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3500 + 2586 FUE Dr Laorwong

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Surprised that clinics rejected you for your donor. Your donor seems perfectly fine. But I think some surgeons are just not confident in their abilities to achieve an optimal result.  Also seems like a lot more surgeons today are more skilled as well. I also got rejected 10 years ago due to diffuse thinning and poor donor. Now I'm 5 months post op.

I'll most likely be having a 2nd HT next year and Dr laorwong may be at the top of my list. He's posting some superb results and he also offers non shave fue which is huge. I think you're gonna have a great result. Did he give you the option of not shaving your recipient area?

Edited by -TheHairUpThere-
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@HairUpThere well pics can be deceiving as you are no doubt aware. It was 17 years ago, where in a face to face consulation I was told that my donor was  quote 'dying', so I never thought of getting a 2nd opinion until now. I just kept battling on with fin and other meds and hope and pray that something would work out. Yeah techniques have advanced so far in the last decade or so, much more is possible now.

I think possibly the grey shining in the light makes the donor look thinner. I visited a dermatologist and he ruled out DUPA, DPA etc. Maybe I have some retrograde alopecia at the sides but extractions, as you can see were carried out there.

For me non-shave was not an option and I also had to dye the hair as I have a lot of grey

Edited by streethawk
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5 minutes ago, streethawk said:

@HairUpThere well pics can be deceiving as you are no doubt aware. It was 17 years ago, where in a face to face consulation I was told that my donor was  quote 'dying', so I never thought of getting a 2nd opinion until now. I just kept battling on with fin and other meds and hope and pray that something would work out. Yeah techniques have advanced so far in the last decade or so so much more is possible now.

I think possibly the grey shining in the light makes the donor look thinner. I visited a dermatologist and he ruled out DUPA, DPA etc. Maybe I have some retrograde alopecia at the sides but extractions, as you can see were carried out there.

For me non-shave was not an option and I also had to dye the hair as I have a lot of grey

Yea it was a little hard to see if your hair on the side was thinning or just grey hairs blending in with the skin.

But either way it's better to have hair on top than the sides. Think it'll be a big improvement.  Good luck. 

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Pre-op consultation hairline pics. Was adjusted from 7.5 to 7cm just to provide a bit more context.

Feeling the paranoia a bit, absent-mindedly mini-rubbed my recipient zone 🙄 for a sec-literally a sec-and without nails (over 72 hrs post op). Rushed to the mirror seems to be ok, as I believe there would be blood if a graft was dislodged. 

Also woke up (wearing the bandana the clinic gave me in bed) , and the head band was right on my widow’s peak area! This is the second time it’s happened, last night I deliberately moved it down but it still happened! Again don’t know if it makes any difference, but you are not supposed to wear anything tight on your head for like 10 days! The nurse however, after completing the LLT set it high brushing on my hairline so perhaps it’s ok? 

Anyway feel free to chime in here lads.








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overhead shot-feels like the laser treatment is helping healing. put some aloe vera on the donor which helps also. The laser put me in a trance-like state in fact and different things popped up inside my head all dreamlike.

@A_4_Archan you find that with the laser?


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1 hour ago, streethawk said:

@BackFromTheBrink yeah the aftercare: wash and LLLT has been good and the aloe vera effective. No itching at all man touch wood! next thing is to start working the scabs a little now!

how you getting on-bearing up or flaring up? lol

That's good news, you're lucky! I've been doing similar (apart from the LLLT) and all is healing well. 

I remember the itching from last time around - those histomines really do encourage you to scratch! 

I'd ready to get rid of the scabs - some falling off already with the non touch wash. I had a 2 day procedure so I'm effectively a couple of days behind you so I'm impatiently waiting....

I remember the first couple of washes being really soothing last time and a milestone in terms of getting through the stage where the follicles are very vulnerable. Enjoy!

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In my experience, LLLT makes the hair grow faster. 

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hey @Wingtsun scabbing and redness/inflammation flared up badly a few days ago. Continued using baby shampoo while still pouring a bowl of water to rinse. the shampoo gets stuck to the scabs and are hard to rinse out, so didnt seem so effective

started using conditioner and soaking l, then using a low pressure for the shower and that really helped so got a lot of them out-scalp is still a bit crusty and red though.

Also been using aloe vera on the donor since post op day 1 and started using on the recipient area 2 days ago-really helps.

overall the donor and recipient are healing but not completly yet. Still stings to the touch.


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@streethawkit looks pretty red yeah! I hope it’s gonna go away soon! 
looking forward to you journey updates! I still have almost 3 month so I’m pretty curious how people are doing after their surgery! 
im also not a type who can sit in the hotel all day so after my first wash or so im gonna be out every day to explore!

did you do some sightseeing?

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7 hours ago, Wingtsun said:

@streethawkit looks pretty red yeah! I hope it’s gonna go away soon! 
looking forward to you journey updates! I still have almost 3 month so I’m pretty curious how people are doing after their surgery! 
im also not a type who can sit in the hotel all day so after my first wash or so im gonna be out every day to explore!

did you do some sightseeing?

yeah, after first wash, with my trusty blue, gangsta bandana, went out for lunch, dinner and shopping centres in the area. On the 4th day went out to a few local bars-also with my trusty bandana  (really nice open air ones btw) and had a late one! Hardly anyone asked l, but just said I had a scalp condition lol.

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5 hours ago, BackFromTheBrink said:

@streethawk you're right on track. You need to be careful with sun exposure to minimise the scalp redness, though some is to be expected.

yeah, I am in Ireland now so got the typical rain here for the summer: 18c today. Perfect weather for the post-op scalp lol

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On 7/15/2023 at 5:20 PM, BackFromTheBrink said:

He was the clinical director at HDC previously. He's got a good body of work but mostly reported on in Spanish and Greek forums. He's super consistent and gets really good density in the hairline, which I was looking for.

He ticked the boxes for me - 20 years experience, 1 patient per day, trained under Dr C*** and Bisanga, has 2 technicians who have been with him for several years. They all use magnification throughout.

The use of manual punches which results in really refined work and he specialises in unshaven recipient area, which was a bonus.

Heres my donor area 24 hours post procedure:


Hi There! Did you at all document your journey with Dr. Michalis? Just curious to see his end result with you.

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