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Eman's 4-Month UPDATE: The Fun Has Begun


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Eman's 4-Month UPDATE: The Fun Has Begun!!


I have finally taken a step out of the doldrums stage or maybe jumped out of it all together. I am officially 'sprouting'. The difference in my recipient area between 3-months and 4-months is definitely noticeable??”I am holding in my excitement for the months to come. I am beginning to have a defined hairline, something that has been missing for almost ten years. And the recipient area is beginning to fill in nicely.


These are exciting times. Last update I gave you some thoughts, this time some experiences:

1. My dad still says I am 'Hairing' (a verb) every time I see him.

2. My mom's eyes widen and she is like 'Wow, you need to continue doing whatever it is you are doing!'

3. My sisters cannot believe it every time we go out.

*Remember, my family does not know. I have simply told them that I began taking finasteride and minoxidil.


4. The girlfriend chides me every time I wear a hat to the gym saying 'People are going to know you did something if you don't stop wearing a hat there.' A comment which has nothing to do with the scar.

5. Friends are saying my hair is looking thicker and asking what I am doing differently. And one buddy said he can see a solid hairline. Some simply stare in disbelief.

*Again these friends only know that I got on those two drugs and I have not ask them if they notice anything different. These are all un-solicited comments!


As opposed to the first three months, the last month flew by. When you start seeing growth and people start complementing without me asking or saying anything, it feels really good and time no longer stands still. And I know that it is still really early in my journey!!


Just a week ago I shaved my head down to a #2-clip (yes, the scar is visible at that clip) and trimmed the recipient with scissors. This cut gives me a buzzed look that I like at this stage. I will let my hair grow out now that the recipient is beginning to fill in, which should really begin to show the growth I am experiencing.


Like I said, the fun has begun. (click My Weblog link to see the full journey under my name and above my avatar). I will update the weblog shortly.



My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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Wow! A huge difference from your last set of pics.


A definite hairline for sure. The buzzed look definitely works for you aswell.


The scar can be faintly made out but remember we all look for it and it will fade even more.


All and all, some huge improvements. You must be estatic!



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You know I look at a lot of pictures. Sometimes I do not see everything other people see in some pictures but this month I do see a dramatic change starting for you Eman. I'm impressed! Good for you. You deserve a great result! After seeing these pictures I have a feeling months 5 through 7 are going to be a very nice time for you. icon_smile.gif

4374 grafts-7/2/2008-Dr Rahal

485 singles

2336 doubles

1526 triples

16 quads

9809 total hairs

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Wow! The hairline is clearly visible and looking good. Can't wait to see what it will look like in the next few months.


Also, I really had to look to spot the scar - I am not sure I would have noticed it if I didn't know it was there.


Happy Growing Eman! The fun has indeed begun.

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Hey buddy,


looking really good, the hairline and points are really coming in excellent, couldn't be happier for you, you deserve it!!!! Man we will have to get together in 12 months to celebrate, i am starting to see some growth and as stoked as you are, definitely the best decision i have made!!! anyway keep growing man, your going to have a tiger mane there in the next few months!!!!! I am just downloading a few pics, inside florescent lighting, flash and no flash, have a look and tell me what you think. I would say we are about at the same point!!!! cheers,



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Looks terrific so far! Scar is *really* looking to be extraordinary, hairline is shaping up, and the growth boom hasn't even been touched upon. Next couple of months should be really exciting times!


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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How's it feel to finally start seeing signs of growth? It's a great feeling isn't it?


I'm sure you're looking in the mirror every day now, several times a day even :-).


As a member who's dedicated to helping balding men and women with their hair loss questions, you certainly deserve a nice, thick head of hair.


Keep us posted!



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Have been waiting for your Post Eagerly..


Dude you are doing amazing..The hairline looks smooth and sharp


I still have a couple of days for my 4 Months,,but i have been getting a lot of compliments from friend and family too


You will be a very happy man...and all these past 10 years will not count the day you become that hairy beast you have always wanted to be :P

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Thanks guys for the great comments. I am definitely starting to get excited about the progress. And to top it off, some of the comments out of the blue bring a huge smile to my face (not the permanent one on the back of my head guys!?!).


The doldrums literally feel like they take an eternity to get through and you do question everything. But once you begin to see some semblance of growth, what we all eagerly wait for, it almost becomes all worth it. The only reason why I say almost is there is still a lot more to come hopefully!


It is definitely fun to begin to see the changes occurring!

My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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Coming in very nicely Eman. Your on your way to a killer mop. Always nice to not be a late grower since the first 4 months alone seem like forever and having to go 6 before seeing some nice growth would be that much harder. Your donor scar is looking awesome as well for only 4 months. 4 months is when mine really started to POP and at 6 months things were really thickining up.


You plan on growing it out some at about 6 or 7 months?

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What can I say. Ive been following your HT since the first posts and see your situation as a little similar to mine. Obviously the use of the word see, is now past tense, I SAW your situation as similar to my own. Your hairline looks amazing even at this early stage and you can really see that your final results will be up there with the best. Plus, regarding any scar, to see any "hat head", is purely due to the photos being on a HT website. They are undectable to all who have no idea of your proecedure.


Nobody deserves it more my friend, and Im hugely happy for you. Good luck with the rest of the journey, although it is apparent that luck is not necessary. Just hope that my own future results will match up to something like your own.


Congratulations again, live the dream!!!!

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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I agree with everybody here. Huge difference since month 3. I guess the fun starts now. I can't wait to get there myself.


I am not a doctor. The opinions and comments are of my own.


HT with Dr. Cooley on Nov 20, 2008

2097 grafts, 3957 hairs

Proscar, 1.25 mg daily, skip the 5th day, started Nov 2007


My Hair Loss Blog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley

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Guys, your comments are awesome and extremely encouraging. Everyday is like Christmas as I see a little improvement or when I don't see the girlfriend for several days and she comes over and says "I think it has grown some more".


The plan is to grow my hair out the next two months. Again, this is the plan and plans can change, but I do want to see what it looks like when it begins to fill in.


I keep it shaved not only because I like the way it looks, but also because I want to be totally honest/transparent with my pics and comments so everyone knows and can see what is really happening up on my very large dome.


Oh and the Weblog has been updated...


Thanks again guys!!

My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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Eman - what can I say? Fantastic! You deserve it! Your big advantage is the low hair/skin-contrast. It will help you to get the illusion of a full head of hair in a few months! Let the fun begin...

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Originally posted by Eman:

Guys, your comments are awesome and extremely encouraging. Everyday is like Christmas as I see a little improvement or when I don't see the girlfriend for several days and she comes over and says "I think it has grown some more".


The plan is to grow my hair out the next two months. Again, this is the plan and plans can change, but I do want to see what it looks like when it begins to fill in.


I keep it shaved not only because I like the way it looks, but also because I want to be totally honest/transparent with my pics and comments so everyone knows and can see what is really happening up on my very large dome.


Oh and the Weblog has been updated...


Thanks again guys!!



I think it is great that you have it cut so short. I wish I could clipper cut mine to see exactly what I have under there as well as to see how the scar looks but I have a family trip planned for 2-3 months from now so it would not be enough time for me to grow it back. Maybe I will try that this summer though. icon_smile.gif

4374 grafts-7/2/2008-Dr Rahal

485 singles

2336 doubles

1526 triples

16 quads

9809 total hairs

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