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Dr Das, Dr Vinita , Eugenix - 4057 grafts, May 2023

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  • Valued Contributor

As others have pointed out, something is amiss here. You had what looked like a pretty good result after 8 months from your surgery with Medispa, then it seemed to regress rapidly, which is quite curious. You've now had another surgery from a different clinic and with similar outcomes to what happened with your first surgery.

A scalp biopsy to try and determine whether there's a previously undetected underlying issue would be a worthwhile investment before any further surgeries.

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  • Senior Member

This is very unfortunate.  I would get on dutasteride and oral minox & as others have written get your scalp tested before another procedure.

You do one more later this year and you are basically done. 

This is what happens to a small % of patients - sometimes hair-loss genes overpower all attempts to stop it & the scalp is just not suited for long-term retention of donor grafts in the recipient area.


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On 3/23/2024 at 1:18 PM, Gatsby said:

@Knightrider if this is your second failed hair transplant now then I would be thinking strongly of having a biopsy with a dermatologist before going ahead with a third procedure. 

@Gatsbyis this to see the blood supply in the head?

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  • Regular Member

I contacted Eugenix, they also accepted the fact that the results are very poor. So, they insisted to take minoxidil now. Regretting going to Eugenix. Very poor results. Seems like they have paid reviews everywhere on the internet. 

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  • Regular Member
25 minutes ago, Knightrider said:

I contacted Eugenix, they also accepted the fact that the results are very poor. So, they insisted to take minoxidil now. Regretting going to Eugenix. Very poor results. Seems like they have paid reviews everywhere on the internet. 

Oral or topical min? They shouldn't be forcing you to be taking min to correct their transplant...

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