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TRT Therapy after finasteride caused low testosterone?

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2 minutes ago, NARMAK said:

That's true, you don't. I tried to assist you in some ways but you took an entire post i made responding to another user and just use the word "LOL". 

I think you should stop the medication and get blood tests to help see if the doctor is willing to prescribe you TRT and then maybe try topical Finasteride to reduce systemic sides. 

I'm not trying to argue with anybody but that's the way i took the single word reply. 

Get out. This simplified truth is too much for people to handle. Clearly we want to argue about this ad nauseum :D


U came at me for no reason first, that’s why I reacted with ‘LOL’. I have never participated in the discussion. 

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12 hours ago, NARMAK said:

OP mentioned that:

When has it been proven that Finasteride lowers your testosterone? Go on. I'll wait. Go pull one of your million studies that's actually reliable to show Finasteride definitively lowers Testosterone in men. You won't be able to, because it doesn't. In fact, it's been shown in studies that DHT suppression leads to a slight increase in Testosterone. That doesn't mean at all that the medication isn't a factor and nowhere in my comments did i ever say it wasn't. So if anybody is actually on here giving misleading and biased informational takes, it's you. 

You seem to cite your own anecdotal experiences with your own dermatologist as if it's a fact that Oral Minoxodil for example is significantly safer to where people should pop it like candy and without fear compared to Finasteride. You seem almost entirely willing to gloss over the known side affects of that medication yet consistently rail against Finasteride. So if i'm accused of being a shill for Merck which i'm not and anybody sensible with reason can tell my comments are generally measured, telling people to get full in depth health checks done and stop if they experience anything they're unhappy, or adjust dosages with whilst on Finasteride, how is that me being a shill? 

You seem to have a a warped view against Finasteride and its abundantly clear no matter what anybody else says, you won't change your opinion and that's fine. However don't act like nobody else has the right to their opinion to support a medication that's helped millions more men keep their hair and just get on with their lives. If it was up to people like you, they'd be bald and suffering other depression issues most likely because you decided to get Finasteride and Dutasteride banned worldwide. I am grateful that it isn't up to you or those of similar ilk. 

@Melvin- Moderator this is a sick man and he’s spreading severe disinformation which is bordering on criminal. There is much evidence of this across the forum and he actively attacks anyone who says anything negative against Finasteride. There is no doubt there is an ulterior motive here and I seriously suggest you consider banning him permanently as his completely illogical, uneducated and plain ignorant posts are physically dangerous to forum members and the broader community. 

Edited by sunsurfhair
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4 hours ago, Xanadu said:

Fin gives higher Test because the whole mechanism of fin is that it stops some of the testosteron from being transformed into DHT. If less t is transformed, then there will be more left.

My friend please read my posts above. I go into great deal on now Fin can temporarily increase T and how that works pharmacologically and from a metabolic standpoint. Fin induced hypogonadism has been shown many times over (it is rare) but it absolutely can and does happen.

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3 hours ago, Z-- said:

it's legit impossible to have a discussion on finasteride here without people getting mad at each other.

yes, it can save your hair.

yes, it has bad side effects.

yes, most ppl don't get sides.

yes, the side effects are real.

yes, there are some ppl with nocebo.

yes, some sides can be permanent.


Completely agree with this and it’s what I’ve been saying over and over - you just put it in plain English - which is beautiful. Thank you for doing that. 

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On 10/16/2022 at 5:19 AM, NARMAK said:

What you're describing imo isn't a symptom of low testosterone necessarily but a side affect of the medication. Lower libido is something that can be quite commonly experienced on this medication but unless it's causing you actual ED when you need to perform, most people seem to accept it as a tolerated side affect. 

Age also tends to play a factor and overall health for men. So some men may have age related things happen but boogeyman the medication as the cause. 

This is why it's always a good idea to be fully informed about your health via blood tests before and during the treatment as well as factoring in for not just physical health, but mental health as well. 

You know what the most comical part is about your posts, our own forum moderator, whom I respect greatly, does not take oral fin after experiencing side effects. He is now looking at a topical gel solution which looks extremely promising from Dr Hasson in terms of PREVENTING systemic medication distribution to avoid side effects.


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3 minutes ago, sunsurfhair said:

My friend please read my posts above. I go into great deal on now Fin can temporarily increase T and how that works pharmacologically and from a metabolic standpoint. Fin induced hypogonadism has been shown many times over (it is rare) but it absolutely can and does happen.


