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Eugenix - NW 6 - 8196 total grafts (4628 in 2022, 3568 in 2024)


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Hello all,

I have been a long time lurker on this forum and have been reading patient journeys for years. I now finally have the chance to also pay it forward to this amazing community, as many before me have done. This thread will document my hair transplant journey with Eugenix Hair Sciences and I will try to periodically update it for those who want to follow my progress. 

I had initially typed out my full journey which was pages and pages long but for some reason this website said my story was breaking some rules and wouldn't let me post. (Don't really think I was breaking any rules so who knows). Since then, I have only included the essential details of my transplant as my overall experience was very similar to what many other users have posted in the past. However, if anyone has specific questions, feel free to reply on this post and I will gladly answer them.

I am 30 years old and was classified as a Norwood 6 before the hair transplant which was scheduled for October 8th and 9th with Dr. Arika Bansal (super premium package). The plan was to go for full coverage with temple points and utilize 4400 grafts. I booked my flights from the United States and planned to stay in India for 6 days and 5 nights. (I would recommend staying at least a few days past your procedure but it is best to stay for a full week after the procedure to complete all the post care at the clinic).

It was good that I planned to stay a bit longer because my transplant ended up taking an extra day. The end result was 4628 grafts being transplanted over a 3 day period. The frontal and midscalp areas took 2640 grafts, the crown took 1573 grafts, the right temple took 190 grafts, and the left temple took 225 grafts. After talking to Om, 5 days after the procedure, he explained that Dr. Bansal had a goal density of 30-35 grafts/cm^2 for my hair. Below is my graft breakdown:

Single - 582 (scalp) 502 (beard) - 1084

Double - 2140

Triple - 1011

Quadruple - 392


On a side note, I was fortunate enough to have my surgery scheduled the same week as some celebrities :D. It was great meeting you guys! @Bandit90 @MazAB @Zoomster and Adam.

I am currently back home and am 5 days post OP. My overall experience was very pleasant but there was a few suggestions that I did make to Eugenix to improve the customer experience even further. Now its time to be patient and see how the results come out, because as we all know, results speak for themselves. 

I would greatly appreciate any feedback anyone may have regarding my transplant. I will be posting some updates here in a few days after my first head wash and then probably monthly to give everyone idea of progress in growth. Thank you all for taking the time to read my post.



PHOTO-2022-10-11-13-48-18 (1).jpg











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Eugenix seems to be the one of the only clinics in the entire world that actually recognizes the importance of temple points and makes an attempt to generally construct them on patients. Even on a Norwood 6! This in my opinion puts Eugenix qualitatively a step above every other elite clinic.

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29 minutes ago, g8n2h9k3u7 said:

Eugenix seems to be the one of the only clinics in the entire world that actually recognizes the importance of temple points and makes an attempt to generally construct them on patients. Even on a Norwood 6! This in my opinion puts Eugenix qualitatively a step above every other elite clinic.

I agree. Having temple points done was very important in my opinion as it helps to frame the face well. I hope it was the right decision to go ahead and have them done!

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Hey Jay!!! Awesome meeting you brother! I said it before when I had an opportunity to see the results up close. Everything was very well executed. Love the temples, especially after you made the changes! 

Subscibed to your tread and looking forward to your updates

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57 minutes ago, MazAB said:

Hey Jay!!! Awesome meeting you brother! I said it before when I had an opportunity to see the results up close. Everything was very well executed. Love the temples, especially after you made the changes! 

Subscibed to your tread and looking forward to your updates

Thanks for the positive energy my man. These temple point changes would never have been done without your help! I appreciate you following my post and will surely be keeping everyone up to date. 

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Wow, this is insane. How did you get full coverage with only 4628 grafts? For most people, it would take around 7k grafts or so. Also are you on any medications?

Edited by Fox243
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2 hours ago, Fox243 said:

Wow, this is insane. How did you get full coverage with only 4628 grafts? For most people, it would take around 7k grafts or so. Also are you on any medications?

