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Eugenix (Drs. Das/Somesh/Vinita) | 11,102 grafts | NW 6/7 | 28 yrs old | 2022/2023/2024

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On 6/6/2023 at 11:34 AM, GeneralNorwood said:



Ok so this photos are from the same time and have the same haircut : 


picture 1:



picture 2: 




But still 1st photo has normal color of hair, and 2nd photo has weird color, lighting looks pretty the same on both pictures. Am i the only one who sees this? 😅

I don't know what you were using or how you styled your hair, but you achieved the most flattering result. You didn't post picture 1 in that time, but picture 2. You had picture 1, it looked less flattering and you decided not to post it back then. Now you posted it and we see the  real situation. Just leave it at that. 

If i am too negative here, you can always report me to Melvin. 

So instead of taking the opportunity to reflect on your absurd, laughable, 100% wrong accusation, you choose to double down on it. So admirable.

If you were conducting yourself admirably, and genuinely had a question if I use fibers or not, you could have written it up as: "Did you use any fibers in this pic?" instead of "You used fibers, didn't you?" You obviously have an attitude problem and are directing it at others baselessly, and you made this up out of thin air. I'm a pretty mellow guy 99% of the time, but when you are this far out of line for zero reason, you're going to take all the heat in the world I've got.

I have never used or purchased fibers. The differences you seen in tone are a result of angles, lighting, and other completely natural variations. 

And of course I'm going to share the best-looking pics when I take them. That's the whole goal of hair presentation to the world. Not to obsess over every single weak point, but to maximize what we've got and make it look the best we can as often as possible.

You should be ashamed of yourself for your attitude and defamation here, as I tell nothing but the truth to everyone on this site, 100% of the time, and would have absolutely no motivation for doing anything but.

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Instagram: ethanlculver
Eugenix (Drs. Das/Somesh/Vinita) | 11,102 grafts | NW 6/7 | 28 yrs old | 2022/2023/2024
Treatments: Oral finasteride 1 mg, topical minoxidil, vitamin with biotin, hyaluronic acid moisturizer; all 6 days/week

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On 6/6/2023 at 2:55 PM, duckling said:

bro relax.. its all about being supportive. especially to someone going to have his procedure soon. 🙂 this discussion about why a photo was not used/use of hair fibers is not beneficial. soon his pre-op pics will come, then we get the answer to your questions.

He already got the answer to his question. I have never used or even purchased hair fibers. And if I did I would absolutely tell all of you here.

Instagram: ethanlculver
Eugenix (Drs. Das/Somesh/Vinita) | 11,102 grafts | NW 6/7 | 28 yrs old | 2022/2023/2024
Treatments: Oral finasteride 1 mg, topical minoxidil, vitamin with biotin, hyaluronic acid moisturizer; all 6 days/week

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On 6/6/2023 at 5:11 PM, ready4Hair said:


I'm not sure if I agree here. Yes we are here to be supportive of one another Part of that is being honest and not kombaya. There are two separate issues here; one is how to proceed with the next HT to fix what is by anyone's measure an HT that was not approached the right way by the HT Doctor.. And to give Ethan some input (which may have been sorely lacking the first time around) on how best to achieve his goals.

We are also here AFAIK on a larger mission; to asses critically the work of HT Doctors so that others can choose wisely and well moving forward. And to hold those same Drs. accountable.

So Melvin I don't think the issue is whether or not Ethan would have been 'happier with a high hairline'.  Given the 'humps' he only had the foundation in the first HT for a higher hairline since it was 100% critical to address those sections first.  Do my mock-ups give him a higher hairline than he'd want at first? For sure. But they connect the top and bottom of his head for pete's sake, in a way that he could then bring his hairline forward with a second HT. That was the only correct decision, whatever Ethan's desire was at the time, and the Dr. should have insisted on that approach.  I say this in a 'larger mission' way since I too am considering Dr. Das and this decision is a major red flag for me.  I think it is an absolute 'mea culpa' result that she should own and do everytihng in her and Eugenix's power to rectify.

Older or younger, I would not want my hairline lowered with the cost being those sides. An HT shouldn't require good barbers and special haircuts to hide the outcome.

