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Xyon Topical Dutasteride User Trials (1) - User Reports and Updates ONLY


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This is a moderated thread for doccumenting Xyon's Topical Dutasteride Product. Only posts from users participating in the user trial and in the form of updates of their use of this product are permitted, all other discussion will take place on a separate thread in order to maintain consistency in evaluating the results/efficacy of this product. All comments outside of these guidelines will be removed by @Melvin- Moderator

The discussion thread, where everyone is welcome to comment and ask questions, is linked here: https://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/topic/67653-xyon-topical-dutasteride-user-trial-2-discussion-comments-and-questions/



There is no affiliation with Dr. Hasson, Dr. Wong or anyone else at Xyon for this product. This thread is strictly for trialing what is claimed to be the best formulation so far for develivering Dutasteride topically (outside of mesotherapy). The intention is to expand on the small sample size that Xyon has provided for their trials. Baseline blood work beforehand is strongly encouraged as it will help users understand how the medication is affecting them and will allow us to build a stronger case for evaluation. If you are not able to obtain bloodwork, please still participate in posting your progress as it still valid input. A guideline for what to test for with blood work is below. Lastly, please fill out information within the guidelines as concisely and accurately as you can. All other discussion will take place in the other tread mentioned above. 


Please use the two guidelines below when posting to keep inputs uniform:


Starting Point Guideline (please copy and paste this into your first post and fill in the blanks):

Date Started: 
Update timeline:
(How often do you intend to update results?)
Key Metric for Evaluation: (ex. Regrowth in crown, thickening of hair, maintenance, etc.) 

  • Please list all previous medication used to combat hair loss at any point in the past:
  • Please provide all medication specifically used 3 months prior to beginning Topical Dutasteride treatment:
  • Please disclose if you will be using Topical Dutasteride alongside any other medication and at what doses & frequency:
  • Please indicate the dose and frequency you will be using Xyon’s Topical Dutasteride, ie. as per Xyon’s recommendation; 1 pump equal to 2% once daily. 

Bloodwork - If you have any blood work results prior to starting treatment with Topical Dut, please post them here (i.e, Free Testosterone, Total Test, DHT, Estrogen, SHBG, Prolactin etc) 

Starting Point Photo - Please try to use clear photos and avoid using dark settings. It would be best to take the photos in the exact same position and in the same spot/room so that in the future updates are consistent. Lastly, feel free to blur, shade in or crop your photo in order to hide your identity if you so choose, however, please allow for the photos to still be clear for the sake of comparison. 

Beginning Photo - Front Facing: 

Beginning Photo - Top View:

Beginning Photo - Side View: 

Beginning Photo - Back View 



Updates Guideline:

Number of Weeks from starting point: 
Update Number: (i.e. is this your first, second update? ..etc..) 

Update Photo # - Front Facing: 

Update Photo # - Top View:

Update Photo # - Side View: 

Update Photo # - Back View 


  • Personal Assessment of Hair / Results: 
  • Please indicate if you have any perceived side effects from the medication:
  • Please note if you have changed anything in your hair loss regimen, i.e, changed your frequency, dose, or regimen. 
  • Please include any additional information you believe is relevant to your personal trial:



Edited by TorontoMan
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Thank you for creating. I will be sharing my own photos shortly as a baseline. 


 I was just an inch away from booking a a hairmill based on google reviews before i stumbled upon this goldmine of a forum. 

I’m a paid administrator for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive compensation from any clinic, and my comments are not medical advice.

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Topical dutasteride journey 

Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Starting Point Guideline - 

Date Started: February 13, 2023 (or once my blood work is complete) 
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Update timeline: I'll post updates every 2 months

Key Metric for Evaluation:  Maintenance and observing side effect profile. I have had a FUE hair transplant to recover a NW2 shape hairline and have maintained native hair with medication listed below. For this reason, my personal experiment will be more geared towards tolerability, maintenance and gauging if it could yield results to be a stand alone treatment. 