4 minutes ago, sunsurfhair said:

My friend please read my posts above. I go into great deal on now Fin can temporarily increase T and how that works pharmacologically and from a metabolic standpoint. Fin induced hypogonadism has been shown many times over (it is rare) but it absolutely can and does happen.

It's rare? That's where the problem is. People say 'Fin gives sides' and then in a separate sentence " but they are rare". No, fin does Not give sides, only to very few who are disposed towards gyno etc. Let's not try to word these things like they are more common than they are. 


Also, do we need another thread about fin and sides in a couple of days? Can pe ple really not see all the threads about it, and the hundreds if not thousa ds of YouTube videos about it, and every single hair clinic has a section about sides and on and on. Anyone seeing the amount of text about the sides can easily get the idea that they have to be lucky to avoid sides because apparently they are super common. Which they are not. 

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8 minutes ago, Xanadu said:


It's rare? That's where the problem is. People say 'Fin gives sides' and then in a separate sentence " but they are rare". No, fin does Not give sides, only to very few who are disposed towards gyno etc. Let's not try to word these things like they are more common than they are. 


Also, do we need another thread about fin and sides in a couple of days? Can pe ple really not see all the threads about it, and the hundreds if not thousa ds of YouTube videos about it, and every single hair clinic has a section about sides and on and on. Anyone seeing the amount of text about the sides can easily get the idea that they have to be lucky to avoid sides because apparently they are super common. Which they are not. 

Hypogonadism is RARE - SIDES are not rare from Fin and don’t direct this at me I didn’t post this thread I just respond with my own take and experiences. Btw the side effect profile percentage you quoted was proved completely inaccurate as Merck use false data in the clinical trials. Reuters out that fact last year when they exposed the sealed court records from the original lawsuit. 

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26 minutes ago, sunsurfhair said:

@Melvin- Moderator this is a sick man and he’s spreading severe disinformation which is bordering on criminal. There is much evidence of this across the forum and he actively attacks anyone who says anything negative against Finasteride. There is no doubt there is an ulterior motive here and I seriously suggest you consider banning him permanently as his completely illogical, uneducated and plain ignorant posts are physically dangerous to forum members and the broader community. 


Speaking of sickness and questionable motives, you've got 164 posts in your account history. If the ones related to finasteride were removed that number would probably drop to single digits, or low double digits. 

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29 minutes ago, sunsurfhair said:

@Melvin- Moderator this is a sick man and he’s spreading severe disinformation which is bordering on criminal. There is much evidence of this across the forum and he actively attacks anyone who says anything negative against Finasteride. There is no doubt there is an ulterior motive here and I seriously suggest you consider banning him permanently as his completely illogical, uneducated and plain ignorant posts are physically dangerous to forum members and the broader community. 

While I agree on your position on Fin, Narmark hasn't done anything remotely necessitating a ban. I disagree with his assertion that there are no studies showing Fin can lower T (I posted one earlier), but this is the internet where frank and sometimes contentious discussion of these topics is the norm. 

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12 minutes ago, sunsurfhair said:

Hypogonadism is RARE - SIDES are not rare from Fin and don’t direct this at me I didn’t post this thread I just respond with my own take and experiences. Btw the side effect profile percentage you quoted was proved completely inaccurate as Merck use false data in the clinical trials. Reuters out that fact last year when they exposed the sealed court records from the original lawsuit. 

There are many other studies that include sides except the ones Merck submitted and the scie tific papers I know of (several) all mention sides 1-3% with one study mentioning 6% above controls.

Since we can find studies for almost anything I won't ask you to show me a study that found sides to be common (since you say they are not rare), but i wonder how you can say they are not rare (I assume thst means most get them ei above 50%).

There are millions around the world and in here taking fin with no mention able issues and yet you still cola m that sides is the norm or not rare?

I have already linked a video from the heat restoration channel where e he summarizes the research and his own experiences with working with clinics and hairless sufferers all over the world for years and he says that sides are rare. The majority of the research, both Merck and later independent research finds that it's rare. 

I am certainly n ot denying that sides exist. It would be bad to so so because it flies in the face of science. However, it is equally bad and dimisinformstion to claim that it is Not rare when by far the majority of research finds that it is indeed rare (even if we discount the Merck studies).