So yes, we want to support Ethan and help him get his HT on track. But being brutally honest that it was a bad HT and bad approach by the Doctor is, again AFAIK, critical to the mission of this board no? In hindsight I'd bet that Dr. Das wishes she had done the implants more along the lines of my mock-up and if she is worth her salt will learn from this. Most of her other work is stellar and if she can (and should) pull this one out with a second and/or third procedure she will cement her place as a top HT doctor.

Bolded sentence is completely incorrect. I don't even know how you could think of your opinion as "the only correct design" considering you're not a surgeon, and you don't know what other patients want or the state or future state of their hair. You again completely ignored the points that the area of thinning hair could still improve from medication + topics (and seemed to be held decently well by minoxidil + pyrilutamide, by the way, before stopping it 2 months ago). 

Had Dr. Das drew up what you did, I would have flatly rejected it and refused. Hairline would be unacceptably high. I would have still appeared as a very balded man from the front, which is the angle that matters most.

You can have your opinion on what you'd want but I don't agree. Hairline cannot be rounded from the front on a young guy as it clearly shows baldness. Side humps don't have to be perfect as they can be shaven off and rocked with a fade haircut (longer on top) which is the style for young men.

Instagram: ethanlculver
Eugenix (Drs. Das/Somesh/Vinita) | 11,102 grafts | NW 6/7 | 28 yrs old | 2022/2023/2024
Treatments: Oral finasteride 1 mg, topical minoxidil, vitamin with biotin, hyaluronic acid moisturizer; all 6 days/week

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On 6/6/2023 at 6:06 PM, ready4Hair said:


That is all well and good however the steps in that 3-4 YEAR program are critical. Maybe it is just me or some of the rest of us here but I'd take having the high hairline I already had and closing the humps which would look natural and then work on the front next. Not trying to be an a** here but now he is stuck with what looks highly noticeable and unnatural and IMHO worse than prior to the HT. It calls attention to the hairloss whereas shoring up the sides/humps as a foundation would not have. I get wanting to get to the hairline ASAP, I still think the Dr. should have managed expections first round and insisted on building forward.

I don't know why you're ignoring the pics of the excellent fade haircut I got from a barber where the sides and humps can be clipped super short and it looks very good. I thought I made clear many times that I'm voluntarily doing a 2nd HT so that I can grow out the sides more if wanted without having to keep them buzzed all the time. But if I had to keep them buzzed all the time, I have a very good outcome so far, and am content with my hairline positioning.

I just fundamentally disagree with you on where I wanted my hair first. And if I were to never get a 2nd HT, I would much prefer the lower hairline that I did get so that I can simply shave the sides off and rock that style of hair. Top and front is always most important for a young man.

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Instagram: ethanlculver
Eugenix (Drs. Das/Somesh/Vinita) | 11,102 grafts | NW 6/7 | 28 yrs old | 2022/2023/2024
Treatments: Oral finasteride 1 mg, topical minoxidil, vitamin with biotin, hyaluronic acid moisturizer; all 6 days/week

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On 6/6/2023 at 10:00 PM, GoliGoliGoli said:

To be fair, GeneralNorwood is kind of doing a community service here. Maybe he could have been less accusatory about it.  But if people are posting pictures of their results that give an overly optimistic portrayal of their results (Compared to reality) whether through using fibers or using flattering angles/lighting, that should be mentioned. You have a duty when posting results to portray them accurately for future forum members doing their research. You've been very honest and deliberate about doing that in your own case Melvin, and it's highly appreciated so people can get a realistic expectation. In my own thread I recently posted two 6 month result pictures and made a point to say "Here's one in harsh lighting and conditions and here's another in flattering lighting and conditions". 

This forum is a lot less useful as a tool if people are posting flattering pictures. I don't think Etwan was deliberately trying to mislead anyone as obviously he later posted less flattering pictures later on, but I do think this is something the community needs to be concerned with especially when it comes to very difficult cases. The standard should be posting pics in sunlight so that there is a general standard people adhere to. For clinic posted results, it should be stipulated that there must be a video with a comb through. I don't really trust any of the clinic posted results on here tbqh, and I'm starting to not really trust patient posted results either.

As far as Eugenix, I don't think they ever should have taken this case. I'm sorry to be brutally honest here, but I think it's worth saying. Not everyone is a candidate for HT surgery. The strategy for the 2nd surgery seems not great either because there aren't enough grafts to fill in the balding area. But even if there were Etwan's balding is going to continue and eventually there will be a disconnect again between the donor and the recipient. I think Etwan has a great option to solve this by sticking with his haircut from April 12th, but one way or another over the long term he's going to need very regular fades to achieve a natural result. 

