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Glenn Charles, FUT 3300, Jan 2022 - Before/After pics + Looking for recommendations on next surgeon for 2nd transplant


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I discovered this amazing community a bit late unfortunately, but I wanted to share my 1stHT results so far, and get recommendations for my 2nd HT.


1st HT - Jan 2022, Genn Charles, 3300, FUT.  at age 42

Dr Charles, his staff, and clinic were great; 1 patient per day; every professional and clean, etc. 

Obviously  the results aren’t that great, but I know I had a lot of area to cover, and only so much can be done in one transplant.  I also have somewhat thin hair as well.


I feel like I don’t really see the results that would have been expected from 3300 grafts, but ill let you guys decide that.

I tried Fin and Min, but i didn't continue due to side effects.  Min was giving me breakouts/rashes on my head, and Fin has side effects im not happy with

I think I have a lot more donor area on the sides, and back below the FUT scar that I can pull from with a FUE procedure.

Ideally I want to drop my hairline by 1 inch in the front, and fill in the bold area on top.


I had talked to Vera, Smile, and Hair of Istanbul so far, but I learned they are mills from reading this forum and so im no longer considering those clinics.

Im not too concerned with the price.  I can pay for higher end work, but I just need to make sure I get higher end work.

From reading this forum, i was considering Pekiner, Bicer, Turan, Gur, or Yaman so far.


Thanks a lot for all the support on here!


1. pre op.jpg

2. post op.jpg

3. 1 yr later.jpg

4. 1 year later.jpg

5. 1 year later.jpg

6. 1 year later.jpg

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The good news is that donor area looks untouched - plenty of scope there for your second surgery. 

Are you taking may medication to strengthen your existing hair?

I'd say you didn't have a fantastic survival ratio, but it your hairline looks solid and frames you face. Perhaps your fine hair is also a larger contributor to that. 

I personally had 3100 grafts around the same time and also covered a large area with good resultant density.

The clinics you've listed are much better than your first list. Eugenix are a forum favourite for high Norwoods. Would you consider using beard/body hair in combination with scalp?

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Hard to judge the results with short hair, but if you’re not satisfied why not bring it up to Dr. Charles? He may be willing to give you a free touch-up. That’s the good thing about going to a good surgeon, they don’t leave you high and dry. 


I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Look at Spain or Portugal for your next procedure, not Turkey. Also Hattingen in Switzerland. 

You are correct that the results are underwhelming. Don't roll the dice with another subpar procedure in Turkey, your donor area is more precious than $.

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I’m not a fan of Dr Charles work, with that said you had a large area to fill, did you expect that this could be covered in one procedure? Should of been a two day procedure or planning of two procedures over time, I don’t like the approach of sprinkling in hair and expecting someone will be happy just because they are bald, density is not good and the post op pics show that. Go see Dr Nadimi or Dr Konior in the states!

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10 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

Hard to judge the results with short hair, but if you’re not satisfied why not bring it up to Dr. Charles? He may be willing to give you a free touch-up. That’s the good thing about going to a good surgeon, they don’t leave you high and dry. 


A good surgeon would have a better approach and better outcome. 

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2 minutes ago, pb3454 said:

i expected to need 2 surgeries at least, if not 3.  and i dont mind going to turkey.  seems like its way better bang for buck there as well.  i will look into the doctors suggested, thanks.  

I’m 2 months out and have growth already, look @lindros88and @AStark both a few months ahead of me and you will see the difference between a truly elite surgeon and a someone that should no longer be recommended on this forum. 

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On 1/26/2023 at 9:30 AM, pb3454 said:


I discovered this amazing community a bit late unfortunately, but I wanted to share my 1stHT results so far, and get recommendations for my 2nd HT.


1st HT - Jan 2022, Genn Charles, 3300, FUT.  at age 42

Dr Charles, his staff, and clinic were great; 1 patient per day; every professional and clean, etc. 

Obviously  the results aren’t that great, but I know I had a lot of area to cover, and only so much can be done in one transplant.  I also have somewhat thin hair as well.


I feel like I don’t really see the results that would have been expected from 3300 grafts, but ill let you guys decide that.

I tried Fin and Min, but i didn't continue due to side effects.  Min was giving me breakouts/rashes on my head, and Fin has side effects im not happy with

I think I have a lot more donor area on the sides, and back below the FUT scar that I can pull from with a FUE procedure.

Ideally I want to drop my hairline by 1 inch in the front, and fill in the bold area on top.


I had talked to Vera, Smile, and Hair of Istanbul so far, but I learned they are mills from reading this forum and so im no longer considering those clinics.

Im not too concerned with the price.  I can pay for higher end work, but I just need to make sure I get higher end work.

From reading this forum, i was considering Pekiner, Bicer, Turan, Gur, or Yaman so far.


Thanks a lot for all the support on here!


1. pre op.jpg

2. post op.jpg

3. 1 yr later.jpg

4. 1 year later.jpg

5. 1 year later.jpg

6. 1 year later.jpg



This does not look like 3300 grafts. Just calling it as I see it. If it was not a forum recommended doc it would have been called out.