Edited by Xanadu
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2 hours ago, SteveUrkel02 said:

U came at me for no reason first, that’s why I reacted with ‘LOL’. I have never participated in the discussion. 

I don't believe i came at you but i can understand why you would say that. I simply stated that you said which is right there in the original post that you believed you can definitely say your test levels dropped. My response to that is that without a blood test analysis from before and after to compare, that would be firstly difficult to check and 2nd if you are experiencing side affects negatively affecting you, there's nothing wrong with stepping away from taking the medication, allowing it to clear you system as Finasteride does have what they call a "half life" where it stays in the blood after stopping for a bit of time and can affect blood tests. Once the doctor then gets your true baseline they can check to see if you have low testosterone and help you accordingly whether that's through TRT or other advice. They're the professionals and can given a proper medical evaluation and treatment plan. As an alternative to oral Finasteride, you have topical versions which could also help you if you are experiencing heightened side affects as you detailed in your OP. 

I'm not trying to come at anybody, but simply respond to you with my view and try to help. If it didn't help you, i'm sorry, but i hope you do find an answer. 

24 minutes ago, sunsurfhair said:

@Melvin- Moderator this is a sick man and he’s spreading severe disinformation which is bordering on criminal. There is much evidence of this across the forum and he actively attacks anyone who says anything negative against Finasteride. There is no doubt there is an ulterior motive here and I seriously suggest you consider banning him permanently as his completely illogical, uneducated and plain ignorant posts are physically dangerous to forum members and the broader community. 

As much as i'd be interested in this "criminal" investigation that you've found loads of evidence where i'm "attacking" people, i very much doubt most people have taken my posts that way, except you it seems. 

In fact, wasn't it just you a page ago attacking people with words like "Limp D" when responding to me, yet you want to act like i'm the one who is attacking you. If there's anything i'm "attacking" it's simply your opinions and interpretation which is what happens on a mostly respectful basis everyday on a forum. I also find it ironic how you finished your post, but i digress, if i've crossed the forum rules and deserve a ban, i will let Melvin take the necessary actions to ban me permanently. 

18 minutes ago, sunsurfhair said:

You know what the most comical part is about your posts, our own forum moderator, whom I respect greatly, does not take oral fin after experiencing side effects. He is now looking at a topical gel solution which looks extremely promising from Dr Hasson in terms of PREVENTING systemic medication distribution to avoid side effects.


I actually find the most comical part of your post to be that Melvin actually doesn't say to other people never to take oral Finasteride but says it's worth a go for the majority of people and as an alternative or for those wanting to do so, they can try topical. I hugely respect him for that despite what some could say gives him all the reason in the world to go gung ho againat Finasteride and any support of the medication, he actually advocates for its use as one of the currently most effective and readily available treatments even in oral form. 

He's looking to use the topical version specifically because of its reduced systemic effects which he got from Oral and because Xyon at least on paper seems to have found a solid balance to deliver this to the scalp. However, i'm sure Melvin will also concede as a forum sponsor now, they're probably willing to allow him free treatments for marketing purposes. If he's paying full price for it, that's fine and i respect him for doing that too if he feels it would dissuade any notion of bias. 

The fact is, that out of the two of us here, the only one who has so far called for a complete ban on Finasteride is you. Yet comically you're the one who said:

29 minutes ago, sunsurfhair said:

Completely agree with this and it’s what I’ve been saying over and over - you just put it in plain English - which is beautiful. Thank you for doing that. 

When that post you say you completely agree with said most people don't get sides. So i mean, when you cannot even be consistent in your own points, i'm sure you can understand why people may find you lack integrity and perhaps credibility in backing your points up. 

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Ok that’s it…. I give in guys. You all win. I’m not posting a single thing on Finasteride again. Just to prove I have no motive here; it’s like talking to a bunch of monkeys who are all convinced that this is a incredibly safe medication. Good luck to all of you. 

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5 minutes ago, GoliGoliGoli said:

While I agree on your position on Fin, Narmark hasn't done anything remotely necessitating a ban. I disagree with his assertion that there are no studies showing Fin can lower T (I posted one earlier), but this is the internet where frank and sometimes contentious discussion of these topics is the norm. 

