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Norwood 3 looking for a hairtransplant

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Hello all,

Joined today , after lurking for 3-4 days , Attached are my photos , iam 44 ,have been losing hairs since i was 20 . i tried Finastride as soon as i discovered hairloss for couple of years , stopped using it after i got married , didn't really cared about hair much for next 2 decades .

Now that most of my front part of the hair and hairline have disappeared ,want to explore options available to me . Is it too far gone or too late? Iam looking at options in india or turkey . Suggestions appreciated.





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Ok . 

The draft of the post is little old from last week ,got around to positing it this week. I just wanted to have the sequence related to this hair transplant journey.

Based on positive recent experiences on this forum , i did had a virtual consultation with Eugenix two days back. The norwood classification comes from that.





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Will 3200 grafts be too low ? Iam looking for a conservative hairline with reasonable density . I have started 0.5 mg Finastride 10 days ago , Plan on continuing to use that atleast for couple of years.


P.S . Iam unable to edit posts after posting . If moderators could consolidate in to single post ,that will be fine.

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  • Senior Member
28 minutes ago, Khanate said:

Will 3200 grafts be too low ? Iam looking for a conservative hairline with reasonable density . I have started 0.5 mg Finastride 10 days ago , Plan on continuing to use that atleast for couple of years.


P.S . Iam unable to edit posts after posting . If moderators could consolidate in to single post ,that will be fine.

what are your expectations?


fullhead with no sign of crown thinning?


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They'll be able to from the looks of it also grab some beard hair... regarding design and some people here might be able to illuminate more, but some design blend into sides might also be something to look at in these planning stages. frames the face nicely and can be overlooked but just thinking about up top. Not exactly creating temporal peaks or anything but having that transition there in design. It may already be but form the one design shot included here I'm not seeing it. Eugenix would be a great choice and their suggestion of grafts is likely as it oughta be. They're probably evaulating the rest of the hair and density and factoring all that in.

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  • Senior Member
9 hours ago, Khanate said:

Hello all,

Joined today , after lurking for 3-4 days , Attached are my photos , iam 44 ,have been losing hairs since i was 20 . i tried Finastride as soon as i discovered hairloss for couple of years , stopped using it after i got married , didn't really cared about hair much for next 2 decades .

Now that most of my front part of the hair and hairline have disappeared ,want to explore options available to me . Is it too far gone or too late? Iam looking at options in india or turkey . Suggestions appreciated.





I personally don't understand how alongside these photos they classed you as Grade 3A at Eugenix tbh. It's good you've resumed Finasteride as it should help but i would probably strongly advise you wait 12 months if you can because a lot of the native hair in the area to be transplanted look weak atm and if you allow Finasteride to help strengthen them up, there's a good chance that you may keep them rather than lose them permanently with shock loss etc. 

Also, if you don't mind me asking. What was it that led to you stopping Finasteride all those years ago? It doesn't seem like you had side affects. 

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1 hour ago, NARMAK said:

I personally don't understand how alongside these photos they classed you as Grade 3A at Eugenix tbh. It's good you've resumed Finasteride as it should help but i would probably strongly advise you wait 12 months if you can because a lot of the native hair in the area to be transplanted look weak atm and if you allow Finasteride to help strengthen them up, there's a good chance that you may keep them rather than lose them permanently with shock loss etc. 

Also, if you don't mind me asking. What was it that led to you stopping Finasteride all those years ago? It doesn't seem like you had side affects. 

I would agree that is strongly recommended in such a case to wait out the 12 monts. But even then the  patient would be very reliant on Finansteride. While it is very possible that he has to drop it at some point. Not a great candidate IMO. Best HT candidates are those over age 40 with limited frontal loss who are not dependant on medication. 

Edited by Mike10
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31 minutes ago, Mike10 said:

I would agree that is strongly recommended in such a case to wait out the 12 monts. But even then the  patient would be very reliant on Finansteride. While it is very possible that he has to drop it at some point. Not a great candidate IMO. Best HT candidates are those over age 40 with limited frontal loss who are not dependant on medication. 