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22 hours ago, shiba1985 said:



This does not look like 3300 grafts. Just calling it as I see it. If it was not a forum recommended doc it would have been called out.

Agree, I remember another case recently by Dr Charles that had a similar issue in terms of graft paid for versus graft implanted, and the work wasn’t very good, not sure why this forum would continue to keep a doctor on a list that isn’t consistent. When I first became a member on this forum someone kept emailing me privately telling me how great Dr Charles was, good thing I did my research, my eyes don’t lie, easy to pic out poor quality. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

post op, i took a high resolution photo, zoomed in on the computer and started to count the grafts.  i didn't count the whole area, but based on the count i had so far, and the area i had covered already with that count, im not even close to 3300.  maybe 1500 to 2000 at best.


but luckily its just money and time i wasted, i still have a lot of donor left to go somewhere else and get it done correctly


im thinking about dr Yaman, get around 4500 done. 

and then a 3rd operation maybe with Pekiner to get everything fine tuned as needed.


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A pity to see such a poor result. WIth 3300 you should have gotten a lot more coverage. 
If you have the money, why are you checking Turkey? Where are you from? You have excellent options nowadays like Dr Konior, Dr Hasson & Wong, Dr Pitella, Dr Bisanga, Eugenix Clinic or Dr Couto who I chose for my Hair Transplant. 
However, you case looks perfect for Dr Zarev, have you checked his work? Amazing for high norwoods.

Edited by BaldingEye
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as far as i can tell from the forum, some very good doctors are in turkey.  plus i can take a Europe vacation first and finish it in turkey with the surgery.

I would like to spend no more than $5/graft if possible.  im seeing very good results for $1 to $5 per graft on this forum. 

Konior is way too expensive for me.  Couto wasnt available until 2024, and i can check the other doctors you mentioned as well


thanks for the recommendations!



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On 1/27/2023 at 12:33 AM, Melvin- Moderator said:

Hard to judge the results with short hair, but if you’re not satisfied why not bring it up to Dr. Charles? He may be willing to give you a free touch-up. That’s the good thing about going to a good surgeon, they don’t leave you high and dry. 


A good surgeon would actually implant 3300 grafts.

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I would consider Eugenix who excel in higher Norwood patients. Also are you able or have you tried topical finasteride? It's possible you may not have side effects topically. It's worth a try. Anyway now that you have found the forum spend some time looking at results from surgeons that the forum recommends that you would be happy with. What did Dr Charles say about your results at twelve months? All the best!

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9 hours ago, Gatsby said:

I would consider Eugenix who excel in higher Norwood patients. Also are you able or have you tried topical finasteride? It's possible you may not have side effects topically. It's worth a try. Anyway now that you have found the forum spend some time looking at results from surgeons that the forum recommends that you would be happy with. What did Dr Charles say about your results at twelve months? All the best!


ok thanks i will talk to Eugenix.  i have not tried topical finasteride yet.  maybe that is the best way.  i really hate taking pills that have side effects and can effect my health later on.  my hair is just looks/vanity.  my health is far more important to me.  


Dr Charles says the result is about what he would expected and he doesn't see anything wrong.  i mentioned via text that it didn't look like i got 3300 grafts, or that maybe i had a large % of grafts die, and that it was also the option of other forum members, and he hasn't responded.




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On 2/16/2023 at 8:13 PM, Gatsby said:

I would consider Eugenix who excel in higher Norwood patients. Also are you able or have you tried topical finasteride? It's possible you may not have side effects topically. It's worth a try. Anyway now that you have found the forum spend some time looking at results from surgeons that the forum recommends that you would be happy with. What did Dr Charles say about your results at twelve months? All the best!


i talked to Eugenix. 


i dont get to select my doctor it sounds like?  results will very in that case?  


they use the slit method, which is inferior to stick and place or DHI as i understand (more scaring risk, more trauma to head, higher risk of transecting existing grafts)


and they are telling me they use a single device to remove the graft and then plant the graft all in one sequence.  ive never heard of this before, but thats what im told.

this would require an awkward position of the patient during surgery so that both front and back head areas are accessible at the same time, and not provide any good angle for the doctor towork and actually see what he is doing



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On 2/17/2023 at 5:57 AM, pb3454 said:


ok thanks i will talk to Eugenix.  i have not tried topical finasteride yet.  maybe that is the best way.  i really hate taking pills that have side effects and can effect my health later on.  my hair is just looks/vanity.  my health is far more important to me.  


Dr Charles says the result is about what he would expected and he doesn't see anything wrong.  i mentioned via text that it didn't look like i got 3300 grafts, or that maybe i had a large % of grafts die, and that it was also the option of other forum members, and he hasn't responded.




I would request at minimum a partial refund, there’s no way that was 3300 grafts, very shady. 

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I spoke with Dr. Glenn charles who told me he was going to speak with this patient, he’s always willing to work with his patients to make them happy. I felt very good after our conversation that he’s willing to do what it takes to make this patient happy. 

As for the number of grafts, it’s definitely 3,300, a lot of grafts were singles, which were combined into slits to increase density. 

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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