Thank you for your view and i appreciate you sharing that information regarding the study. I still personally disagree that Finasteride is a key cause of lowering Testosterone and for my view on it, i feel it marginally can increase it due to DHT conversion being reduced but my main viewpoint on it all just to touch on that a moment is i genuinely think there's so many other factors we can look at that could be an influence that you 100% have to be ruling all sorts out. That said, it is what it is and thank you for your viewpoint that things can get contentious and we can disagree. Myself and you have for example on this very topic, but i do not know why that user said what they said. 

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14 minutes ago, NARMAK said:

I don't believe i came at you but i can understand why you would say that. I simply stated that you said which is right there in the original post that you believed you can definitely say your test levels dropped. My response to that is that without a blood test analysis from before and after to compare, that would be firstly difficult to check and 2nd if you are experiencing side affects negatively affecting you, there's nothing wrong with stepping away from taking the medication, allowing it to clear you system as Finasteride does have what they call a "half life" where it stays in the blood after stopping for a bit of time and can affect blood tests. Once the doctor then gets your true baseline they can check to see if you have low testosterone and help you accordingly whether that's through TRT or other advice. They're the professionals and can given a proper medical evaluation and treatment plan. As an alternative to oral Finasteride, you have topical versions which could also help you if you are experiencing heightened side affects as you detailed in your OP. 

I'm not trying to come at anybody, but simply respond to you with my view and try to help. If it didn't help you, i'm sorry, but i hope you do find an answer. 

As much as i'd be interested in this "criminal" investigation that you've found loads of evidence where i'm "attacking" people, i very much doubt most people have taken my posts that way, except you it seems. 

In fact, wasn't it just you a page ago attacking people with words like "Limp D" when responding to me, yet you want to act like i'm the one who is attacking you. If there's anything i'm "attacking" it's simply your opinions and interpretation which is what happens on a mostly respectful basis everyday on a forum. I also find it ironic how you finished your post, but i digress, if i've crossed the forum rules and deserve a ban, i will let Melvin take the necessary actions to ban me permanently. 

I actually find the most comical part of your post to be that Melvin actually doesn't say to other people never to take oral Finasteride but says it's worth a go for the majority of people and as an alternative or for those wanting to do so, they can try topical. I hugely respect him for that despite what some could say gives him all the reason in the world to go gung ho againat Finasteride and any support of the medication, he actually advocates for its use as one of the currently most effective and readily available treatments even in oral form. 

He's looking to use the topical version specifically because of its reduced systemic effects which he got from Oral and because Xyon at least on paper seems to have found a solid balance to deliver this to the scalp. However, i'm sure Melvin will also concede as a forum sponsor now, they're probably willing to allow him free treatments for marketing purposes. If he's paying full price for it, that's fine and i respect him for doing that too if he feels it would dissuade any notion of bias. 

The fact is, that out of the two of us here, the only one who has so far called for a complete ban on Finasteride is you. Yet comically you're the one who said:

When that post you say you completely agree with said most people don't get sides. So i mean, when you cannot even be consistent in your own points, i'm sure you can understand why people may find you lack integrity and perhaps credibility in backing your points up. 

You clearly either A) don’t or can’t read or B) have reduced cognitive ability to properly interpret anything I’m saying. Judging your fascination with this medication, I’m sure at this point you’re suffering cognitive effects. To repeat myself for the hundredth time: I do not believe all men are affected by the medication. I believe that there is some genetic predisposition to men either getting mild, moderate, or severe side effects and the worst outcome, the irreversible or long-term Post Finasteride Syndrome. Tell me again all the studies are garbage, false etc, but this has been shown in animal and human studies, globally at some extremely accredited universities, institutions and researchers. 

Why do you think so many doctors and companies are looking at alternative solutions instead of a major endocrine disrupter like a 5ARi (orally ingested) which can cause a cascade of problems in the body. If that’s not enough for you, look at the Merck leaflet:


Effects on fertility

Infertility has been reported in men who took finasteride for long time and had other risk factors that may affect fertility. Normalisation or improvement of seminal quality has been reported after discontinuation of finasteride. Long-term clinical studies about the effects of finasteride on fertility in men have not been conducted.

Breast Cancer

See section 4.

Mood alterations and depression

Mood alterations such as depressed mood, depression and, less frequently, suicidal thoughts have been reported in patients treated with Propecia. If you experience any of these symptoms stop taking Propecia and contact your doctor for further medical advice as soon as possible.

