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Hello people,

I hope You are fine! ❤️

I need advice and help, because I'm very worried, but I don't know if there's a reason. I went for a hair transplant in Turkey but because I washed my hair every day (the first 10 days according to the doctor's recommendation) my scalp was dry and a lot of crusts appear, I'm not talking about scabs, but about mild dandruff... I had bought a spray some time ago which is special only with 100% natural herbs for hair growth and skin soothing but contains about 10% alcohol to dissolve the herbs and accordingly I only used on ninth(9) day spray on my scalp once which actually stung a little because of my irritated skin and more the fresh wound from the transplant but it calmed her down afterwards My question is is it possible I hit the grafts I didn't have any bleeding I'm just worried Thanks a lot and sorry for my English 🙏❤️

P.S The first three photos(from top to bottom)are from today(day 18) the other 4 are from the 9th day I used the spray, and the other is the contents of the spray









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