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Eugenix (Drs. Das/Somesh/Vinita) | 11,102 grafts | NW 6/7 | 28 yrs old | 2022/2023/2024

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3 months after HT #3

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Donor farming areas (especially above left ear) coming in a bit slower than everything else it seems. Crown is beginning to look better than it has in a long time, slowly but surely. This is not with a maximizing haircut, either. I'll either go to a barber next week to fade down the rear donor area or do it myself. 


My frontal presentation has not been this strong since I was in my early teens. Starting to enjoy it more and more.

Edited by general-etwan
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Additionally, I'll share an update on my dutasteride use: I started taking dutasteride 0.5 mg twice a week shortly after my 3rd HT back in March, so I've been on it for about 2 months now. That is in addition to finasteride M/W/F. Over the past month I've felt libido sharpy decline to almost nothing, which is certainly out of the norm, along with my cum being very transparent. So, I've decided to stop dutasteride for now to see if things return more to normal and to determine whether it's the dutasteride that is the culprit. I did not experience anywhere near this degree of effect from finasteride alone. They aren't unbearable side effects by any means, but I also just feel sluggish and low-energy and it's no fun. So, will see, and will report back.

Edited by general-etwan
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  • Regular Member
3 minutes ago, general-etwan said:

Additionally, I'll share an update on my dutasteride use: I started taking dutasteride 0.5 mg twice a week shortly after my 3rd HT back in March, so I've been on it for about 2 months now. That is in addition to finasteride M/W/F. Over the past month I've felt libido sharpy decline to almost nothing, which is certainly out of the norm, along with my cum being very transparent. So, I've decided to stop dutasteride for now to see if things return more to normal and to determine whether it's the dutasteride that is the culprit. I did not experience anywhere near this degree of effect from finasteride alone. So, will see, and will report back.

Sometimes it can take time for body to adjust. It's possible excess free test aromatising into estrogen that's giving you sides. Sometimes staying on it for more time can help body adjust.

Have you tried topical dut? That could have more efficacy and less sides. Mwamba's clinic prescribes it I think. Maybe you can consider switching to it from topical fin. You could also try an anti androgen as adjunct therapy if you are open to it.

Are you on oral min? Otherwise I would try that. LLLT is also an option if you want to throw in the kitchen sink.

From where you've come from, hair looks great.

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10 minutes ago, 4chanhrn said:

Sometimes it can take time for body to adjust. It's possible excess free test aromatising into estrogen that's giving you sides. Sometimes staying on it for more time can help body adjust.

Have you tried topical dut? That could have more efficacy and less sides. Mwamba's clinic prescribes it I think. Maybe you can consider switching to it from topical fin. You could also try an anti androgen as adjunct therapy if you are open to it.

Are you on oral min? Otherwise I would try that. LLLT is also an option if you want to throw in the kitchen sink.

From where you've come from, hair looks great.

No, haven't tried topical. Topical will ultimately be too annoying to constantly apply when I grow my hair longer, as I plan to. No oral min. No interest in it, just using topical minoxidil daily as always on areas of new growth needed. Will keep options open but that's just where I am for now. Maybe will try dutasteride again once a week and go from there. Thanks!

Edited by general-etwan
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  • Regular Member
4 hours ago, general-etwan said:

3 months after HT #3

IMG_4737.thumb.jpg.45ea957e81c770b1fe3724e13c498dc7.jpg IMG_4741.thumb.jpg.7daa63c422394c0cbed23ddbfcba54b6.jpg

IMG_4758.thumb.jpg.8e6de3ff55a389fe53708ad17640d518.jpg IMG_4760.thumb.jpg.aa88a18665b067279af1e734a122cd72.jpg

IMG_4738.thumb.jpg.138887884d165d3f158896295010027d.jpg IMG_4757.thumb.jpg.fd16158a8fc037d773b7d73aee08ef44.jpg

Donor farming areas (especially above left ear) coming in a bit slower than everything else it seems. Crown is beginning to look better than it has in a long time, slowly but surely. This is not with a maximizing haircut, either. I'll either go to a barber next week to fade down the rear donor area or do it myself. 


My frontal presentation has not been this strong since I was in my early teens. Starting to enjoy it more and more.

It’s looking good man!

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I'm really looking forward to the 6 and 9 month marks.



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(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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