He didn't do a community service for anyone because the way you conduct yourself always matters. He completely fabricated ideas and then stated them as fact, and asked me to confirm that they were facts. That is manipulative behavior. And of course I have never used fibers and if I ever do I will tell everyone here. I have nothing to hide, and I also don't owe you anything on exact angles I take pictures from. I take most pics from the same few areas in my house and don't write down all the details of the exact lighting, the exact length of the hair that day, whether I shampooed or not that day, etc. Absurd.

I am busy. I post whatever pictures I want, and of course I'm going to choose the ones that look the best on the given day, based on how I style my hair or have it cut. I have written up long posts detailing all of this, specific haircuts, etc.

And you're still going to sit there and speak this way as if I owe you more? No, you and @GeneralNorwood have attitude and perspective issues that should be self-addressed and not spread harmfully in threads like these where you can always know the OP is going to be 100% transparent and honest with everyone.

Also, you can get lost with your "Eugenix shouldn't haven taken this case" feeling too. You can think whatever you want but you're not me, and so you don't get to determine my destiny or goals of my hair. You're just like Dr. Bernstein and team in NYC who told me that I "would never be happy with any HT result" in their denial of me. That is an outdated type of thinking and clearly inaccurate. I'm so grateful and humbled that someone like Eugenix was willing to work with me and make a huge aesthetic improvement to my appearance. The results have been great and the reception from other people has been especially excellent. So for you to say it shouldn't have been done, that's telling me I was better staying the way I was, and that is frankly absurd. 

Edited by general-etwan
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Instagram: ethanlculver
Eugenix (Drs. Das/Somesh/Vinita) | 11,102 grafts | NW 6/7 | 28 yrs old | 2022/2023/2024
Treatments: Oral finasteride 1 mg, topical minoxidil, vitamin with biotin, hyaluronic acid moisturizer; all 6 days/week

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1 minute ago, general-etwan said:

Bolded sentence is completely incorrect. I don't even know how you could think of your opinion as "the only correct design" considering you're not a surgeon, and you don't know what other patients want or the state or future state of their hair. You again completely ignored the points that the area of thinning hair could still improve from medication + topics (and seemed to be held decently well by minoxidil + pyrilutamide, by the way, before stopping it 2 months ago). 

Had Dr. Das drew up what you did, I would have flatly rejected it and refused. Hairline would be unacceptably high. I would have still appeared as a very balded man from the front, which is the angle that matters most.

You can have your opinion on what you'd want but I don't agree. Hairline cannot be rounded from the front on a young guy as it clearly shows baldness. Side humps don't have to be perfect as they can be shaven off and rocked with a fade haircut (longer on top) which is the style for young men.

Mea culpa. "Only correct decision" was harsh, you are welcome to decide whatever you want. Personally I would be highly uncomfortable and very self-concious with those sides and/or having to wear a fade. But if you are cool on it, yes it is your choice. I do personally think the Dr. should have some imput and Drs often refuse to either take on patients, manage expectations or refuse to do cosmetic procedures and, personally, think Dr. Das should have pushed back more.

She did not so yes, you can decide to do whatever you want. Yes the fade looked good. And yes I can see how at your age you'd prefer the age appropriate hairline. That said, at your age it is easy to also make decisions that don't take into account the long term or how long that term is.

NOT trying to insult you here, probably just like everyone else those 'hump' pictures are concerning.

I hope you figure out the correct next steps to get the outcome you hope for.

Peace out.


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On 6/6/2023 at 11:10 PM, asterix0 said:

I also didn't think GeneralNorwood had bad intentions. I thought the difference between that picture and where the lateral humps were barren were because he used fibers as well.

Regardless if he did or not, I think using fibers in that area would be a good plan, and the other grafts can then be used to fortify the hairline and other areas that people will directly interact with/see. 

I think OP has already come a long way from where he started and he should be over the moon with his results. I'm personally happy for him that things look to have turned out brilliantly, he looks a lot better and younger.


You guys can have a sleepover and indulge in your perspectives together, then!

