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Donor and Recipient areas 3 month progress post HT, 1541 Hairline Grafts ( Dr. Pekiner Ankara, Turkey )

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Posting on behalf of my husband.

39yr old male. 

My surgery took place in Ankara Turkey, and was done by Kaan Pekiner on March 2, 2024.
Dr Pekiner determined that my HT operation required a total of 1541 grafts to add density to my existing low hairline, which was thinning and receding prior to my HT. I have been taking, and have continued to remain on finasteride for the last 3 years, as well as topical minoxidil foam. I recently added oral Minoxadil tablet (2.5mg) to my daily regimen, because once I was allowed to begin reapplying topical minoxidil foam approximately 1 month after my HT, I noticed that it was further irritating my already irritated recipient area post operatively.
I am currently still using a small dose of topical minoxidil foam (Rogaine) in the evenings before bed, as I continue to make my transition to oral minoxidil and ween myself off of the topical foam. 
I experienced a worrisome complication immediately within a few days after my HT (infection), but Dr Pekiner quickly brought the infection under control by draining a few troubling areas with a needle, and provided me with a topical antibiotic ointment, as well as a course of oral antibiotics for the first week immediately post op. Its also worth mentioning that I have an extremely high pain threshold, yet I experienced quite a lot of significant pain during the excision and implantation of my grafts during the duration of my entire surgery (10/10 on the pain scale). During the first few minutes of my surgery, Dr. Pekiner noted that I had extremely thick and tough skin,  I asked if this was going to be an issue,  to which he replied that it wasn’t and we continued onwards with my surgery. Even though it was very painful for me the entire time of the procedure, Dr Pekiner took his time, and with plenty of breaks and snacks in between,  went ahead and completed the operation. (~ roughly 10-11 hours)
Luckily, I had an extended stay in Ankara (9 days) as I took precautions ahead of time during the planning phase of my trip to Turkey, and accounted for the possibility of having to stay there a bit longer just in case of any potential complications that may have arose post operatively, so that they could be dealt with and treated by the doctor himself while I was still there.  Retrospectively, I’m glad that I planned my stay in Turkey to be just over one week.
With the exception of the first 2 months post HT where the ball on my communication with my clinic was completely dropped once I returned back home stateside (I suspect that it was some issue of communication between the assistant and the doctor), communication with my surgeon ( Dr Pekiner) has since drastically improved over the course of the last month and a half, and I now provide him with direct and periodic updates on my current progress. After the initial 2 month failure of any attempted communications with my surgeon through his assistant (Alex), Dr Pekiner himself now personally continues to quickly and directly respond to any and all of WhatsApp messages, (questions/concerns), continues to provide medical guidance, and continues to personally follow up on my case and the complications that Im currently experiencing at this stage of my transplant journey.
Currently at this 3 month stage, Dr Pekiner asked me to begin applying Madecassol 1% cream once in the evenings to my recipient transplant area, as well as Fucidin cream (twice per day) to see if the currently visible “pitting holes” and scalp tissue underneath the transplanted hair in my recipient area, can be improved. I am also finishing up a course of Prednisone oral steroids (advised by Dr P) to see if this could also help speed up the healing processes in my area of concern. 
I speak to and continue to maintain regular communication directly with Dr P over the course of the last month and a half, as he felt and agreed that it was best for me to skip going through his assistant all together, in order to maintain a direct line of communication with him regarding my very unique and peculiar case. 

Currently, I am dealing with some general anxiety and depression about several issues and concerns about the future outcome of my HT, due to the issues and complications outlined in this post and my previous ones, regarding what is currently going on with my scalp recipient area (pitting scars, some ridging, and bumpiness without any swelling), but overall Im trying to remain optimistic, and hoping to have a good, positive, natural outcome after a full 1 year. Dr. Pekiner remains optimistic about my case, even though he noted that the complications that I am currently experiencing in the healing of my recipient area, and mentioned that he also assembled a team of dermatologists to individually assess and try to determine what may possibly be going on with my case. Dr. Pekiner believes that somehow my grafts have “receded” postoperatively,  which according to him is causing visible “pit like holes” (icepick looking scar holes) in my recipient area, especially in the temples and immediate few front rows of hair. He has noted and told me that he has not seen this occur in any of his previous patients, and that we should continue to wait, and monitor, to see how this situation will continue to progress.  I was also able to consult with and have a second opinion with Dr. Ahmad Munib (Netherlands) who has also mentioned that he has not seen anything like this postoperatively during the recovery and healing process in any of his previous patients, and that I should continue to wait and see the outcome while hoping for the scalp issue to improve, in hopes of coming to see an overall positive, aesthetically pleasing, and natural final result after the 1 year mark. He also agrees that at this moment in time, we must be careful not to make any definitive judgments without knowing how things will progress, and until more time passes in my very unique and complicated healing process.
I am feeling more or less optimistic and confident in knowing that Dr Pekiner has been personally overseeing my case for the last month and a half, continues providing guidance, has vowed to stick through this arduous process with me, and has made it clear and expressed to me that he is with me and will do whatever it takes to resolve any possible or potential issues with my transplant down the road, if and when it should become necessary. 
I am sharing a few photos of my current progress of both the donor and recipient areas after 3 months of this difficult journey, and I welcome you to share any thoughts or opinions that you may have.






























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  • Moderators

3 months post op is very early. It's common to get some pitting like you have in the healing stage. It usually all smooths out once the hair starts growing in. You have to be patient and just wait for everything to to happen over the one year time frame.



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(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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@Jalex2024don't worry, three months are a short time and then, if Pekiner has decided to operate on you, you will certainly have an excellent result in the end, he selects his patients, by the way it is likely that his consultant does not look favorably on the fact that you publish the your experience here, have you told him?

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