I mean, OP is over 40 now and looks to have a solid beard for possible donor. So if he went with a very conservative hairline, i think he could get solid results. Although him being on Finasteride again and staying on it would very likely help with the longevity of the HT

I think that's a rather mostly undiscussed point that some people do not consider. Hair loss isn't also linear and for some has actually been fine for a while, then suddenly accelerated later in life, going against the wisdom some say that it slows.

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1 hour ago, NARMAK said:

I mean, OP is over 40 now and looks to have a solid beard for possible donor. So if he went with a very conservative hairline, i think he could get solid results. Although him being on Finasteride again and staying on it would very likely help with the longevity of the HT

I think that's a rather mostly undiscussed point that some people do not consider. Hair loss isn't also linear and for some has actually been fine for a while, then suddenly accelerated later in life, going against the wisdom some say that it slows.

you're not in a good spot for HT if you have to count on beard

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2 hours ago, Mike10 said:

you're not in a good spot for HT if you have to count on beard

Perhaps not as strong but it's something a person that isn't wanting to take Finasteride etc. can fall back on to help assist them and is an option to help at least. 

Personally i'm on medication and keeping things in my back pocket if i need like Oral/Topical Minoxodil but a HT is honestly the last thing you do want to go for with our finite donor supply and still all the possible things that can go wrong even using a good clinic. 

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You're Norwood 5, the back head donor looks good, sides donor need more diagnosis because it looks thin, depends also what your scalp measurements, the hairline you draw in red is too low, it will at take at least more 1000 grafts for that extra 1-2 cm.

Edited by Doron Harati

Doron Harati - Patient coordinator for HDC Hair Clinic.

For consultation, WhatsApp: +972526542654


HDC Instegram: https://instagram.com/doronhairadvisor_hdc?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

* All comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice, all comments are only the personal opinions of the poster.

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Khanate,  wait at least 8 months to a year id you started meds so you can let that hair that will regrow, manifest itself. Then you can see exactly what you will need.  

id say this was close to norwood 4/5 with vertex thinning/loss.  The graft counts certainly seem lower, but again, this is dependent on your head size dimensions.  For density, 3200 may be on the lower side.  4000-4500 grafts with proper frontal framing is more realistic (may even cover a little into the crown).  Remember, a good lateral slit technique can make the hairline look much more natural and can amplify the illusion a bit more.  Get more consults to see what different docs suggest. sirji zara dek kay

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16 hours ago, Dillpickle123 said:

Doesn’t look like a dip seems like he just woke up and the hair is like taht from the pillow, you don’t look like a Norwood 3 more like a Norwood 4 going to 5, 3200 grafts would asthetically help you a lot  

Yes , i get bed head thing on the back , wasn't mindful of that . Here are  latest pictures i took this AM





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12 hours ago, NARMAK said:

Also, if you don't mind me asking. What was it that led to you stopping Finasteride all those years ago? It doesn't seem like you had side affects. 


It worked very well for me when i started in 2001 , From losing 100s of hairs in shower ,went to almost Zero in one month .  Apart from dull testicular ache in first few weeks (still experiencing that ! hoping it goes away ! ) ,didn't experience any side effects . After couple of years , i felt i was losing ground ,seeing more hairs in hands while washing hair ,thinning hairline etc , maybe it was just a Finastride shed which people go through ...  I was wondering if i should continue with it despite diminishing returns and increased possibility of side effects as i get older . Also, Mentally hairloss thing was playing a number ,as i was obsessively worried about my hair every waking minute ,reading every single post on all available forums and usenet groups or news about hairloss to the point it was affecting other parts of my life . To me at that time , Acceptance and not caring about my hair was the CURE. So i just quit one day ,dumped my topicals , tablets in to the bin,  focused on my career ,got married , travelled, had kids etc up until last month when i was drawn in to the vortex again !! :)  . 

I've registered originally on this site when it was called something else i don't even remember the username and looking for hair transplants even back then !


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