Let me state clearly again, so no one feels compelled to use phrases like "regardless if he did or not" anymore: I have never used or purchased hair fibers and if I ever do, you'll all hear it straight from me right here. I am 100% transparent with everyone always and for GeneralNorwood to state a completely fabricated idea as a fact and then ask me condescendingly to confirm it as such...that is mal-intent or a serious personal-attitude problem.

Edited by general-etwan
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Instagram: ethanlculver
Eugenix (Drs. Das/Somesh/Vinita) | 11,102 grafts | NW 6/7 | 28 yrs old | 2022/2023/2024
Treatments: Oral finasteride 1 mg, topical minoxidil, vitamin with biotin, hyaluronic acid moisturizer; all 6 days/week

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On 6/6/2023 at 11:20 PM, GoliGoliGoli said:

Agreed, huge aesthetic improvement. 

I actually think Etwan can be an inspiration to a lot of NW7 guys. If an individual is willing to rock a similar fade to the one he had from April 12th, almost ANYONE is a candidate for HT. I think it's risky to try and fill in all of the balding areas as a NW7 as I've made clear, but if you can live with a really high fade you can get a huge aesthetic improvement by framing your face, and it's also pretty much risk free. It's actually kind of a game changer I think. Just requires you to learn how to give yourself the fade so you aren't spending a fortune at the barber shop. 

Yes, great comment! If I wasn't investing in some more redistribution of hair, I would be getting high fades every week. It's actually been a big sacrifice because I could have rocked high fades this summer and maybe enjoyed myself more. But I decided I really want even more improvement, and chasing certain goals sometimes requires inconvenient sacrifices. It'll be worth it.

20 hours ago, Xanadu said:

First, I completely agree with Melvin, both about Etwan and about the stance towards GeneralNorwood. He is being far too insensitive and accusatory in many posts (not only this tread). 

Second, we are talking about what should be preferred in the first HT - a lower HL or full connection over the ridges or humps. I can see Ready's argument, but I think the alternative (which is what Etwan ended up doing) has at least as much merit. In a time of dating and pictures from ones life being taken left, right and center, Etwan can now have an age-appropriate persona in photos right from the very first HT. This is very important in that age. Would it be great to have the humps too? Sure, but I think on the balance they made the right choice for Etwan.

Third, was Etwan using fibres in that photo? Well, it was clear that it looked different. However, if we consider it more closely, one of the angles it was taken at allows some other hairs to shade/cover the missing part, making it look fuller than it is. Since those hairs only shade the area and don't grow there, the colour will look different and less dense. Secondly, and importantly, Etwan said that he didn't use fibres. I don't think etwan has ever given anyone reason to think he is lying. As such, he did not use fibres.

Fourth, I am really thankful to Etwan for his thoughtful and detailed posts and I have followed his journey closely. And I find it very unfair the treatment he has been given regarding the accusations. Thanks Etwan - I look forward to follow the next legs of your journey.

Great comment and explanation. Appreciate your contribution too.

Instagram: ethanlculver
Eugenix (Drs. Das/Somesh/Vinita) | 11,102 grafts | NW 6/7 | 28 yrs old | 2022/2023/2024
Treatments: Oral finasteride 1 mg, topical minoxidil, vitamin with biotin, hyaluronic acid moisturizer; all 6 days/week

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8 hours ago, Niko1 said:

Hey there, I think someone mentioned to you earlier which I have to agree with...............

If I were you I would forget about lowering the hairline and touching the  temporal peaks,

instead use the Limited no of grafts/beard to address the lateral humps and lower crown.

this seems like a good plan  IMHO + and if enough, 200ish odd grafts to Thicken Hairline.




In my case I mentioned to Eugenix to Blend the Lower Crown with the native hair in the donor border, although this was not properly addressed therefore there is a distinct difference CONTRAST in DENSITY between the Transplanted and Native Hair in the Lower Crown. This is what Im talking about : - 







Although the above Pic is at 2 months, but you can still get an idea of contrast in density between transplanted and native hair... Im now almost 5months in and this contrast is very much visible......

Something to keep in mind and good luck with your surgery.  

Thanks for sharing your case, we appreciate it so much. Any idea why they didn't close that gap completely after you asked them to? The transplanted area should have went right smack up to the donor extractions, in my opinion, and that's what I'm going to call attention to in my procedure to.

