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Dr Vinita | Eugenix | 5,530 grafts (1,776 BHT)

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Hey All, I am 3 days post Op and I also wanted to share my experience of Eugenix. 

After the results of others (especially Bandit90) who have been to Eugenix I had to make the trip. After a poor FUT in 2014 I was not going to bother with a second however the hair restoration network changed that. 

At the last minute I upgraded my package to the Exclusive package - 120INR plus taxes. I did not know who my surgeon would be until the day. 

I was nervous travelling to India alone and I was not prepared for the roads out there and how close the vehicles all drive.

From landing in New Delhi, I was picked up and taken to my hotel, so far everything seemed too easy. Then being picked up the following day and taken to Eugenix was also so easy and convenient.

Throughout Eugenix were so professional and the communication has been second to none. 

I had my surgery over 3 days of which they done 5530 grafts. Dr Vinita said I had a great donor area which surprised me as I’ve always considered it poor and was turned down by a clinic in the UK.

we went through the planning after what felt like a proper photoshoot with one of the technicians. They wanted to lower my hairline and also do my temples. I decided on this occasion that to keep my hairline the same from my first HT and maybe come back for my temples so that I could maximise the grafts ontop. 


My first afternoon in surgery Dr Vinita done the 5530 slits and they extracted 570 grafts. The anaesthesia I found rather painful and the needles didn’t seem to stop coming. I found it wore off rather quickly aswell. 

sonething which really impressed me is I heard Dr Vinita discussing the slits on my crown to get the swirl done correctly. The attention to detail was amazing. 


the afternoon went really quick and I got back to the hotel at around 8pm. Room service and then tried to get some sleep. 

Day 2 was a long day. 3184 grafts were taken from the back and side of my head. Again I struggled with the anaesthesia needles but hey it will be worth it in the end. After getting to the clinic at 9:15 and leaving at just gone 18:30 I was absolutely shattered, but rather excited at the amount of grafts that were extracted. I really struggled sleeping that night. 

on the final day of surgery I felt I was a little mentally drained and was hoping the day passed quickly but was excited to get onto the road to recovery and seeing the results. 

having the 1776 beard grafts used was interesting. Anaesthetic to the face was awful, I don’t know why I struggled so much I don’t have a fear of needles or anything. the whole team were so good at trying to keep me calm. 

the moment they sat me up on the bed and said it’s all done, was such a good moment. Looking then at the board at the amount of grafts was just amazing. I was half waiting for them during the surgery to give me the news that I can’t have that many. 

flying from DEL to Heathrow I got a few comments saying have you had your hair done. Fellow passenger sitting behind me had also had a HT (not Eugenix). I got a scare at DEL virgin Atlantic check in desk as they had me there for over half an hour deciding if I can fly. The letter from Eugenix clearing me to fly wasn’t good enough. After a phone call to their medical team and me providing further information they agreed.

Eugenix and I will discuss the possibility of getting my temples done and maybe discussing the hair line with another procedure when they can see how my recipient and donor area recover and I can get the MRS (that’ll be the hard bit) to agree another procedure next year. 

im excited to see the results, I’m on day 3 post op and still struggling to sleep ( sleeping on the sofa with the neck pillow to help remain upright) - the itchiness has started and I’m trying to keep that at bay with the Saline spray. This coming Saturday I can have my first head wash. 

the swelling in my chin and neck has gone down now and my donor area seems to be healing really well. 

I’ve put the Eugenix pictures below and some from home post op. 

I can’t thank the forums on here enough as if it was for you all I would of gone to turkey which I feel for my level of hair loss and my hair type could of been the wrong option.


I’ll keep this thread updated



















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This is going to be a very interesting case indeed! I'm looking forward to seeing how this one goes - you've had a lot of grafts removed from a struggling donor area but we've seen Eugenix produce the goods in such cases several times before and it's always very satisfying seeing someone get a big turnaround from a difficult starting point. Will be following very keenly!

53 minutes ago, JC90 said:

I got a scare at DEL virgin Atlantic check in desk as they had me there for over half an hour deciding if I can fly. The letter from Eugenix clearing me to fly wasn’t good enough. After a phone call to their medical team and me providing further information they agreed.

I don't think I've ever mentioned this before on here but this exact thing happened to my at the Virgin Atlantic desk in Delhi. After a phone call in which they wanted to establish whether I'd had "needles" (meaning FUE) or whatever terms they used to denote FUT, I was eventually allowed to continue with check-in!

55 minutes ago, JC90 said:

They wanted to lower my hairline and also do my temples. I decided on this occasion that to keep my hairline the same from my first HT and maybe come back for my temples so that I could maximise the grafts ontop. 


Very good idea, and well done for having the foresight and knowledge to be your own advocate in that moment. Temple points might not be a luxury you can afford. Definitely best to review the situation later.

Excellent write up mate - keep us all posted!

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Happy growing. You are an interesting case with a huge area to cover. Eugenix clinic is one the best choices for cases like yours, so you should get a good first result. You will need another one hair transplant though. 