Hi Fox. Great questions. First, yes, I have been on finasteride for about 10-11 months now. I used to use minoxidil but discontinued it several months ago. I did get pretty solid results from it but it was a hassle to apply it twice a day and I didn’t like how it felt on my scalp. Also the returns were diminishing. What minoxidil did for me 3 years ago was a million times better than what it was doing recently. I believe we were able to go for full coverage for a few reasons. The initial plan was to use 4000 grafts (3000 scalp and 1000 beard) to cover the front and mid scalp only. I requested to see if full coverage was possible. That’s when we upped the graft count. We were able to do that because Dr. Arika said that she was very happy with my donor area and it was in much better condition compared to what she thought when just looking at pictures. Also, it’s not really easy to tell from the pictures but the actual area on my head that needed to be covered was not too too large (in terms of surface area). I also had dense hair caliber and many multi hair grafts. That, in addition to the fact that my hair is naturally wavy/curly gave the team confidence in attempting full coverage in my case. That being said, only time will tell what kind of coverage I will actually get at the end of the day. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I get great results to begin with and then I can always go back to add some touch ups if needed!! Thanks for your comment !

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1 hour ago, Dillpickle123 said:

You have a ton of grafts in the upper beard for your crown if need be 

Yes! I definitely have some grafts left in the tank for crown density or even mid scalp and hairline. I think we guesstimated that 1500ish more can be taken from scalp. For beard it should be a lot more than that. Something I will think about maybe 10 months down the line once I see how this turns out 😊

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The recipient area looks a bit like the guy in this vid, but I hope you have much better result in the crown because it looks less than great. We have seen many good results from Eugenix so I'm not sure what went wrong here?



The crown looks diffuse with few coarse beard hairs sticking up.


I hope your result will be better mate.

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@Xanadu great observation. I watched the video and I guess you are right about his post op recipient area looking similar to mine! His crown is definitely an improvement over what he started with but not a home run with the new growth. We have to keep in mind, though, that the crown is a tough area to target and eats up many grafts and often times will still look sparse. I personally think his crown could be better but is still age appropriate for him. Also, this gentlemen got almost 2X the grafts I got in 1 session haha. Hopefully I have plenty of grafts left over for any touch ups that may be needed after a year. Thanks for checking out my post and I appreciate the feedback 😎

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You have the beard of the gods. That's easily the thickest beard I've ever seen. 

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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44 minutes ago, caveman said:

@Xanadu great observation. I watched the video and I guess you are right about his post op recipient area looking similar to mine! His crown is definitely an improvement over what he started with but not a home run with the new growth. We have to keep in mind, though, that the crown is a tough area to target and eats up many grafts and often times will still look sparse. I personally think his crown could be better but is still age appropriate for him. Also, this gentlemen got almost 2X the grafts I got in 1 session haha. Hopefully I have plenty of grafts left over for any touch ups that may be needed after a year. Thanks for checking out my post and I appreciate the feedback 😎

Yeah, the photos of him look decent but when he combs his hair I got goosebumps...and I thought about you. I really hope you won't have such a result on midscalp/crown. And yes, some clinics have trouble with the black hole of the crown, but Eugenixs pride themselves of being one of the clinics who can handle the crown well, so it was sad to see this result.

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2 hours ago, Xanadu said:

Yeah, the photos of him look decent but when he combs his hair I got goosebumps...and I thought about you. I really hope you won't have such a result on midscalp/crown. And yes, some clinics have trouble with the black hole of the crown, but Eugenixs pride themselves of being one of the clinics who can handle the crown well, so it was sad to see this result.

Yeah I just rewatched it to see what you meant by when he combs it. For sure would not want that. I think his crown/ midscalp lacked density because they used over 3K beard grafts in it. Luckily in my procedure we’ve only used 502 beard grafts as filler and its blended into the 4100 scalp grafts. Also I think the gentlemen in the video you is a pretty massive dude. His head surface area may be 2X bigger than mine so eugenix had a lot of scalp to cover with minimal scalp grafts lol.

thanks for your concern but I am staying positive and hoping for the best! I believe I had good donor and strong hair characteristics, along with a smaller sized head. I got faith in my docs over at Eugenix ..so keeping my fingers crossed for now! 

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Update: today is day 8. I have done 2 head washes using dove soap over the last 2 days. I’ve attached a couple of pictures that show what my head looked like with the scabs and then after I removed them. Have sent eugenix post care team some update pictures as well. They confirmed the scalp looks clean and that everything seems to be healing nicely. Does anyone have any thoughts? 






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