Instagram: ethanlculver
Eugenix (Drs. Das/Somesh/Vinita) | 11,102 grafts | NW 6/7 | 28 yrs old | 2022/2023/2024
Treatments: Oral finasteride 1 mg, topical minoxidil, vitamin with biotin, hyaluronic acid moisturizer; all 6 days/week

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To people who express concerns or doubt about needing to have all the hair from the top of the lateral humps down to the bottom shaved or buzzed super short...friendly and kind reminder that all of the below hairstyles are all far superior to being bald on top, and these styles are aesthetically good for young men. And if you're middle aged, maybe give one a try. Might even make you look a few decades younger! 😂

Point being, I just think getting as much hair upwards towards the top of the head is the most important overall goal in a HT. If you can grow enough on top and ridges to cover the ridges and spill over onto the sides, the actual sides themselves can even be shaved and it's still a good look.

IMG_9345-1.jpeg.18d52a8daddc0f99b2160b189342ac60.jpeg IMG_9348.jpg.6036a7acdd603ab27faa26d78ac3e9e1.jpg




Instagram: ethanlculver
Eugenix (Drs. Das/Somesh/Vinita) | 11,102 grafts | NW 6/7 | 28 yrs old | 2022/2023/2024
Treatments: Oral finasteride 1 mg, topical minoxidil, vitamin with biotin, hyaluronic acid moisturizer; all 6 days/week

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17 minutes ago, general-etwan said:

To people who express concerns or doubt about needing to have all the hair from the top of the lateral humps down to the bottom shaved or buzzed super short...friendly and kind reminder that all of the below hairstyles are all far superior to being bald on top, and these styles are aesthetically good for young men. And if you're middle aged, maybe give one a try. Might even make you look a few decades younger! 😂

Point being, I just think getting as much hair upwards towards the top of the head is the most important overall goal in a HT. If you can grow enough on top and ridges to cover the ridges and spill over onto the sides, the actual sides themselves can even be shaved and it's still a good look.

IMG_9345-1.jpeg.18d52a8daddc0f99b2160b189342ac60.jpeg IMG_9348.jpg.6036a7acdd603ab27faa26d78ac3e9e1.jpg




I have the same attitude, and I am older than you. Top and front matters far more to me than back and sides.

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1 hour ago, Xanadu said:

I have the same attitude, and I am older than you. Top and front matters far more to me than back and sides.

Just like your pic ;)

  • Haha 1

Instagram: ethanlculver
Eugenix (Drs. Das/Somesh/Vinita) | 11,102 grafts | NW 6/7 | 28 yrs old | 2022/2023/2024
Treatments: Oral finasteride 1 mg, topical minoxidil, vitamin with biotin, hyaluronic acid moisturizer; all 6 days/week

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On 6/6/2023 at 6:06 PM, ready4Hair said:


That is all well and good however the steps in that 3-4 YEAR program are critical. Maybe it is just me or some of the rest of us here but I'd take having the high hairline I already had and closing the humps which would look natural and then work on the front next. Not trying to be an a** here but now he is stuck with what looks highly noticeable and unnatural and IMHO worse than prior to the HT. It calls attention to the hairloss whereas shoring up the sides/humps as a foundation would not have. I get wanting to get to the hairline ASAP, I still think the Dr. should have managed expections first round and insisted on building forward.

"Worse than prior to the HT"



To each their own, but I bet 95% of people would choose now vs before and it's not even close. No way in hell would I ever go back to before. 😂

Edited by general-etwan
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Instagram: ethanlculver
Eugenix (Drs. Das/Somesh/Vinita) | 11,102 grafts | NW 6/7 | 28 yrs old | 2022/2023/2024
Treatments: Oral finasteride 1 mg, topical minoxidil, vitamin with biotin, hyaluronic acid moisturizer; all 6 days/week

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1 hour ago, general-etwan said:

"Worse than prior to the HT"



To each their own, but I bet 95% of people would choose now vs before and it's not even close. No way in hell would I ever go back to before. 😂

No doubt. But to be fair the "pushback" in the last few days wasn't that comparison but this one which is where the reaction came from, so you can't be surprised there was some negative reaction.

Again, the ones you show I totally get and it works with a fade.  The one you showed fade or no fade made no sense to me or some others.

If you are rocking the one you showed more power to you and here's hoping the next round or two gives you everything you want.