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Posted (edited)

Good luck growing! Works looks clean, expecting a great result. Nice to see some blonder hair cases from the clinic! Its always a killer sleeping the first 7 days post-op esp with lower crown work, but will be over with in a flash. Also did you consider having beard grafts into the FUT scar?

Edited by Bandit90
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@Bandit90 It was your procedure and the only procedure I could find that had similar hair loss and colour to me and had an amazing result. Regarding grafts in the scar, yes I want to look at that option when  I look at potentially another procedure. Dr Vinita really wanted to do my temples in this procedure I just didn't want to waste grafts when I had such a large area to cover on top. If grafts in the scar is not viable I may look at smp purely to blend the scar. 

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9 hours ago, Jackdaniels said:

Happy growing. You are an interesting case with a huge area to cover. Eugenix clinic is one the best choices for cases like yours, so you should get a good first result. You will need another one hair transplant though. 

@Jackdaniels I am really hoping to have another procedure. Before going to Eugenix I said to them I only want one more procedure and thats it, however after going through the experience and it being so good. Its given me so much confidence that a good result can be achieved that I kind of feel I have the bug for it and already want to go again. 

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how can a clinic not Implant grafts in the area between crown and donor... this will look extremely unnatural.

when you do your second surgery you should not go for the hairline, you should focus on this area...

good luck!

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2 minutes ago, JohnnyR said:

how can a clinic not Implant grafts in the area between crown and donor... this will look extremely unnatural.

when you do your second surgery you should not go for the hairline, you should focus on this area...

good luck!

That area between I do have hair there and it is thickening up nicely with medication and also gets thicker as my hair gets longer. The comment my surgeon made was that she didn't want to cause shock loss to this area and yes once I have seen the full results of this procedure, I want to address all areas however Ill need to address what donor I have available first 

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Just curious. Why did you hop on Meditation now instead of when you still had native hair?

Anyway, good luck with the Procedere!

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14 minutes ago, davidn said:

Just curious. Why did you hop on Meditation now instead of when you still had native hair?

Anyway, good luck with the Procedere!

Ive been on finasteride & Topical minoxidil foam solidly for the past 3 years which has helped my donor area and the edges of my crown. I had a full head of hair on my 21st Birthday and by my 22nd birthday my hair was pretty thin/ almost gone. I wish I new about finasteride before then (I am now 34). I plan to stay on Finasteride and I got a 12 month supply of Minoxidil tablets from Eugenix, however I will consult them before I actually start taking them. 

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48 minutes ago, JC90 said:

That area between I do have hair there and it is thickening up nicely with medication and also gets thicker as my hair gets longer. The comment my surgeon made was that she didn't want to cause shock loss to this area and yes once I have seen the full results of this procedure, I want to address all areas however Ill need to address what donor I have available first 

Completely agree. You need to also look at the donor availability.

Liked the hairline designing.  Best wishes 👍

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26 minutes ago, JC90 said:

Ive been on finasteride & Topical minoxidil foam solidly for the past 3 years which has helped my donor area and the edges of my crown. I had a full head of hair on my 21st Birthday and by my 22nd birthday my hair was pretty thin/ almost gone. I wish I new about finasteride before then (I am now 34). I plan to stay on Finasteride and I got a 12 month supply of Minoxidil tablets from Eugenix, however I will consult them before I actually start taking them. 

Haha i was balding from 15 - thought fin could make you infertile

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Well… eugenix told this guy

the same thing they told you… but nothing happened on the bald transitions…  

in my opinion there will not regrow enough to make it invisible.

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Best of luck with this, JC90.  I'm sure you'll have a good outcome in about 10-12 months as long as you are realistic in your expectations.

There seems to be a pattern here with Virgin Atlantic, as I had a not dissimilar experience with them 2 and a bit years ago.  In my case, they initially tried to bump me to a later flight as mine was overbooked.  When I said I wasn't interested in a future free flight as compensation, it was suggested that I might not be up to flying because of my recent surgery.  Upon production of the relevant paperwork from Eugenix, I was however allowed to board my flight.

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2 hours ago, Davidf said:

Best of luck with this, JC90.  I'm sure you'll have a good outcome in about 10-12 months as long as you are realistic in your expectations.

There seems to be a pattern here with Virgin Atlantic, as I had a not dissimilar experience with them 2 and a bit years ago.  In my case, they initially tried to bump me to a later flight as mine was overbooked.  When I said I wasn't interested in a future free flight as compensation, it was suggested that I might not be up to flying because of my recent surgery.  Upon production of the relevant paperwork from Eugenix, I was however allowed to board my flight.

Thanks. I am very realistic with expectations. I cant see it being any worse than my first one (which you can see in my pictures was non existent) - I do feel different after this procedure than my first. The after care so far has been worlds better and I feel the surgery went better. 

Seems Virgin like to make post transplant flying a little difficult. You would think with the men going through DEL after having a HT they would be used to it by now. 

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3 hours ago, JohnnyR said:

Well… eugenix told this guy

the same thing they told you… but nothing happened on the bald transitions…  

in my opinion there will not regrow enough to make it invisible.

