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3,558 grafts at Eugenix by Dr. Arika Bansal

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  • Regular Member


Things have just started to change over the last week. The recipient area started to get pretty itchy about a week and a half ago and now I’m seeing lots of hairs sprouting. I’m a little surprised to see how many new hairs there are. I thought it would be another couple of months before that would happen. I think I read somewhere on here how two months is where things are the worst but I think I’m lucky and far past the worse bit. The donor looks fine and the redness isn’t too pronounced except under certain lighting. Hoping by month three to be able to use some concealer and look a bit presentable and maybe not have to wear a hat everyday. 

I tried to get some close up pictures of the new hairs but it’s hard to get the camera to focus that close and the bright light washes it out a little. 




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  • 2 months later...
  • Regular Member


Things are starting to improve which is nice. I’d be curious to know what percentage of growth you all think I am at this stage? My hair is very light and fine which will make coverage a bit harder. I am pleased with the direction that things appear to be heading.





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  • Senior Member
3 hours ago, Fintoplant said:


Things are starting to improve which is nice. I’d be curious to know what percentage of growth you all think I am at this stage?

Growth in 4 months is typically 30%, but it differs from person to person.

There will be a lot of growth in the future.

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  • Moderators

You look to be on track. 


Forum Moderator

(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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