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The truth about hair transplants


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Well, I resurrected this thread because the OP's claim was that eventually the majority of patients who are happy today with their HTs will become totally disgusted, desperate, and bitter about having undergone the procedure -- even if they had UR FUT work done by the best doc. Notice that he believed ANYBODY under age 35 would eventually regret it once enough time had transpired for them to realize they will look like freaks after the further inevitable loss, so this obviously just wasn't aimed at the 20 something year olds.


As part of my research on modern UR FUT transplants I have relentlessly searched through the forums specifically for those unsatisfied and jaded patients who felt like they made a bad mistake doing this. I wanted to see if there were any patients who felt even the modern type work was flawed. We all know the bright side and the success stories, so it's only part of prudent research to seek out the opposing viewpoint and dissect it.


I found the posts by "regretht" to be the most persuasive arguments against modern UR FUT work out there, because he is intelligent and well spoken. But the main problem with him is that he makes blanket statements obviously based upon his emotional reaction to what he considers to be a bad decision on his part. Instead of using logic and seeing how his PARTICULAR CASE was doomed to failure from the start, he instead is purposefully vague about the details because he wants to paint a gloom and doom picture of the future for everybody getting this procedure done; and furthermore, he definitely wants to portray all of the HT doctors today doing great work as nothing but a group of greedy scam artists who only care about money.


But why doesn't he show photos and give more specific details of his case ? Probably because he has something to hide that would punch a big hole in his all encompassing anti-HT argument. My guess is that 10 years after his 2000 FUT HT he is beginning to see clearly a diffuse Norwood 7 pattern developing, and he's both paranoid and extremely bitter about it. In other words, he's realizing that besides just having MPB at a young age he's also one of the very unfortunate few who will end up a Norwood 7 with insufficient donor, and he knows the meds wont hold up too much longer. So of course he regrets his decision bitterly, but he wants to try and blame the doc for it.


I also think the reason he doesn't name the doc is because it would give the other party a chance to respond which would reveal him to be the one who made this decision. All the doc probably told him was that he would likely need future surgeries IF hairloss dramatically advanced, which is common knowledge. No doc has a crystal ball to see into the future and how far your loss will progress. Many DO NOT end up with a diffuse Norwood 6/7 pattern, and even some that do have great donor and can get good results. I just think in his particular case everything is stacked against him so that all he could acheive is a combover look, and so he is VERY bitter that he just can't shave his head down. He probably had a good 5-8 years where his hair looked pretty good BECAUSE of the 2000 FUT HT, but he won't mention that of course. He says he got no improvement, but IMO he was probably able to hide his aggressive balding a little bit longer and he's just not admitting to that. So there probably was an upside, but he just won't admit it.


I also find it suspicious why he doesn't seek additional surgeries to give him better density, since his main argument is that the HT hair will look unnatural once alot of the native hair vanishes (he uses the term "FREAK"). My guess is that he's been told by more than 1 doc that his donor is diffuse and depleted and that he's heading to Norwood 7. This guy was obsessive enough about his hairloss to get a HT in his 20s, so why should any of us believe that he wouldn't be begging to get back in the chair if he had the characteristics to acheive a good result ? The truth is probably that his PARTICULAR CASE is one doomed to failure for all the obvious reasons mentioned above.


The reason his posts were so important to me is because they offer a glimpse into the dark side of modern FUT HTs. He says the doc that did this to him is one of the highly recommended docs on this site, but he won't name him. My guess is that the doc properly warned him of the possible consequences, but his obsessive compulsive personality made the decision to go ahead with it anyway for the short term benifits of hiding his balding in his 20s. And if he had the donor and proper characteristics for something better than a combover, he'd be the FIRST one back in the chair and mortgaging his house to pay for it. I don't buy any of his BS about how he's matured now and could just accept being bald, because he's just too obsessed with his appearence.


I feel pretty good if this is the best anti modern UR FUT post out there on the forums, and that's why I wanted to dig it up. I'm not a diffuse thinner, Norwood 3.5v at 41 years old, and my hairloss has been stable for well over 10 years while taking Proscar. So none of his arguments apply to me.

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