Not apples with apples. OP has a compromised donor and has rightly been conservative on the first sitting. Over 5.5k grafts in one sitting for this type of donor is a lot. Crown and temples are to be covered in the second sitting after an evaluation of how the donor recovers.. IMO this is a commendable approach to surgery! 

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@JC90, can you share more details about your failed FUT in 2014? Who did the surgery, how many grafts and is the hair present on your frontal third literally all that grew from the FUT or had it deteriorated from a better position over time?

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12 minutes ago, Berba11 said:

@JC90, can you share more details about your failed FUT in 2014? Who did the surgery, how many grafts and is the hair present on your frontal third literally all that grew from the FUT or had it deteriorated from a better position over time?

I went through UK hair transplant clinic and I went to Harley Street. My surgeon, I cannot remember his name. I had 2,500 grafts planned, if 2,500 grafts were actually implanted I am not sure. In the pictures, that's all what grew from the HT in 2014, so I kept my head shaved and have never let it actually grow out for the last 7-8 years. My hair in my pre op pics and my beard are the longest its been in a very long time. 

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6 hours ago, JC90 said:

 The comment my surgeon made was that she didn't want to cause shock loss to this area


29 minutes ago, Bandit90 said:

Not apples with apples. OP has a compromised donor and has rightly been conservative on the first sitting. Over 5.5k grafts in one sitting for this type of donor is a lot. Crown and temples are to be covered in the second sitting after an evaluation of how the donor recovers.. IMO this is a commendable approach to surgery! 


But Johnny has a point. At Eugenix they always say this line "we don't want to cause a shock loss when implanting between native hair", but when they propose 2nd surgery it somehow doesn't matter. 

I asked Zarev if he is afraid of shock loss when implanting between native hair, because i heard such opinion from other clinic. He said simply "No" and smiled. 


However i agree with you @Bandit90 that case of OP is different from mine. His pattern is same (Norwood7), but he has less native hair and his donor was not virgin before surgery. So it's good that he decided to be conservative. Second surgery should focus on implanting more hair behind frontal third and that's it. 






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7 hours ago, JohnnyR said:

how can a clinic not Implant grafts in the area between crown and donor... this will look extremely unnatural.

when you do your second surgery you should not go for the hairline, you should focus on this area...

good luck!

He will need a second procedure no matter what, there will always be an area that is not covered when you’re a Norwood 7, unless you get 10-12k grafts, which most can’t afford in one shot. Plus, he simply doesn’t have that much donor.

You’re being antagonistic against a member who’s only sharing his experience. To me, it seems logical to focus on the crown afterwards. @Bandit90 did the same thing in his 1st surgery. It’s not an issue as long as the patient understands and consents that this area will require another surgery. It’s unrealistic to expect full coverage and density when you’re a Norwood 7 with a sparse donor.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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32 minutes ago, GeneralNorwood said:



But Johnny has a point. At Eugenix they always say this line "we don't want to cause a shock loss when implanting between native hair", but when they propose 2nd surgery it somehow doesn't matter. 

I asked Zarev if he is afraid of shock loss when implanting between native hair, because i heard such opinion from other clinic. He said simply "No" and smiled. 


However i agree with you @Bandit90 that case of OP is different from mine. His pattern is same (Norwood7), but he has less native hair and his donor was not virgin before surgery. So it's good that he decided to be conservative. Second surgery should focus on implanting more hair behind frontal third and that's it. 






To be fair, you’re comparing Zarev who is in a completely different price point and level to Dr. V. He can do a lot of things most surgeon’s cant. I would rather a surgeon be realistic with their skill level and be conservative rather than bite off more than they can chew. 

A second surgery would be more focused, less fatigue. I think mistakes are more likely to happen when you’re doing a gigasession. You need an extreme level of dedication and concentration. That’s why there’s only two doctors in the world doing 10-12k grafts in one day. 

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

Follow our Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.


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Sorry to say this OP, but you were/are not a good candidate for surgery and should have been turned away by Eugenix. I think most reputable clinics would have not accepted you as a patient.

Some peoples balding is so aggressive that they don't really have a "safe donor zone". Or if they do it's so small that even when combined with beard hair there simply isn't enough grafts available to really provide a real aesthetic benefit that will last long term. You also seem to have a wide head which means the area you need to cover is larger than someone with a smaller head. Eugenix also seem to have extracted scalp grafts from well below your "safe area" (This is something that seems to be common with them) and to me this area looks very prone to miniaturization so all of the grafts taken from their will probably miniaturize over time.

What's done is done and I don't say this to be negative, but I think you deserve to hear the truth (At least as far as I see it). I think you have realistic expectations and that's good, but I'm afraid that you don't have enough donor supply to even go in for a "second session". People in this thread keep saying "you'll need a second session" but they seem to be forgetting that you already have had 2 HT's so that in combination with what was already a compromised donor is not a great sign. 

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Also, good on you for not allowing them to lower your hairline or add temple points. It's absurd that they would have suggested that plan for someone in your situation, and truly borders on negligence. 

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