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19 minutes ago, ready4Hair said:

No doubt. But to be fair the "pushback" in the last few days wasn't that comparison but this one which is where the reaction came from, so you can't be surprised there was some negative reaction.

Again, the ones you show I totally get and it works with a fade.  The one you showed fade or no fade made no sense to me or some others.

If you are rocking the one you showed more power to you and here's hoping the next round or two gives you everything you want.

Of course, obviously the attention now on the lateral ridges is not only fair but the priority to correct. Up until last month, fades + minoxidil + pyrilutamide helped maintain that area decently, is what I think. I actually noticed quite the drop off when I stopped using those two topicals, and so maybe minox + pyril were doing a lot of good. If this next one goes well, hopefully reliance on those topicals and a fade will be less demanding.

Edited by general-etwan
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Instagram: ethanlculver
Eugenix (Drs. Das/Somesh/Vinita) | 11,102 grafts | NW 6/7 | 28 yrs old | 2022/2023/2024
Treatments: Oral finasteride 1 mg, topical minoxidil, vitamin with biotin, hyaluronic acid moisturizer; all 6 days/week

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On 6/5/2023 at 9:21 AM, general-etwan said:

Ha! As I stated, because he has a very similar hair loss pattern situation to my current status. Temples slightly receded, but hair in tact on top enough to not be called "bald." That's a huge point. 

Dustin Johnson is probably way cooler than you. He's seen as a good-looking guy and is not seen as a bald or even balding guy at all. That's why it's a good reference to make to my situation. To get back to something close to this would be excellent:


Dustin Johnson is probably way cooler than me?!!! Hahaha!! For sure! I am nobody. But the point is we all want you to look way cooler than him.  I think you already have a nice lower hairline than he has. It is not easy to assess the naturalness (softness and absence of multi-grafts) though since the resolution of the photo is low. IMG_9034.thumb.jpeg.d0a9cc2c1a8261bb2edc33561cf03d52.jpeg

And thanks for sharing the experience man! Your journey is a blockbuster!

Edited by Murat-kz
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@general-etwan Hey man, you're going for round 2 this week, right (if not already in Delhi)? Have you and the docs settled on the final plan yet? I'm lookin forward to seeing the end result. I think you guys know what's best for you at this point and should come out looking like a million bucks. 

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29 minutes ago, MAL87 said:

@general-etwan Hey man, you're going for round 2 this week, right (if not already in Delhi)? Have you and the docs settled on the final plan yet? I'm lookin forward to seeing the end result. I think you guys know what's best for you at this point and should come out looking like a million bucks. 

I’m all done. But in for a long flight home and won’t be posting anything for a few days. So y’all will have to wait in suspense ;)

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Instagram: ethanlculver
Eugenix (Drs. Das/Somesh/Vinita) | 11,102 grafts | NW 6/7 | 28 yrs old | 2022/2023/2024
Treatments: Oral finasteride 1 mg, topical minoxidil, vitamin with biotin, hyaluronic acid moisturizer; all 6 days/week

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29 minutes ago, MAL87 said:

@general-etwan Hey man, you're going for round 2 this week, right (if not already in Delhi)? Have you and the docs settled on the final plan yet? I'm lookin forward to seeing the end result. I think you guys know what's best for you at this point and should come out looking like a million bucks. 

I’m all done. But in for a long flight home and won’t be posting anything for a few days. So y’all will have to wait in suspense ;)

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Instagram: ethanlculver
Eugenix (Drs. Das/Somesh/Vinita) | 11,102 grafts | NW 6/7 | 28 yrs old | 2022/2023/2024
Treatments: Oral finasteride 1 mg, topical minoxidil, vitamin with biotin, hyaluronic acid moisturizer; all 6 days/week

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All back home in the USA. Trip went by in a flash. Back to life. I really hope to be able to do some actual tourist traveling to this part of the world in the future, but for now it's all work and no play for me :(

2nd HT
Areas to be addressed, in order of importance: 1) Lateral humps and lower crown, 2) hairline and temples (if enough donor supply)

