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3,100 grafts FUT Dr Bloxham June '22


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8 hours ago, Mike1J said:

Hi man, 
Well no that wasn't me honestly I never had a video follow up but I can honestly say that I was so surprised that the results started really showing past 1 year.
I remember I used to Whatsapp the clinic during months 4, 6, 8 - results are poor.

If you're interested in seeing photos I'll upload some to show what I mean

hell yea man I would really like to follow that case. If its easier I can PM you, let me know what works best for you.

Follow my first hair transplant journey

3,252 Grafts a minimum of 6,712 hairs June 2022


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4 hours ago, Vann said:

hell yea man I would really like to follow that case. If its easier I can PM you, let me know what works best for you.

Hi man, 

Yes sure, you are most welcome to PM
I tried messaging you but for some reason it doesn't let me

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  • 3 weeks later...
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4 month update:

the last month brought some improvements. I really don’t know what to think. Looking at me straight on is actually pretty good at this point, as you’ll see in the pictures below. But from an overhead view, it’s still pretty bad. I’m just hoping that it thickens over the next few months.


these pics are taken directly underneath of the light from a ceiling fan, so it is a harsh depiction to be sure but it’s just crazy to me how from one angle it looks great and from another it looks much less great! There are a lot of hairs in that area, it’s just that I do have a fine hair so I’m not sure how much maturation I’m really going to see.





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You are only at 4 months so there should be a of of improvement coming.


3 hours ago, gxm100 said:

it’s just crazy to me how from one angle it looks great and from another it looks much less great!


Yep. That's the illusion of density that always gets discussed.



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(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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On 10/13/2022 at 3:02 PM, gxm100 said:

4 month update:

the last month brought some improvements. I really don’t know what to think. Looking at me straight on is actually pretty good at this point, as you’ll see in the pictures below. But from an overhead view, it’s still pretty bad. I’m just hoping that it thickens over the next few months.


these pics are taken directly underneath of the light from a ceiling fan, so it is a harsh depiction to be sure but it’s just crazy to me how from one angle it looks great and from another it looks much less great! There are a lot of hairs in that area, it’s just that I do have a fine hair so I’m not sure how much maturation I’m really going to see.





I think it’s definitely improving slowly. The lighting definitely doesn’t help but given your hair contrast and tone I think it’s at its worst look and will only get better. 

Just gotta keep staying strong the early phase. Short term ugliness for the long term beautiful duckling. 

time may feel like an enemy but by the time it all grows out I’m sure you’re going to completely forget this slow feeling.

Follow my first hair transplant journey

3,252 Grafts a minimum of 6,712 hairs June 2022


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  • 1 month later...
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Alright here we are about 5.5 months following my procedure. Good news - I'm super happy with it. Bad news - there really isn't any bad news. I'll post some pictures and share some thoughts as well about where I am.


First the pics. These are immediately after the shower. 1st is wet hair slicked back. 2nd is dried hair from over-head (so you can see how things are in fact a bit immature/weak in that area based on the angle. 3rd is my hair dried with a bit of gel in it from face on view to show how I actually look to people I'm talking with (which I am INCREDIBLY happy with).


So as everyone can see, this has been a massive improvement for my situation. Given that I am only 5.5 months, I expect I might see some more improvement over the coming months! I wanted to show the over head shot because I see a lot of people posting this same kind of picture going on about how their procedure has failed, but then they won't show a picture from a more normal angle to go with it. I will say I do think that I have had a little bit less than ideal growth in that weaker area (I only say that based on the high # of grafts which were placed there), but even with that in mind, it still looks fantastic front on.


The biggest improvement for me though is not the cosmetic but the happiness that comes with it. It is incredible how freeing it feels to be out from under the weight of a receding hairline that had me down for so many years. All of the little things that are different now blow my mind every day. For instance, today I was out walking through the parking lot with some coworkers in heavy wind and I didn't even think about my hair. For the last 8 years I have viewed wind as my mortal enemy. I don't worry about my hair disappearing when I jump in a pool now. I don't worry about wearing a hat. I don't worry about taking a hat off and how that's going to look. I don't even have to use hair products. It's just nuts.


I'll keep updating this thread all the way through a year just because I think it's important to share the whole journey, but yeah, I am just so pumped. Based on my result and my experience I would highly recommend Dr Bloxham. He's also the man.







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Wow, this is a big progress from month 4. You are 💯 right about angle of photos. When i took the pic in bathroom harsh light i was a bit scared of how low density progress was in midscalp, but under normal light condition it looks very satisfactory, i no longer wear hats as of month 4 (only when it’s very cold).

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That’s an amazing result and it’s great to read your comments about not having to worry any more about going out on a windy day or swimming, it’s transformational. Congrats 🤩👍

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9 hours ago, gxm100 said:

Alright here we are about 5.5 months following my procedure. Good news - I'm super happy with it. Bad news - there really isn't any bad news. I'll post some pictures and share some thoughts as well about where I am.


First the pics. These are immediately after the shower. 1st is wet hair slicked back. 2nd is dried hair from over-head (so you can see how things are in fact a bit immature/weak in that area based on the angle. 3rd is my hair dried with a bit of gel in it from face on view to show how I actually look to people I'm talking with (which I am INCREDIBLY happy with).


So as everyone can see, this has been a massive improvement for my situation. Given that I am only 5.5 months, I expect I might see some more improvement over the coming months! I wanted to show the over head shot because I see a lot of people posting this same kind of picture going on about how their procedure has failed, but then they won't show a picture from a more normal angle to go with it. I will say I do think that I have had a little bit less than ideal growth in that weaker area (I only say that based on the high # of grafts which were placed there), but even with that in mind, it still looks fantastic front on.


