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3,558 grafts at Eugenix by Dr. Arika Bansal

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Ok, so it's time to plant some hair. I've been stalking reviews here since 2012. It was about that time when I realized that Saw Palmetto wasn't enough to fix my hair loss and that I needed a bit more of a proactive solution.

At the time I didn't know anything about the process so I did as much reading on the subject of transplants as possible. Part of me wanted to do something right away but fear of a bad result or worsening hair loss kept me from moving forward at that time. I decided to wait and see how things progressed to see if a HT was right for me. Also it's kinda expensive so I needed to save up some money. This was all really good though because I would check in on this forum every few months and see what was happening. During that time I started finasteride and it seemed to completely halt all hair loss. I took photos before hand and things seem the exact same now seven years later. Looking back I wish I had started sooner but I was worried about side affects. Overall the waiting and researching has, I think, given me realistic expectation. I made a deal with myself not to move forward with a HT until I was no longer insecure about hair loss. That finally happened and I can confidently move forward with this. I'm doing this now for myself in part but also for my career. Whether it's right or wrong people do judge you for how you look, and if having hair helps me close a big deal with a client then It will pay for itself quickly. 

The reason I'm making my own experience review is because I've benefitted so much from the reviews of others. I've followed along with hundreds of people through this forum and I would never have trusted the process enough to go through with something like this without seeing the results of many of you. FYI I don't intent to peace out after four months. I'm a private person so I don't really enjoy posting personal things, but nevertheless, I'm planning on posting my results consistently for a year minimum. I think its something I owe to those who are doing their own research. 

I chose Eugenix for a few reasons. I had looked into a few other Drs. that were endorsed by this network but ultimately the cost and communication weren't quite what I needed. I was recommended by one Dr. to only go for a strip surgery and do FUE later which was something I wasn't quite ready to do. Eugenix has been really good with communication and they didn't charge me for a consult with a Dr. which is helpful. As far as results go, from what I can tell, many of the Drs. approved here are quite comparable. 

I've seen some say it's difficult to go to India for something like this etc. I've traveled quite a bit so coming here didn't seem like a big deal. It's not my first time here and I like to get out and experience new places. I no more than walked through the Duty Free area at the airport than someone called out my name and took me straight to a car and the hotel. So even for someone that's never traveled internationally it would be easy. That being said I spent around a year traveling Asia by bus and motorbike so non of this feels foreign to me. The issue I've had was the trip here which was bumpy so I wasn't able to get much sleep. I'd rather not go into this sleep deprived but oh well. 

So surgery is scheduled for tomorrow so I'll post some preop photos I took here in the hotel. 








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Best wishes on your surgery and looking forward to the post-op pictures and info. Which location are you having your procedure?

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Here are the photos pre and post op. The total graft count was 3,558. We ended up going with more grafts to cover the crown area. 

Dr Bansal did the hairline design and we opted for a somewhat mature hairline just in case I need more grafts later.  Both Dr. Bansal and Dr. Das thought I had another 3k-4k grafts left in my donor but said it’s best to assess the donar after it’s fully healed from the first surgery. 
I had originally gone with the premium package with Dr. Das but she had something come up last minute right before the surgery which is why Dr. Bansal did the planning on day one as well as the slits in the frontal third. 

The staff were really fantastic. Everyone was easygoing and likable. I think Eugenix has created a good company culture. I didn’t feel like a product which speaks to their values. Dr Das was really cool and as nice a person as you could ever meet. 












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Also if anyone knows how to edit the heading for this thread that would be helpful. I can’t figure out a way to edit it. It’s probably easy but not apparent to me. 

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6 hours ago, Fintoplant said:

Here are the photos pre and post op. The total graft count was 3,558. We ended up going with more grafts to cover the crown area. 

Dr Bansal did the hairline design and we opted for a somewhat mature hairline just in case I need more grafts later.  Both Dr. Bansal and Dr. Das thought I had another 3k-4k grafts left in my donor but said it’s best to assess the donar after it’s fully healed from the first surgery. 
I had originally gone with the premium package with Dr. Das but she had something come up last minute right before the surgery which is why Dr. Bansal did the planning on day one as well as the slits in the frontal third. 

The staff were really fantastic. Everyone was easygoing and likable. I think Eugenix has created a good company culture. I didn’t feel like a product which speaks to their values. Dr Das was really cool and as nice a person as you could ever meet. 












Looks good! Looking forward to seeing this result 

How would you describe your hair thickness...? Thick? Medium? Fine? Extra fine?

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14 hours ago, follically challenged said:

Looks good! Looking forward to seeing this result 

How would you describe your hair thickness...? Thick? Medium? Fine? Extra fine?

I would say it’s fine, or extra fine. It’s going to make density a lot more challenging. Fingers crossed that the low contrast between my skin and hair will help compensate for that. 

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On 5/17/2024 at 8:46 AM, maintaining said:

looks good. know the distribution of grafts—how many in front, mid, and crown? 