Thursday June 8th ended up being entirely dedicated to planning and slit-creation and Friday June 9th was the transplant. Dr. Sethi personally invested time and input into the design and strategy alongside Dr. Das. He talked to me extensively about my situation, our plan, life, and all kinds of things. It was a fun time. We talked a lot about the situation of the progressive ring around the sides and back of my head and how to address it as best as possible. For those who understand, as hair loss continues to progress, the individual hairs continue to thin and decrease in diameter. If a hair has not yet decreased approximately 50% of its original diameter, it is still decently strong and can be maintained or recovered though proper medication and topical treatment, and donor hair cannot be transplanted too heavily into this area because it can damage the native hair too much. For hairs that have lost over 50% of their original diameter, they essentially cannot be rejuvenated, and these areas are the areas that can be transplanted into without hesitation. This is why, as we know, hair transplants cannot always go full-on straight up to the final/ultimate predicted edge of all future hair loss. They have to be done carefully and safely in respect to existing hair. The edge of the ring of hair loss, in advanced cases like mine, can also continue to lower over the years.

So, priority was filling all the areas where the hairs have lost enough diameter and density that they can never be recovered. Areas that still contain decent amounts of hairs and decent hair thickness were filled with less density of transplanted hair, creating a proper gradient. Lateral humps and lower crown were addressed in this manner.


Dr. Sethi also consulted with me that my preexisting hairline was acceptable at about 8-8.5 cm (above glabella) but that he really tries to get patients to around 7 cm and it's especially a big benefit to young guys to have strong framing of the face. He recommended a hairline and temple design alongside Dr. Das that we would try to tackle after the lateral humps and lower crown, if donor supply was good enough. Dr. Bansal also counseled me on the perspectives of the temple and hairline plan, all making clear that it was completely my decision to make if I wanted to do the hairline and temple work after the sides and back. I decided that I wanted to do it, if we had solid enough donor for it not to be unwise. Dr. Das did end up feeling confident enough in all my donor to continue and tackle the hairline and temples. The temples were of course addressed in a gradient as well, with lighter hair starting at the fronts and then progressively thicker hair toward the back sections.



In summary

  • 2977 grafts total
    • 2,020 on lateral humps and lower crown
    • 305 on right temple
    • 310 on left temple
    • 192 on new hairline
    • 150 behind hairline
  • Donor:
    • 2650 from back/side scalp
    • 162 from right side locks
    • 165 from left side locks

Dr. Das and Dr. Somesh created the slits; Dr. Somesh also sat in during some of the implantation and talked to me a lot, and Dr. Sethi dropped in a few times.

IMG_9456.thumb.jpeg.967de5011bfddb259fb1aac7be46676b.jpeg IMG_9455.thumb.jpeg.54a2dd4e2586c716792418dc843b8792.jpeg

IMG_9367.thumb.jpeg.180ae550924aba9f007599c414b499bd.jpeg IMG_9371.thumb.jpeg.a227898d592d3f33d8b677f19a7de196.jpeg 

IMG_9368.thumb.jpeg.e8542dca4ca3a083bcad9a7aa8ddcb61.jpeg IMG_9369.thumb.jpeg.75a2f118fba3b7ba37a9fa018af8da5e.jpeg


As always, I am extremely thankful to and appreciative of the entire team, to every single member including those who greeted me, took my vitals, prepared my medication, took all the photos, counseled me on the design, administered the local anesthesia, extracted, separated, and implanted my grafts, cleaned me up, comforted me, conducted post-care, and all my chauffeurs and all the staff who made the visit and transportation possible. I feel excellent about the way this one is going to turn out. Another handful of long months ahead for growing :) 

Edited by general-etwan
  • Like 12

Instagram: ethanlculver
Eugenix (Drs. Das/Somesh/Vinita) | 11,102 grafts | NW 6/7 | 28 yrs old | 2022/2023/2024
Treatments: Oral finasteride 1 mg, topical minoxidil, vitamin with biotin, hyaluronic acid moisturizer; all 6 days/week

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  • Regular Member
1 hour ago, general-etwan said:

All back home in the USA. Trip went by in a flash. Back to life. I really hope to be able to do some actual tourist traveling to this part of the world in the future, but for now it's all work and no play for me :(

2nd HT
Areas to be addressed, in order of importance: 1) Lateral humps and lower crown, 2) hairline and temples (if enough donor supply)

