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HT regret

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Hi everyone. 

Long time lurker, first time poster. 

Summary of my story:

I started losing my hair at 19, reaching a NW 5a where I have remained and am now 36 years old. Started finasteride at age 28 but was already well gone and at best it has slowed things down. 

Consulted with some clinics in 2013-2018, mainly in UK but decided not to go ahead for financial reasons and not having  the guts. Was told FUT would suit me best but felt I didn't want the linear scar either In case I wanted to buzz it in the future. 

Last week I finally underwent a 4000 graft FUE (unamed clinic but IAHRS member). It focused on rebuild the frontal half and thicken mid scalp. Crown is pretty bald and plan to return for second. I felt I had to bite the bullet, I'd been sporting a comb over situation using fibres and hair spray the past few years. 

But....after all this time lurking, researching, dreaming of a better head of hair. I have immediately regretted the decision to get my HT and feel myself falling into despair. I'm wondering if anyone can relate or advise? It helps just getting this off my chest to be honest. 

I am worried I don't like my hairline, I went with doc recommendation based on measurements and instruments used, but it's lower/straighter than I expected given my nw level. I am regretting leaving the crown empty, worried how I'll style it for 12 months before the second op with frontal hair but no crown hair. Worried about being left overharvested if I go ahead with another 2k grafts. 

Tbh I feel quite desperate about the situation, am regretting the decision and almost yearning for my old comb over and fibres. Is this normal? 

As I say, not expecting anything to come from this post but if anyone has any words of advice or support then that would be gratefully received. It is nice to share these thoughts with people who may understand more than my family. I know I need to let it grow and see what the outcome will be but at the moment I'm just taking each day as it comes 

All the best


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I have had moments of regret too, especially during the first 2 weeks after the transplant. I got very depressed during this time, but it went away so hang in there.  I have had two HT's. First was a FUT and the second was FUE. The thing I get most depressed about is my FUT scar. At least you don't have that. Overall, I am more happy than regretful with regards to getting the HT's. 

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Looks like pretty good work.  Could the hairline be higher? Sure! But the past is the past.  Your face is gonna be framed, and you can be back to your fibers, if that's what you want, in no-time.  No sense worrying about the past!  You've got 1 more year to think about a 2nd operation, or hey, you don't have to get one.  Great thing about men our age is that everyone is balding now!

If you think about it "past you" wanted the hair transplant enough to do it.  Now you move forward as a new person : ).  Good luck my man!

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Buyer's remorse is completely normal in many people who have just undergone surgery. All of the 'what ifs' just pop up out of nowhere. If you have gone to a reputable surgeon then you will have a natural looking head of hair. I know it's so incredibly difficult post op but this is all about a game of patience. I find that keeping myself busy and doing things for others really helps take the focus off of yourself. This will pass. Worry about surgery number two in a year from now. Not now. Just focus on the present. All the best!

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It’s impossible to fill your entire scalp with one procedure, especially if you’re very bald. It looks like a normal plan to do the front and mid. You can do the crown at a later date. 

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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1 hour ago, ostein said:

I have had moments of regret too, especially during the first 2 weeks after the transplant. I got very depressed during this time, but it went away so hang in there.  I have had two HT's. First was a FUT and the second was FUE. The thing I get most depressed about is my FUT scar. At least you don't have that. Overall, I am more happy than regretful with regards to getting the HT's. 

Did you go to a recommended doc for fut?

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1 hour ago, Calihome1 said:


Thanks all for your replies so far. 

As suggested I am posting some more photos. Can I get some honest opinions om the shape/design of the hairline? Am I over worrying? I think it'll be easier to tell once the scabs have gone. 






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I definitely like that shape achieved around your hairline. 👍

There are at least a few cases floating around of people in the NW5 range being able to replenish everything except maybe the epicentre of the whorl with 6-6.5 k total. If your harvest went well this time you can likely get there also.

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i think your ht dr did an excellent job and the outcome will be super. you will look younger and more vibrant just wait and enjoy the journey. you will need a second surgery for more fill and for the back. i would also add a little to the temples. 2023 will be your year!

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Thanks everyone for your comments. I think I do need to give it time, not that there is much I can do. 

I suppose my concern is that they may have gone too aggressive with the hairline given my level of balding. I know its not a low hairline but as people have said I was nw5 going on 6. 

I don't want to end up overharvested or having 3000 grafts in the frontal third alone and then a scattering at the back. 

I just hope the clinic have chosen the best approach. 

Thanks for your comments on the hairline, it is nice to hear some positive feedback 

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Looking at your pictures, you were always going to need multiple hair transplants. I’m someone with a very similar hair loss pattern. My hairline is 7cm, not juvenile but not too conservative either. I think the height is just fine. Watch this video it might help.


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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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The hairline looks good mate. It frames your face well. It’s probably just a shock seeing the recipient area while it’s still red and new, but in a few months once the proper hair starts coming through, you’ll forget all about it. 

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As others have said, you got a high, conservative hairline. If the growth is good then it will look great on you. Perhaps you're so used to not having a hairline for so many years that it's freaking you out a bit. You just need to get used to the idea of having hair again.



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I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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Looks good, it seems you did your due diligence when chosing the clinic as it seems to have been done meticulously. 

Overall I think you will have a good result, I would though in your place just let the hair grow longer so you can more easily cover the thinner spots, at least thats my plan aswell for my post surgery. You should be able to have enough coverage by doing this imo since longer hairstyles from my understanding should require less grafts.

I am 4 months away from my surgery and I can tell you sometimes I still look on the mirror and ask myself if I really need it since sometimes I feel the meds are actually giving me good results. 

The problem is that its just in my head the soft ilusion happens because I havent really cut the hair in 6 months.

I have been on Finasteride for almost 3 years (in 3 days its going to be the third aniversary) and Minoxidil for almost 2 so it will be extremly hard for meds alone to get where I want to be since the pattern of NW5 actually glows when getting my scalp hit with direct light so surgery will be the only path I will be able to take moving forward.

I am also aware that it might require me two surgeries to get myself fully fixed so there is also that...

Diffuse thinning sucks and I feel for you but look at the positive side because in the end its very likely that you will come out as a winner in this battle against the so called "slaphead curse" paraphrasing our brother Kevin Mann.

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