  • Please list all previous medication used to combat hair loss at any point in the past:
    - 1mg Finasteride, 2.5 mg Oral Minoxidil, 25mg RU topically on * research subject* 
  • Please provide all medication specifically used 3 months prior to beginning Topical Dutasteride treatment:
    - 1mg Finasteride, 2.5 mg Oral Minoxidil, 25mg RU topically on * research subject* 
  • Please disclose if you will be using Topical Dutasteride alongside any other medication and at what doses & frequency:
    - 1mg Finasteride reduced to 5x per week, 2.5 mg oral minoxidil daily, low dose RU 2.5% on research subject 
  • Please indicate the dose and frequency you will be using Xyon’s Topical Dutasteride, ie. as per Xyon’s recommendation; 1 pump equal to 2% once daily. 
    - 1 pump of 2% applied 1x per week, no other medication will be taken on that day. 

Bloodwork -  Scheduled an appointment with my doctor to request bloodwork to test the following: Free Test, Total Test, DHT, Estradiol, SHBG, Prolactin. Won't begin trial of topical dut until I complete bloodwork and I'll update the bloodwork in my post as soon as I have it for future reference. 

Starting Point Photo 

Beginning Photo - Front Facing: 


Beginning Photo - Top View:


Beginning Photo - Side View: 


Beginning Photo - Back View 



Edited by TorontoMan
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Make sure you’re getting Estradiol Sensitive run - this is specifically for males. LabCorp and Quest both offer the sensitive assay. This will give you much more accurate results in terms of your Estradiol (E2) level. I’d have them run a thyroid profile on you as well just to get the entire picture. 

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I applied topical dutasteride for the second time yesterday. I’m doing 1x per week dutasteride, and 4x per week finasteride. 

TMI Alert 🚨 

Sexual well-being: So, I think this is important to talk about, because let’s face it, we’re all using this topically to avoid sexual side effects. Thus far, my libido has been normal. Morning erections almost daily. Semen has been normal as well, not watery.

Hair shedding: I haven’t noticed any shedding. I lose 3-4 hairs in the shower. Hair quality feels strong. No hairs come out doing the pull test.

Hair thickness: Hair feels thick, though, I attribute this to oral minoxidil. 

Baseline: So this is my baseline. I’ve used XYON topical finasteride for 1.5 months. I feel like my crown has slightly improved, but too soon to tell. I’ve outlined the areas where I’ve received no grafts. This is of importance, because this is the area I’m looking to improve on dut. My hair is wet to illustrate more weakness. 





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 I was just an inch away from booking a a hairmill based on google reviews before i stumbled upon this goldmine of a forum. 

I’m a paid administrator for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive compensation from any clinic, and my comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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On 2/6/2023 at 7:58 PM, sunsurfhair said:

Make sure you’re getting Estradiol Sensitive run - this is specifically for males. LabCorp and Quest both offer the sensitive assay. This will give you much more accurate results in terms of your Estradiol (E2) level. I’d have them run a thyroid profile on you as well just to get the entire picture. 

I contacted LabCorp regarding Free Test, Total Test, DHT, Estradiol Sensitive, SHBG, Prolactin. they said "At this time, Labcorp OnDemand® does not offer that testing". Where are people getting these tests run for them as I'd like to do the same.  Thank you!

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2 hours ago, ready4Hair said:

I contacted LabCorp regarding Free Test, Total Test, DHT, Estradiol Sensitive, SHBG, Prolactin. they said "At this time, Labcorp OnDemand® does not offer that testing". Where are people getting these tests run for them as I'd like to do the same.  Thank you!

Have your treating physician order the labs, that should be no issue. I get all those labs done at Labcorp or Quest but typically use Labcorp as my go to. Their on demand service sounds like direct patient to lab, but it’s probably limited in the testing they allow you to purchase. 

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Just a thought as I see everybody is applying this with their fingertips and given the fact that you want to avoid as much systemic absorption as possible and the fact you want to put as much on your scalp as possible, I found things called finger shields which are made for applying appointment



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Been using it for one month. I feel like it’s getting thicker on the bottom where there’s no transplanted hair. Been using it 4-5x per week. Zero sides. Very happy about that. 


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 I was just an inch away from booking a a hairmill based on google reviews before i stumbled upon this goldmine of a forum. 

I’m a paid administrator for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive compensation from any clinic, and my comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

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Topical dutasteride journey 

Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Just try 1% 1ml last wednestday and got same side effect as when I was with topical fina 0.01% (penis pain like if there were vascularization problems, feeling of numbness in the penis) after couple of hour following the application. The side past 2 day later.

