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28 years old (NORWOOD 6/7) -- Hair transplant Eugenix with Dr Arika Bensal -- 4526 grafts (including 973 Beard)


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Day 3

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Crown (view from behind) 

(I actually did not get graft in that part of the crown, but I guess I just want to see if i can see some improvement in the following month due to finasteride by posting some weekly pictures)


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These are some of the best photos documented that I have ever seen @garcimore75. Yes when it comes to sleeping post op you just have to accept that for the first seven or so days it's a struggle. I had grafts all over my head as a fellow Norwood 7 including in my back donor area. But poor sleep for 7-10 days is a small price for the rest of your life. You've gone the top clinic in my opinion for high Norwood patients and I look forward to following your journey. Thanks for sharing!

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Yes @BaldingEagle1, I can't wait to get them removed on Saturday.

I guess @Gramatik, you were the one asking if my scabs removal will be on day 7 or 8. I was thinking day 8, but it will be finally on day 7.

Thank you @Gatsby, I will try my best to keep it that way, probably by posting another close up picture later today. Then the next picture will be saturday after scabs removal. 

Also, first part of that life changing experience, having been a smoker for more than 10 years (I told you I was French haha), I have been able to stop since 11 days for the first time in my life and don't plan to smoke again. Sometime I guess you just need something important to motivate you. 

While you are waiting for more documentation, this is a video that will may be bring some memory back to some of you who were able to be at the farmhouse. 


I can't thank Dr Sethi, Dr Bansal, the whole Eugenix team and everybody working with them enough. I have learn the story of Dr Sethi, and it is a real success story, and he deserves it when you know everything he gives back to his community, A REAL GOOD HUMAN BEING.

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Day 5

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Crown (view from top) 



(for the ones who want to see the evolution I suggest you to open this page twice and then split your screen in 2 parts with the picture of day 3 on the left side and today's date on the right side)

I will always try to put the pictures in the same order to make things easier (im a bit OCD)

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DAY 8 


Yesterday, I went to my first head wash on day 7 where I got almost 90% of my scabs removed + I came today as well and I got the rest of my scabs removed. 

The feeling on the scalp is weird since the hair transplant was done last week, but it was to be expected. When I had my ACL done it took times to get all sensations back. They told me it could take 3 to 4 weeks to get it back (sometimes less, sometime more). Also the new transplanted hair right now feels like a 3 day beard when I touch them, but it is already better than yesterday, so I guess the more shampoo I will have, the more It will get soft. 

I am so thrilled with the results for now, I am gonna enjoy those brand new hair before they start shedding haha . We will see those hair back in 3 to 6 month anyway, they also deserve some vacation after what they have been through.










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So far so good, looks very good at this point. Clean work.

From your pictures, you have a similar level of body hair than I do. What I am wondering is, with such dense body hair all over the body (I assume you even have dense black hair on shoulders and back?) have you discussed with Eugenix whether body hair can be used at a later stage, in particular body hair that one would like to get rid off anyways (shoulder + back + neck?).

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On 12/4/2022 at 9:04 AM, garcimore75 said:

DAY 8 


Yesterday, I went to my first head wash on day 7 where I got almost 90% of my scabs removed + I came today as well and I got the rest of my scabs removed. 

The feeling on the scalp is weird since the hair transplant was done last week, but it was to be expected. When I had my ACL done it took times to get all sensations back. They told me it could take 3 to 4 weeks to get it back (sometimes less, sometime more). Also the new transplanted hair right now feels like a 3 day beard when I touch them, but it is already better than yesterday, so I guess the more shampoo I will have, the more It will get soft. 

I am so thrilled with the results for now, I am gonna enjoy those brand new hair before they start shedding haha . We will see those hair back in 3 to 6 month anyway, they also deserve some vacation after what they have been through.










How much did it cost?

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I'm in the exact same situation as you. Late 20s, NW6/7, not the best scalp donor and a lot of body and beard hair. Was scared of fin for years but I'm willing to take it in order to get a procedure. Have SMP.

Looking great so far. Did they give an estimate of how many grafts needed to fill the crown and how many of those would be scalp or BHT? 

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi everyone, 

Sorry for the late reply, I was in France seeing my family. Just got back to the US.

I will try to answer all questions that have been asked. 

@fabi100nx, I asked Dr Bansal about how much she think we will still be able to harvest from the scalp donor area, and she told me they will probably be able to get around 4K graft. I will also probably need around 3K grafts for the crown for my next surgery. But all estimates will be done around the 6 month mark after re-evaluating my procedure + the results of finasteride and my dietary supplements I am currently taking . I am not thinking about getting hair from other parts than my scalp or beard. I still have a lot to spare from the beard area to use in addition of the scalp hair.

Some of you asked me about the price, for that point I took the super premium package to get Dr Bansal doing all the incisions + crucial implantations + all extractions. So that package is one of the most expensive they offer, that comes at a bit more than $4 per graft. But there is multiple package for all budget.  

I will post the 1 month result and today's result (It has been 2 month since the surgery)

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DAY 60


Here we go the 60 day mark or 2 month after surgery. Right now it seems most of the shedding has already occurred. That ugly ducking phase is a bit stressful and I can't wait to see the results in the coming month. Hopefully I will get result as good as some of the guys I have seen on that forum.

To make it pass more smoothly I have done what @Zoomsterdid, which is shave everything at at number 1 or 2 trim (cannot really remember, I have done it last week). 

What i can tell, is even with the shedding, it definitely seems I have more hair than what I had before + it blends not bad with the SMP I have done around 3 years ago.

I am still taking finasteride daily since 3 months now + the vitamins dietary program that I got from Eugenix (6 days a week). 

I have noticed some kind of spots popping in the back of my head, generally disappeared after a day or so without touching it. 

I really can't wait to start that month 3, all your feedback are greatly appreciated.







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  • 2 weeks later...
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10 weeks post op (Flash on):

Just uploading a picture after 10 weeks, I went to the barber on Wednesday to trim my hair to a number 1 (3mm) on the top and fade it on the side from 3mm to 0 , Even when completely shaved, hard to notice there was a hair transplant on the donor area. Except still a bit of redness but not highly noticeable (dont really know when its gonna completely go away). 

 Disclosure: I asked Eugenix before going to the barber if it was okay and they told me it was okay after 2 months to do so.


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Wow @garcimore75 your case looks it could become an amazing result. And with that combination of scalp hair, sides and BHT. 
Did you ask if they could take a lot more from your beard? Like 4000? Your beard looks sooo dense.

Thanks for all the details and superb photos. This is gonna be another impressive job from Eugenix Clinic. Now be patient, the adventure will be worthy!


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@BaldingEye, Thank you, I really appreciate it.

Yes, Arika Bansal told me she could be able to harvest 4000 from my scalp donor. We will see in the next month how it goes with finasteride.

Concerning the beard, I don't have a number but I know she will be able to get a lot more, since I still have lot of density left. Its like nothing has changed, my barber didn't notice i had beard hair extracted. 

If they are able to get a total of 8K grafts from my supposed poor scalp area. I think they will be able to get a lot more from my beard haha.

I personally think for the second surgery I will go with the same that I had for my first surgery. Like 1K beard + 2.5 to 3.5K hair. At the 6 month mark, I will re-evaluate my case with doctor Bansal.

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