500 grafts went to the crown area and 3,000 in the front and mid. I’m not sure exactly how many went in the mid but I think it was in the 500 range.  When I first did the video consult Dr. Das thought that the area of the crown and mid was larger than it was. The cameras lens distorts it I guess. So when they saw it in person they recommend going ahead and filling those areas. I’m really glad I went that route because I was able to knock out all the thinning areas in one sitting. Now if I go back in a year as I had planned to do for the crown, it would now only have to be for a touch up or added density in the front. 

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I’m so grateful to be ten days in. Now I can stop stressing so much about damaging grafts and start getting back to normal life. knowing the grafts are going to fall out soon kinda sucks but oh well. 

Other than some itching on my scalp everything feels good. My donor feels 100% normal. It’s not numb or sore at all. Kinda surprised at how fast it heals up. 

Here are some thoughts I have about life after surgery: If I had to do it over again I would have stayed a few days longer in Delhi (Gurugram) after the surgery. The accommodations are nice and then you could go to the clinic every day and make sure things are in order. The real benefit though in my opinion is that you could avoid a 24+ hour trip during important healing time. Sleep is always poor on a long trip and then jet lag once you arrive home is also not good for sleep. Sleep surly has to be important for healing. Also getting on and off planes and having people around constantly ups your chances of getting a bump on the head. I had a clumsy dude almost hit me while he walked past my seat on the plane. It’s just cramped and it would be a bummer to knock out valuable grafts just to get home early. Also I would recommend to anyone to buy your own surgical caps in a color other than bright blue. I looked like a dork while traveling home. It’s fine cause they will never see you again but it kinda bothered me having people stare at me for a week. I did have a few people ask how the surgery was. All bald guys lol. Anyways, I recommend staying after surgery as long as you can. Who doesn’t need some R&R? Plus there are lots of cool things to see in India. 

Here are my 10 day photos. Things seem to be healing up well and I’m pleased this far in. 








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All scabs are gone and your hairline is looking quite neat.

I do agree with you, the longer you stay after your HT the better it is. You could have wore a loose bandana on your surgical cap that could had given you less stares.

Things are going nicely do keep us updated.


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Looking good hairline suits you. Now try not stress over the coming months. There's not much you can do but keep it clean. Probably 3 and a half or 4 months before things start looking normal again which may include shock loss to your existing hair aswell. 

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  • Moderators
On 5/5/2024 at 12:15 PM, Fintoplant said:

The reason I'm making my own experience review is because I've benefitted so much from the reviews of others. I've followed along with hundreds of people through this forum and I would never have trusted the process enough to go through with something like this without seeing the results of many of you.


This is why this forum is so valuable. You get real reviews and pictures from actual people who went through the process. It's not a bunch of marketing and hype and pushing you to have it done. You can stay totally quiet in the background and research as much as you want and decide for yourself if and when to do something. That includes medications and hair pieces as well, not just hair transplants. I'm glad this forum worked for you. Good luck wth your hair growth over the next year.


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Forum Moderator

(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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  • Al - Moderator changed the title to 3,558 grafts at Eugenix by Dr. Arika Bansal
6 hours ago, Al - Moderator said:


This is why this forum is so valuable. You get real reviews and pictures from actual people who went through the process. It's not a bunch of marketing and hype and pushing you to have it done. You can stay totally quiet in the background and research as much as you want and decide for yourself if and when to do something. That includes medications and hair pieces as well, not just hair transplants. I'm glad this forum worked for you. Good luck wth your hair growth over the next year.


Spot on 

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Some shedding has started over the last week. If I had to guess I would say around 30-40% have shed. I’m most surprised by the shock loss in the back and sides. Much worse on the sides than the back it seems. Under bright light it’s really obvious. 

The recipient area is still really red. It stands out because of my light skin. What’s the typical time for the redness to fade? I’m typically a really good healer so I would have thought that it would fade a bit more than it has by now. 

overall I’ve been giving it all very little thought and just been going about my life with a hat on. Pretty happy so far though. I can picture where things are headed and I’m positive about how I think things will turn out. 









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Following - thinking of going with Dr. Bansal -how involved she was? understand you did sign up with her but was it mostly technician run?

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On 6/1/2024 at 11:42 AM, gary123 said:

Following - thinking of going with Dr. Bansal -how involved she was? understand you did sign up with her but was it mostly technician run?

So I think she is a very good Dr. Just keep in mind she’s also running a business and is very busy. During the second day Dr. Das did the slits etc. I think you would have as nice a final result with her and she may have more time to spend with a patient. All the extractions and implantations are done by techs regardless of the Dr. They all seemed competent to me which makes sense since each one has their exact job and they can just focus on that. 

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4 Week Update

The Grafts in the recipient area really decided to dip out over the last week. There’s just a few left at this point. Only single hair grafts as far as I can tell. Also quite a few grafts that seem to have broken off and there’s almost like stubble on my scalp. Not sure what’s up with that. The donor seems good. It doesn’t really look that thin now unless there is bright light. 






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