're welcome and good luck with that. If you can get them for free or a reduced cost, it's always nice. 

Finasteride luckily is now available more widely as the patent expired but some people still think the Propecia brand (more expensive) might still be better in terms of efficacy. 

Personally i'd like to think quality control is more stringent in certain countries like the US, UK, Europe etc. where it shouldn't be an issue. 

Hope it works out for you and definitely take advantage of this website to look at which clinic might be best for you. 

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Hi all,

I've reached out to some clinics and received the following proposals :

1) Fue Capilar Dr Gur VIP Package - FUE

Dr. Gür performs: ● Consultation with trichoscope, ● Design of the hair line, ● Extraction of all grafts, ● Opening of the channels.

2300 grafrs -> 2875 EUR


2) Fue Capilar Dr Gur Standard Package - FUE

Dr. Gür performs: ● Consultation with trichoscope, ● Design of the hair line, ● - ● Opening of the channels.

2300 grafrs -> 2500 €


3) Fue Capilar Dr Turan - DHI

Dr. Dogan Turan, personally performs the following procedures: ● Consultation and design of the implant, ● Implantation of each and every follicular unit.

2500-3000 grafts -> 3250 €


4) Dr. Ozlem Bicer - no information regarding the technical nor regaring the tasks handled by Dr. Ozlem Bicer.

~2000 grafts -> 4000 €

Also, at this stage, I found the communication with FUE Capilar better than with Dr. Bicer's clinic.


-> FUE Capilar, sent me a two fully detailed analysis of my situation and the proposed surgical interventions while I only had Whatsapp conversation with Dr. Bicer's clinic and have had to request for update.


I would like to highlight that the cost if of course something a look at but my main concern is the quality, surgeon's skills and of course the expectable output.


Any advices regarding these options ?

Thank y'all in advance.

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