Since stopping topical finasteride I no longer had this unpleasant and sometimes painful effect.

I will perhaps try again next wednestday to see if it happen again. But I will probably not be able to use it every day... And I do not know if it is dangerous for me to get this side effect recurrently even if it lasts 2 days.

I will try to talk about it with an endocrinologist. All the urologist I have seen have told me the only side with fina can be less libido... They are not very competent because many people describe the same side effects as me. I hope endocrinologist will be more competent !

I'm a little sad because I have a feeling that I won't be able to stand this topical gel either... 


Edited by arthurSam

Minoxidil : 5% topical 1ml/day (with Melatonin 0.0033%, Fisetin 1%, Resveratrol 2%, NMN 1%, Ginko 1%, Caffein 0.2%)
DHT and Follicular androgen receptor inhibitor : Topical dutasteride 0.05% once a week + Fluridil 2ml/day + Pyrilutamide Koshine826 1% 1ml/day
Exosome Mesotherapy 1mm : human Umbilical Chord Exosomes ; see my progress pics here.

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2 hours ago, arthurSam said:

Just try 1% 1ml last wednestday and got same side effect as when I was with topical fina 0.01% (penis pain like if there were vascularization problems, feeling of numbness in the penis) after couple of hour following the application. The side past 2 day later.

Since stopping topical finasteride I no longer had this unpleasant and sometimes painful effect.

I will perhaps try again next wednestday to see if it happen again. But I will probably not be able to use it every day... And I do not know if it is dangerous for me to get this side effect recurrently even if it lasts 2 days.

I will try to talk about it with an endocrinologist. All the urologist I have seen have told me the only side with fina can be less libido... They are not very competent because many people describe the same side effects as me. I hope endocrinologist will be more competent !

I'm a little sad because I have a feeling that I won't be able to stand this topical gel either... 


I don't mean this to be disrespectful and sorry if it comes off that way but are you sure this is not psychosomatic?

I just find it impossible to believe that A) a single topical application of dutasteride could cause an almost immediate massive drop in testosterone and/or related hormones and B) even is such a thing were possible those would have an immediate cascade effect on penis vascularization and sensitivity.

I think your urologist is closer to the truth.

I'd consider doing blood work before you start and I'm guessing that while after a month you may see changes in sex hormones they won't be a) catastrophic and b) if you tested 2 hours afterwards you would not see a change at all.

Again none of this meant to be critical, but I think something else is going on here.

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28 minutes ago, ready4Hair said:

I don't mean this to be disrespectful and sorry if it comes off that way but are you sure this is not psychosomatic?

I just find it impossible to believe that A) a single topical application of dutasteride could cause an almost immediate massive drop in testosterone and/or related hormones and B) even is such a thing were possible those would have an immediate cascade effect on penis vascularization and sensitivity.

I think your urologist is closer to the truth.

I'd consider doing blood work before you start and I'm guessing that while after a month you may see changes in sex hormones they won't be a) catastrophic and b) if you tested 2 hours afterwards you would not see a change at all.

Again none of this meant to be critical, but I think something else is going on here.

Yes I was thinking the same thing. One application is unlikely to cause side effects so quickly, especially the slow and steady release of the medication through the liposomal gel.


 I was just an inch away from booking a a hairmill based on google reviews before i stumbled upon this goldmine of a forum. 

I’m a paid administrator for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive compensation from any clinic, and my comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

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Topical dutasteride journey 

Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Thanks you for yout advices 🙂

You can find here a study about penile vasular abnormalities using finasteride :

Penile vascular abnormalities in young men with persistent side effects after finasteride use for the treatment of androgenic alopecia

Here is another paper about that with 2 cases study. For one case, the man took only one pill and got severe sides :


Case 2: 23 year old male that after the intake of 1 pill of finasteride 1mg for androgenetic alopecia began with erectile dysfunction, low libido, hypospermia, less intense orgasms, asthenia, muscle pain and penile shrinking, in a persistent and progressive way although withdrawal of the drug. He is under psychiatric evaluation.

 Post-Finasteride Syndrome: About 2 Cases and Review of the Literature

It happen to me about 4-5 months after using topical finasteride at 0.025% 3x/week. After stopping, as I said before, the effects gone in about 2 week.

