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Can you use shedding (number of hairs when washing) as progress monitor?


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  • Regular Member
As the title says, can you use shedding (number of hairs when washing) as progress monitor? I had terrible shedding for years but now it finally stopped. I tried so many things, my laptop keyboard was always full of hairs and dandruff. Propecia caused me horrible sides but didn't stopped shedding. I had sides even with Minoxidil so I stopped it. I tried some liposomal solutions months ago with low amount of propecia and some growth factors, it didn't do anything. I have been using Nizoral, microneedling for 2 years and it didn't help. But 2 weeks ago shedding completely stopped, no dandruff no hairs on my keyboard, no hairs on my scalp massagers.
That is a very good sign right that I may finally found something that stopped my hairloss?
What I did: 3 PRP sessions, last one was 3 months ago. I doubt this helped but who knows. A few hair DR.CYJ Hair Fillers, last one 1,5 month ago. However shedding and dandruff really stopped after I started using CB – 5% and Eucapil sometimes. I also started applying spray with rosemary and cloves tea daily. And go to sauna regularly where I also massage my scalp. I am not sure if PRP and hair fillers session took some time to heal my scalp or it is CB + Eucapil + natural spray + sauna that helps. This is why I want to know now that if I can use number of lost hairs when washing as a progress monitor.
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I think it's a good sign but unfortunately no one can know if hairs still on miniaturization process or not ...

Edited by arthurSam

Minoxidil : 5% topical 1ml/day (with Melatonin 0.0033%, Fisetin 1%, Resveratrol 2%, NMN 1%, Ginko 1%, Caffein 0.2%)
DHT and Follicular androgen receptor inhibitor : Topical dutasteride 0.05% twice a week + Fluridil + Pyrilutamide Koshine826
Exosome Mesotherapy 1mm : human Umbilical Chord Exosomes ; see my progress pics here.

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It's a positive indication that you are not seeing shedding, you might currently be in the anagen (growth) phase of the hair cycle, which could be the reason why you're not seeing shedding. When you're trying numerous treatments simultaneously, it can be challenging to determine which one is effective. However, based on my experience, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatments can be beneficial for hair loss.

Dealing with hair loss can be likened to a war, where you must utilize all available strategies and weapons at your disposal.

Check Out My Hair Transplant Journey

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3611 FUE Grafts With Dr Kongkiat Laorwong | Norwood 5 | 2nd May 2023 




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