Uncommon: may affect up to 1 in 100 people

  • you may be unable to have an erection (impotence)
  • you may have less desire to have sex
  • you may have problems with ejaculation, for example a decrease in the amount of semen released during sex. This decrease in the amount of semen does not appear to affect normal sexual function


Frequency unknown:

  • breast swelling or tenderness
  • palpitations (feeling your heartbeat)
  • changes in the way your liver is working, which can be shown by a blood test
  • pain in the testicles
  • blood in semen
  • persistent difficulty having an erection after discontinuation of treatment
  • persistent decrease in sex drive after discontinuation of treatment
  • persistent problems with ejaculation after discontinuation of treatment
  • male infertility and/or poor quality of semen
  • anxiety


If any of these side effects gets serious, or if you notice any side effects not listed on this leaflet please tell your doctor or pharmacist. It will help if you make a note of what happened, when it started and how long it lasted.

And here is a uniform link to all of the most relevant studies that have been conducted or research published - I encourage you to go through them so you can better understand the amount of dissemination you are spreading. 


I will end with this: I am not behind anything to do with this foundation or any push to “ban” the medicine worldwide. In my personal opinion, I do believe this to be a horrific medication (based on my own personal experiences) and from speaking with many others hurt over the years, but I do believe in personal choice and do not bash anyone who decided to take the medication. I believe it is their physicians responsibility to inform them of the potential for issues and possible permanent issues from the medication. Every patient (and physician) should be properly educated. This is not fear mongering but having a good understanding is key. The same of course goes for Minoxidil which I have posted multiple times how keyed in me and my doctor is in terms of watching for any potential issues - which I’ve had zero of. 

Edited by sunsurfhair
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54 minutes ago, sunsurfhair said:

Ok that’s it…. I give in guys. You all win. I’m not posting a single thing on Finasteride again. Just to prove I have no motive here; it’s like talking to a bunch of monkeys who are all convinced that this is a incredibly safe medication. Good luck to all of you. 

As a homo sapien I take offense to being compared to monkeys… this is racist please ban or I will make a thread about it… 



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1 hour ago, sunsurfhair said:

Ok that’s it…. I give in guys. You all win. I’m not posting a single thing on Finasteride again. Just to prove I have no motive here; it’s like talking to a bunch of monkeys who are all convinced that this is a incredibly safe medication. Good luck to all of you. 

This lasted long. 

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5 hours ago, sunsurfhair said:

@Melvin- Moderator this is a sick man and he’s spreading severe disinformation which is bordering on criminal.

I truly believe that even if he was spreading severe disinformation, someone would of come out already and proven it with corresponding studies/articles. And in response NARMAK or any other reasonable person would be "my bad, I was wrong" which isn't the case cause he isn't spreading severe disinformation. I don't think he would be banned merely for being ignorant/wrong in a topic, unless he was giving genuine bad advice stemming from misinformation which he isn't.

People are so hung up on Finasteride debates. It works for some people, it doesn't work for others. Some people get all the benefits of finasteride with 0 side effects, the others don't get the benefits only side effects. Everyone is usually explained this from the start because the information on the side effects of finasteride is just as publicly available as the benefits of finasteride itself. Nothing is guaranteed when it comes to stuff you are genetically predisposed with such as height and hair loss.

Edited by mister_25

12+ Months Finasteride + Minoxidil

3872 FUE w/ Dr Hasson | November 2022

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Huge props to the University of Milan team doing incredible research into the root cause and potential treatment possibilities for Finasteride induced “PFS” and / or long standing chronic conditions impacting sexual health, mental health, and neurological health. This is extremely promising for those of us suffering or who have suffered from lasting adverse effects due to Finasteride usage!

Allopregnanolone Counteracts Finasteride-induced Alterations in Gut Microbiota, According to New University of Milano Research


Study marks first-ever demonstration of a successful PFS therapy in an animal model

Oct. 29, 2022

Dear Friends:

Biomolecules-cover-225x300.pngThe neurosteroid allopregnanolone (ALLO) has proved effective in counteracting some of the finasteride-induced alterations in gut microbiota, according to new research at the University of Milano (UniMi).

Titled Gut Inflammation Induced by Finasteride Withdrawal: Therapeutic Effect of Allopregnanolone in Adult Male Rats, and funded in part by the PFS Foundation, the study was published October 26 in Biomolecules.

