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I just called them back and they are already closed lol. Maybe they don't do anything over 1500 because they don't want to stay past 5pm. But I do not want to speculate so I will call Monday morning to find out the exact definition of the time period. However, the receptionist seemed to strongly imply it was a matter of several weeks, if not days. This might have also been influenced that they are currently running a special on 1500 grafts.


Out of pure speculation, this 1500 graft amount might be the number that a smaller staffed clinic can do without having to stay late into the evening working on the patient.


However, I will not say the name of the clinic. I do not want to seem to discredit any of the coalition doctors here. You will only hear me badmouth Bosley Clinics but that's no secret with them. They've been sued countless times and have even had fraud charges filed against them by a head D.A. in California. They are the very definition of sleeze and are the ones responsible for my first operations.

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Severn,yeah stay the hell away from the 1500 now and 1500 in a lil while clinic. Thats how crummy docs do less work and make more $$$




The above statement is unfair and not always true. Whereas I am an avid believer in larger sessions when appropriate for the patient, there is nothing necessarily wrong with doing smaller sessions and arriving at the same end result.


Obviously, some clinics will charge more or less, but doing smaller sessions doesn't mean their work is "crummy" nor does it imply their money hungry with no concern for their patients.


All the physicians Severn mentioned considering are recommended on this site and perform high quality follicular unit hair transplantation. Everyone has their preferences, but let's not condemn doctors who have proven themselves to this community. I will say however, that those charging larger fees should consider reducing them significantly if they're going to continuing acquiring patients.


Best wishes,



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Originally posted by Severn:.




SMG actually suggested the same number of grafts as H&W...

good point.

Delicately helping those fragile souls who suffer from hair loss, w/motherly nourishment & care.

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Originally posted by Severn:

I read a thread where someone on here claimed that the doctor told them that megasessions were bad for safety reasons. This same clinic yesterday told me 1500, and that I could return shortly afterwards for 1500 more.


In looking at your pictures & as was noted the uniqueness of crowns to consume grafts typically calls for a large #; I was already leaning towards the upper echelon of graft #'s for your case, but now seeing the additional photo(s) you provided, I think 3K is a MUST.


As has already been pointed out your a prime candidate given your age & stabilization of loss. Not to mention other factors which are equally weighted:

-the crown simply requires more grafts to create an adequate illusion of density.

-achieving equal amount of grafts in less surgeries amounts to: less money, less down time, less surgery, less scarring, and thus a happier patient.

-your vertex area has more loss than was exhibited by your initial pics, which would require even more grafts.

To me, this is a no brainer: go for max grafts in this area & get this one and done.


Some people allude to "going w/your gut & feelings" I would simply ask: what in the world does that have to do w/a large bald crown receiving LESS than an optimal amount of grafts (?). icon_eek.gif Simple math (area of balded scalp to be covered & grafts to do so), but then again, some people don't like simple logic & rely upon 'feelings'.

Delicately helping those fragile souls who suffer from hair loss, w/motherly nourishment & care.

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by Severn:

I just called them back and they are already closed lol. Maybe they don't do anything over 1500 because they don't want to stay past 5pm.

My clinic, H&W, stayed well past 11pm on my case; even though my surgery wasn't scheduled to go that long...but I bled like a stuck pig! icon_redface.gif


They were not only happy to do so, but bought me lunch, dinner, graciously laughed at my silly jokes, and allowed me to partake of the scenery on the patio as I had a few ciggarrettes.


Delicately helping those fragile souls who suffer from hair loss, w/motherly nourishment & care.

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by vincehair:

Severn,yeah stay the hell away from the 1500 now and 1500 in a lil while clinic. Thats how crummy docs do less work and make more $$$




Honestly, the price they quoted me for 1500 makes the final price for 3000 the same as SMG and H&W. So they do that for either safety reasons or a lack of staff IMO.


Some people allude to "going w/your gut & feelings"


I'm definitely not going to do a gut feeling approach this time. I'll be going strictly off the evidence of photographs and their reputation from testimonials from you guys.


I was very impressed 14 years ago when I walked into the Bosely clinic. It was in a expensive part of Houston and looked very professional. I had a good "gut feeling" about them. I was highly impressed. But I was also highly wrong. It was all a sham.


I'm currently switching my decision between Wong or Shapiro. I keep studying the photographs, videos, and past threads and I flip flop on a decision every day. But I finally realized it may not matter. On a scale of quality between 1 and 100, if one doctor is a 99.5, and the other is 99.7, does it really mean anything? It's like asking someone if they'd rather have Bill Gate's money or Warren Buffet's. After the first 10 or 20 billion, it's meaningless.


Right now, H&W, Shapiro, (and Rahal) appear to be so close to perfection that you might as well just flip a coin. If you need a high powered microscope to tell the difference in quality, you know they are good.

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If it was me, H&W, Shapiro, Feller, and Alexander are the best. Narrowing it down to Shapiro or H&W, you can't go wrong. I would also say check out Alexander's crown work just to cover all your bases, as it is world class IMO. Good luck

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severn, dont jack with 1500 now and 1500 later its a bitch having to go through that procedure twice. I had a 1000 grafts at limmer and it was no walk in the park. Little did i know at the time what a 1000grafts would do for me. nothing. I dont beleive that the limmers pump out more than 2000grafts. that said they are nice people

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by Anouar:

severn, dont jack with 1500 now and 1500 later its a bitch having to go through that procedure twice. I had a 1000 grafts at limmer and it was no walk in the park. Little did i know at the time what a 1000grafts would do for me. nothing. I dont beleive that the limmers pump out more than 2000grafts. that said they are nice people


Agreed. I defintely won't be going with any who estimated 1500. However, you mentioned doing 1000 grafts doing nothing for you. Have you consulted with other clinics? What is the estimate needed to achieve your goals?

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i did the ht 10years ago with limmer sr. didnt know anything back then what it would take to achieve a decent hairline. My research was a result of Steven kobren's book the bald truth. They mentioned limmer and he happened to be in my backyard so i went with him. this time im going with someonelese

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