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I feel like hair loss is becoming less of a taboo topic. Still, each time I opened up about hair loss, the same stupid phrases are thrown at me. Did anyone else make this experience? A list of my Favorites

1. Everyone suddenly turns into prime Siegmund Freud when the topic is started. "It is not the fact that you are a norwood 6 at 19 that is bothering you, it is something deeper man" why does it always have to be something deeper? 😅 Maybe it is just the hair loss, it aint that deep. Who would tell someone with acne scars "its not the scars, its the fact that you never got over the sudden death of your favorite pet at age 13"

2. Your bros Favorite sentence: "Just shave it Bro", often followed by mentioning your favorite mid 40s shredded Hollywood star that is bald. Yes, If that was the ultimate simple solution, there would absolutely still be a multi billion dollar industry surrounding hair loss. More power to you if you shave and be happy, but I have that feeling that many men do suffer in silence, which ultimately doesnt help the stigma.


3. Women prefer bald guys. Look I am not trying to convince you that your dating life is over when you are bald or anything like that, it is one factor tho, and  when you compare two people one with and one without hair, the one with luscious locks is often the preferred one. 




Edited by davidn
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  • Senior Member

Life is a brutal competition across all domains. School, work, access to women, etc.

Hair loss is an easy target for others to get a competitive advantage over us. Fortunately transplants and medication have helped things tremendously. 

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  • Regular Member
On 6/3/2024 at 7:18 AM, davidn said:

I feel like hair loss is becoming less of a taboo topic. Still, each time I opened up about hair loss, the same stupid phrases are thrown at me. Did anyone else make this experience? A list of my Favorites

1. Everyone suddenly turns into prime Siegmund Freud when the topic is started. "It is not the fact that you are a norwood 6 at 19 that is bothering you, it is something deeper man" why does it always have to be something deeper? 😅 Maybe it is just the hair loss, it aint that deep. Who would tell someone with acne scars "its not the scars, its the fact that you never got over the sudden death of your favorite pet at age 13"

2. Your bros Favorite sentence: "Just shave it Bro", often followed by mentioning your favorite mid 40s shredded Hollywood star that is bald. Yes, If that was the ultimate simple solution, there would absolutely still be a multi billion dollar industry surrounding hair loss. More power to you if you shave and be happy, but I have that feeling that many men do suffer in silence, which ultimately doesnt help the stigma.


3. Women prefer bald guys. Look I am not trying to convince you that your dating life is over when you are bald or anything like that, it is one factor tho, and  when you compare two people one with and one without hair, the one with luscious locks is often the preferred one. 




@davidn, dude I feel ya.  I think people who haven’t experienced MPB just don’t realize how devastating it can be.

i also think it is one of the few things that is socially acceptable to make fun of people for.  People routinely poke fun at “the bald guy,” and he’s supposed to laugh it off— when in reality, the fact that he’s balding may be one of his deepest insecurities.

it ain’t right!

recently another user on here posted a comment along the lines that hair restoration is different than many other cosmetic procedures. It’s “restoring” something that was lost— something that used to be and isn’t there anymore. Some other procedures (not all) are attempting to alter the personas appearance from whatnot originally and naturally was, but hair restoration is aimed at restoring the appearance to what it was before and to what is natural. 

All that to say, I feel ya when it comes to the comments from the non-balding guys!

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