Roberto Cosimo Melcangi, PhD, Head of the Neuroendocrinology Unit in the Department of Pharmacological and Biomolecular Sciences at UniMi, who headed a team of six researchers on the project, writes:

[P]revious observations in PFS patients and an experimental model showed alterations in gut microbiota populations, suggesting an inflammatory environment. To confirm this hypothesis, we…explored the effect of chronic treatment with finasteride…and its withdrawal…on the levels of steroids, neurotransmitters, pro-inflammatory cytokines and gut permeability markers in the colon of adult male rat. The obtained data demonstrate that the levels of [ALLO] decreased after finasteride treatment and after its withdrawal.

Following the drug suspension, the decrease in ALLO levels correlates with an increase in IL-1 and TNF-, serotonin and a decrease in dopamine. Importantly, ALLO treatment is able to counteract some of these alterations.

[B]ecause (i) sexual dysfunction may be related to alterations in gut microbiota and (ii) the existence of the well-described gut-brain axis, observations here obtained may provide an important background to explore [the] protective effect of ALLO on psychiatric and andrological dysfunctions, laying the groundwork for possible therapy in PFS patients.

Separately, Prof. Melcangi tells us: “To our knowledge, this study marks the first-ever demonstration that it’s possible to recover from a PFS symptom. Next we’ll be extending our analyses to other symptoms characteristic of the condition.

“Meanwhile, it’s important to remember that a clinical approach to developing effective therapies is only possible with strong preclinical results, aka those in an animal model,” he adds.

Publication of this ALLO study marks the completion of Phase VI of Team Melcangi’s ongoing investigation into PFS. Now in its sixth year, the investigation has yielded six previous projects:

 Phase V found that finasteride, a 5-alpha reductase (5α-R) inhibitor, also inhibits phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PNMT), an enzyme found primarily in the adrenal gland, which in turn may play a role in producing some of the condition’s most common side effects. Titled Three-Dimensional Proteome-Wide Scale Screening for the 5‑Alpha Reductase Inhibitor Finasteride: Identification of a Novel Off-Target, the study was published in April 2021 in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.

Additionally, as an offshoot of Phase V, Prof. Melcangi made a presentation titled Finasteride Inhibits Epinephrine Synthesis in Humans: Implication for Sexual Dysfunction at the 24th European Congress of Endocrinology in May of this year. He concluded that:

[F]inasteride affects epinephrine [aka adrenaline] synthesis by blocking PNMT enzymatic activity in humans. This block can have an impact in sexual behavior, as suggested in an animal model treated with finasteride. In addition, the alterations observed in [the mass of erectile tissue forming the bulk of the penis] indicate possible impairment of erectile function. Our results suggest possible mechanisms for the sexual dysfunction observed after finasteride treatment in humans.

03-Melcangi-lab-10-07-22-300x181.png Phase IV was published in the Journal of Endocrinological Investigation in September 2020. Titled Alterations of gut microbiota composition in post-finasteride patients: a pilot study, the research demonstrated the presence of altered gut microbiota in PFS patients.

 Phase III was published in Endocrine Connections in July 2019. Titled Altered methylation pattern of the SRD5A2 gene in the cerebrospinal fluid of post-finasteride patients: a pilot study, the study concluded that methylation of the SRD5A2 promoter in PFS patients “could represent an important mechanism of neuroactive steroid levels and behavioral disturbances previously described in PFS.”

 Phase II was published in Psychoneuroendocrinology in January 2019. Titled Treatment of male rats with finasteride, an inhibitor of 5alpha-reductase enzyme, induces long-lasting effects on depressive-like behavior, hippocampal neurogenesis, neuroinflammation and gut microbiota composition, the animal-model study demonstrated that “Finasteride treatment causes several alterations in the hippocampus,” the section of the brain responsible for processing long-term memory and emotional responses.

 Phase I was published in the Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in July 2017. Titled Neuroactive Steroid Levels and Psychiatric and Andrological Features in Post-Finasteride Patients, the research demonstrated that PFS patients suffer from altered levels of critical brain-function regulators including neuroactive steroids, and uncovered evidence of neuropathy of the pudendal nerve among those with severe erectile dysfunction.

Phase VII, which is scheduled to get under way in February 2023, is a final analysis of recently wrapped up research that identified, via a next-generation sequencing technology known as RNA-seq, several genes that are likely responsible for the side effects observed in PFS patients.

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