Thursday June 8th ended up being entirely dedicated to planning and slit-creation and Friday June 9th was the transplant. Dr. Sethi personally invested time and input into the design and strategy alongside Dr. Das. He talked to me extensively about my situation, our plan, life, and all kinds of things. It was a fun time. We talked a lot about the situation of the progressive ring around the sides and back of my head and how to address it as best as possible. For those who understand, as hair loss continues to progress, the individual hairs continue to thin and decrease in diameter. If a hair has not yet decreased approximately 50% of its original diameter, it is still decently strong and can be maintained or recovered though proper medication and topical treatment, and donor hair cannot be transplanted too heavily into this area because it can damage the native hair too much. For hairs that have lost over 50% of their original diameter, they essentially cannot be rejuvenated, and these areas are the areas that can be transplanted into without hesitation. This is why, as we know, hair transplants cannot always go full-on straight up to the final/ultimate predicted edge of all future hair loss. They have to be done carefully and safely in respect to existing hair. The edge of the ring of hair loss, in advanced cases like mine, can also continue to lower over the years.

So, priority was filling all the areas where the hairs have lost enough diameter and density that they can never be recovered. Areas that still contain decent amounts of hairs and decent hair thickness were filled with less density of transplanted hair, creating a proper gradient. Lateral humps and lower crown were addressed in this manner.


Dr. Sethi also consulted with me that my preexisting hairline was acceptable at about 8-8.5 cm (above glabella) but that he really tries to get patients to around 7 cm and it's especially a big benefit to young guys to have strong framing of the face. He recommended a hairline and temple design alongside Dr. Das that we would try to tackle after the lateral humps and lower crown, if donor supply was good enough. Dr. Bansal also counseled me on the perspectives of the temple and hairline plan, all making clear that it was completely my decision to make if I wanted to do the hairline and temple work after the sides and back. I decided that I wanted to do it, if we had solid enough donor for it not to be unwise. Dr. Das did end up feeling confident enough in all my donor to continue and tackle the hairline and temples. The temples were of course addressed in a gradient as well, with lighter hair starting at the fronts and then progressively thicker hair toward the back sections.



In summary

  • 2977 grafts total
    • 2,020 on lateral humps and lower crown
    • 305 on right temple
    • 310 on left temple
    • 192 on new hairline
    • 150 behind hairline
  • Donor:
    • 2650 from back/side scalp
    • 162 from right side locks
    • 165 from left side locks

Dr. Das performed all of the slits; Dr. Somesh also sat in on some of the procedure and talked to me a lot, and Dr. Sethi dropped in a few times.

IMG_9456.thumb.jpeg.967de5011bfddb259fb1aac7be46676b.jpeg IMG_9455.thumb.jpeg.54a2dd4e2586c716792418dc843b8792.jpeg

IMG_9367.thumb.jpeg.180ae550924aba9f007599c414b499bd.jpeg IMG_9371.thumb.jpeg.a227898d592d3f33d8b677f19a7de196.jpeg 

IMG_9368.thumb.jpeg.e8542dca4ca3a083bcad9a7aa8ddcb61.jpeg IMG_9369.thumb.jpeg.75a2f118fba3b7ba37a9fa018af8da5e.jpeg


As always, I am extremely thankful to and appreciative of the entire team, to every single member including those who greeted me, took my vitals, prepared my medication, took all the photos, counseled me on the design, administered the local anesthesia, extracted, separated, and implanted my grafts, cleaned me up, comforted me, conducted post-care, and all my chauffeurs and all the staff who made the visit and transportation possible. I feel excellent about the way this one is going to turn out. Another handful of long months ahead for growing :) 

It was already a big improvement, so this will be even better I am sure. Dr P is a good and very hospitable guy, and I really enjoyed hanging out with him too. 

Edited by Xanadu
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  • Valued Contributor

@general-etwan your write up on the planning for this is excellent and the almost 3k grafts will make this an incredible result. The temple points and hairline will be the icing on the cake. Extremely happy for you mate. All the best! 👌💯

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  • Senior Member

@Melvin- Moderator Please feel free to update title to something like 

Dr. Das, Eugenix | 8,300 grafts | NW6/7 | 27 yrs old | 2022 & 2023

Instagram: ethanlculver
Eugenix (Drs. Das/Somesh/Vinita) | 11,102 grafts | NW 6/7 | 28 yrs old | 2022/2023/2024
Treatments: Oral finasteride 1 mg, topical minoxidil, vitamin with biotin, hyaluronic acid moisturizer; all 6 days/week

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