I had never  heard of this side effect before that happen to me so it cannot be psychological. 

Perhaps I am now very senstive to fina so even a minimal dose give me the side effect.

Otherwise maybe it's because I have atopic skin and maybe I can't stand the gel but with other products (minoxidil and hair lotion) it doesn't have this effect on me...


Edited by arthurSam

Minoxidil : 5% topical 1ml/day (with Melatonin 0.0033%, Fisetin 1%, Resveratrol 2%, NMN 1%, Ginko 1%, Caffein 0.2%)
DHT and Follicular androgen receptor inhibitor : Topical dutasteride 0.05% once a week + Fluridil 2ml/day + Pyrilutamide Koshine826 1% 1ml/day
Exosome Mesotherapy 1mm : human Umbilical Chord Exosomes ; see my progress pics here.

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3 hours ago, arthurSam said:

Thanks you for yout advices 🙂

You can find here a study about penile vasular abnormalities using finasteride :

Penile vascular abnormalities in young men with persistent side effects after finasteride use for the treatment of androgenic alopecia

Here is another paper about that with 2 cases study. For one case, the man took only one pill and got severe sides :

 Post-Finasteride Syndrome: About 2 Cases and Review of the Literature

It happen to me about 4-5 months after using topical finasteride at 0.025% 3x/week. After stopping, as I said before, the effects gone in about 2 week.

I had never  heard of this side effect before that happen to me so it cannot be psychological. 

Perhaps I am now very senstive to fina so even a minimal dose give me the side effect.

Otherwise maybe it's because I have atopic skin and maybe I can't stand the gel but with other products (minoxidil and hair lotion) it doesn't have this effect on me...


To  be clear I'm not saying you are making this up. And I believe it is possible in 4-5 months to experience side effects, and the fact you never heard of it before would substantiate it not being psychomatic at that point.

However. I do believe given that negative experience you had, you were hypersensitive to it when you started topical dut, the 2 hour time frame just seems highly improbable.

The study you quote was over an 18 MONTH period.

Also there seems to be a huge flaw in the study;

The 5ar group had a BMI of 24.6 which is 'healthy weight' for men.

The control group was over 30% which is obese.

The testosterone levels for the 5ar group was 450, which puts them at the upper end of the 352-478 expected for men in their late 30s/early 40s.

The testosterone levels for the control group was 315 which puts them below then normal levels for men their age.

So I'm unclear how that was a relevant study.

The control group was already overweight and had low testosterone and likely all the conditions associated with it.

The 5ar group was healthy/high-end.

In other words, far further to 'fall from grace'.

Edit: In other words, I don't just think the study was flawed, I think it was intentionally so. No one could put together a study like this to measure the effects of 5ar on testosterone with such a disparate control group in terms of both obesity and baseline testosterone.

Still, I take your/ their warnings seriously so am planning on doing blood work prior to and a month later. In honor of your post i might do one 2 hours after as well.

Edited by ready4Hair
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3 hours ago, ready4Hair said:

To  be clear I'm not saying you are making this up. And I believe it is possible in 4-5 months to experience side effects, and the fact you never heard of it before would substantiate it not being psychomatic at that point.

However. I do believe given that negative experience you had, you were hypersensitive to it when you started topical dut, the 2 hour time frame just seems highly improbable.

The study you quote was over an 18 MONTH period.

Also there seems to be a huge flaw in the study;

The 5ar group had a BMI of 24.6 which is 'healthy weight' for men.

The control group was over 30% which is obese.

The testosterone levels for the 5ar group was 450, which puts them at the upper end of the 352-478 expected for men in their late 30s/early 40s.

The testosterone levels for the control group was 315 which puts them below then normal levels for men their age.

So I'm unclear how that was a relevant study.

The control group was already overweight and had low testosterone and likely all the conditions associated with it.

The 5ar group was healthy/high-end.

In other words, far further to 'fall from grace'.

Edit: In other words, I don't just think the study was flawed, I think it was intentionally so. No one could put together a study like this to measure the effects of 5ar on testosterone with such a disparate control group in terms of both obesity and baseline testosterone.

Still, I take your/ their warnings seriously so am planning on doing blood work prior to and a month later. In honor of your post i might do one 2 hours after as well.