The biggest improvement for me though is not the cosmetic but the happiness that comes with it. It is incredible how freeing it feels to be out from under the weight of a receding hairline that had me down for so many years. All of the little things that are different now blow my mind every day. For instance, today I was out walking through the parking lot with some coworkers in heavy wind and I didn't even think about my hair. For the last 8 years I have viewed wind as my mortal enemy. I don't worry about my hair disappearing when I jump in a pool now. I don't worry about wearing a hat. I don't worry about taking a hat off and how that's going to look. I don't even have to use hair products. It's just nuts.


I'll keep updating this thread all the way through a year just because I think it's important to share the whole journey, but yeah, I am just so pumped. Based on my result and my experience I would highly recommend Dr Bloxham. He's also the man.







this is ridiculous 🤩 the change from month 4 to 5 must have used go faster stripes 🤣🤣🎉🎉🔥🔥

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How exciting! And it’s so natural!! AND you’ve got well more than a year for the results to get even better!!

15 hours ago, gxm100 said:

Based on my result and my experience I would highly recommend Dr Bloxham. He's also the man.

Agreed. Bloxham is the man.

Congratulations on an excellent start to your journey!!

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That's a huge improvement from the 4 month mark. It looks great for 5.5 months and it should thicken up some more in the next few months.



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(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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21 hours ago, gxm100 said:

Alright here we are about 5.5 months following my procedure. Good news - I'm super happy with it. Bad news - there really isn't any bad news. I'll post some pictures and share some thoughts as well about where I am.


First the pics. These are immediately after the shower. 1st is wet hair slicked back. 2nd is dried hair from over-head (so you can see how things are in fact a bit immature/weak in that area based on the angle. 3rd is my hair dried with a bit of gel in it from face on view to show how I actually look to people I'm talking with (which I am INCREDIBLY happy with).


So as everyone can see, this has been a massive improvement for my situation. Given that I am only 5.5 months, I expect I might see some more improvement over the coming months! I wanted to show the over head shot because I see a lot of people posting this same kind of picture going on about how their procedure has failed, but then they won't show a picture from a more normal angle to go with it. I will say I do think that I have had a little bit less than ideal growth in that weaker area (I only say that based on the high # of grafts which were placed there), but even with that in mind, it still looks fantastic front on.


The biggest improvement for me though is not the cosmetic but the happiness that comes with it. It is incredible how freeing it feels to be out from under the weight of a receding hairline that had me down for so many years. All of the little things that are different now blow my mind every day. For instance, today I was out walking through the parking lot with some coworkers in heavy wind and I didn't even think about my hair. For the last 8 years I have viewed wind as my mortal enemy. I don't worry about my hair disappearing when I jump in a pool now. I don't worry about wearing a hat. I don't worry about taking a hat off and how that's going to look. I don't even have to use hair products. It's just nuts.


I'll keep updating this thread all the way through a year just because I think it's important to share the whole journey, but yeah, I am just so pumped. Based on my result and my experience I would highly recommend Dr Bloxham. He's also the man.







Very nice. You can see some of the native hairs at the peak coming back and your hairline behind it really reinforces it. I wonder if you had some regrowth to it from the surgery.

Follow my first hair transplant journey

3,252 Grafts a minimum of 6,712 hairs June 2022


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On 6/14/2022 at 10:28 PM, gxm100 said:

....I strategically began wearing a hat basically every time I was in a non formal setting for the last year or so so that it wouldn’t suddenly seem weird to friends and family now.

Reading through your thread after your 5.5 month pics of a gorgeous hairline and the above words from you made me nod my head.  The lengths we go to dealing with this crap, eh?  And honestly that isn't even a very extreme example; that's more like a basic mentality we adopt.  It's crazy what can become our new normal.

Well, the albatross has been lifted.  You're free now, dude.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Just adding more photos from today in a few different settings and angles. I am officially 6 months!

You can see in the side view pic that under harsh lighting, the one side is clearly a bit weak, and yes I wish it was better but all in all I’m completely fine with it. It’s very easy to style my hair in a way that you can’t even see that if I really wanted to. Under more normal lighting like the other set of pics, it’s wonderful.


I realized I didn’t leave any remarks about the scar last time. It is still pink at this point, but it no longer is bothering me at all. The semi uncomfortable tension did last for about 5 months (just on my right hand side) which was a bit longer than I thought. On the left side it is completely unnoticeable, a #4 comfortably covers it. Whereas a #4 on the right hand side you can see a trace of the scar. It’s not bad though more like hat hair than being clearly identifiable as a scar. I will post a pic around one year for that to give a nice long time for healing. I get why people opt for FUE to avoid that, and I will miss cutting my hair shorter on the sides, but to me it’s a small small price to pay and I personally still just view FUT as the more sure bet for a great result (not saying FUE is some huge gamble, this is just a personal comfort thing). And maybe in a year or two I’ll be able to go pretty low. 

If anyone has questions or anything feel free to reach out! I’ll keep updating this until @Melvin- Moderator congratulates me. That’s been my dream for a long time now 😂







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You look freakin incredible man 🤩 E1992AF3-DB0F-4417-B5B9-61F5E0090668.jpeg

This says it all 🥇 

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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@ht4me - not 100% sure how you mean but here is my best shot 😀. parting the hair is hard actually because it still has a coarser texture and doesn’t really stay the way I want without product. But hope this helps. My right hand side is definitely the weakest area, but keep in mind I was 100% bald in that region so where it could certainly be better it’s a huge improvement and when styled does not look weak at all









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