Thanks you for your comment ! I think will try again next wednesday and see what happen.

Edited by arthurSam

Minoxidil : 5% topical 1ml/day (with Melatonin 0.0033%, Fisetin 1%, Resveratrol 2%, NMN 1%, Ginko 1%, Caffein 0.2%)
DHT and Follicular androgen receptor inhibitor : Topical dutasteride 0.05% once a week + Fluridil 2ml/day + Pyrilutamide Koshine826 1% 1ml/day
Exosome Mesotherapy 1mm : human Umbilical Chord Exosomes ; see my progress pics here.

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7 minutes ago, arthurSam said:

Thanks you for your comment ! I think will try again next wednesday and see what happen.

I think that would be a great idea for you to actually know those #s (before, 2 hours after, 1 month after).

I'd think any irreversible fin/dut damage would have to be some vascularization issue especially since the sex hormones would have to restabilize after going off them.

Also not in the study they did doppler radar studies of the penis vasculature, maybe that is something to look into?

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Ok some good and bad news on lab tests.

Good News: Found this link/company where you can order all of the quest and labcorp tests:


and they have all the ones discussed here e.g.


and even hormone panels which include many:


Bad news (for me) is they are not legally allowed to service NY

So not sure what my next step is.

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2 hours ago, ready4Hair said:

Ok some good and bad news on lab tests.

Good News: Found this link/company where you can order all of the quest and labcorp tests:


and they have all the ones discussed here e.g.


and even hormone panels which include many:


Bad news (for me) is they are not legally allowed to service NY

So not sure what my next step is.

Go to your PCP / GP and ask him to order these tests for you so you can have baseline labs before starting the medication. 

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7 hours ago, ready4Hair said:

Ok some good and bad news on lab tests.

Good News: Found this link/company where you can order all of the quest and labcorp tests:


and they have all the ones discussed here e.g.


and even hormone panels which include many:


Bad news (for me) is they are not legally allowed to service NY

So not sure what my next step is.

You can go to your PCP and request these lab tests, if you have a PPO plan, you can go directly to an endocrinologist.


 I was just an inch away from booking a a hairmill based on google reviews before i stumbled upon this goldmine of a forum. 

I’m a paid administrator for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive compensation from any clinic, and my comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

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Topical dutasteride journey 

Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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I’ve been on Topical dutasteride 2 months. Here’s a progress shot, same location and lighting for consistency. 


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 I was just an inch away from booking a a hairmill based on google reviews before i stumbled upon this goldmine of a forum. 

I’m a paid administrator for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive compensation from any clinic, and my comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

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Topical dutasteride journey 

Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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5 hours ago, kiwidan said:

Hard to deny / not see those results. Hazah!!!

Do you think Xyon would sell to people overseas they actually had a face to face consultation 🤔

I don’t know, if you visit canada or the US I’m sure you could bring it back. 


 I was just an inch away from booking a a hairmill based on google reviews before i stumbled upon this goldmine of a forum. 

I’m a paid administrator for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive compensation from any clinic, and my comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

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Topical dutasteride journey 

Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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On 3/20/2023 at 7:05 PM, Melvin- Moderator said:

You can go to your PCP and request these lab tests, if you have a PPO plan, you can go directly to an endocrinologist.

Yeah that worked. He ordered the complete panel from Quest, I just have to stop in this week and get tested.

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It baffles me tbh that they didn’t consider the dosing better. The volume of one pump (recommended dose) is no where near enough product to cover the scalp. If you use more you run the risk of excessive absorption. They should have spread the dose over at least two pumps so someone can feel they’re using the product correctly 

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Just now, TorontoMan said:

It baffles me tbh that they didn’t consider the dosing better. The volume of one pump (recommended dose) is no where near enough product to cover the scalp. If you use more you run the risk of excessive absorption. They should have spread the dose over at least two pumps so someone can feel they’re using the product correctly 

I use two pumps with no issues with sides. But I use it 4x a week. I have used one pump and covered most of my scalp. According to the official Xyon statement they say one pump is enough to cover the scalp with a thin layer. How many pumps do you use?


 I was just an inch away from booking a a hairmill based on google reviews before i stumbled upon this goldmine of a forum. 

I’m a paid administrator for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive compensation from any clinic, and my comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

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Topical dutasteride journey 

Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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