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Surgery 1: Hairline and Crown with Dr Arika Bansal at Eugenix in Mumbai - 4200 grafts

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Month 2 photo update: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/1atoiahmmemn50wk92glu/AIjBPRxhlz4cY_CW_78H81Q?rlkey=46db1niadjnsnjss0u047caz3&st=81ddoldd&dl=0

I cannot see any noticeable shedding in my hairline area. I get the feeling it looks just like it did a month ago. That being said, my crown area is still pretty scanty. I find myself trimming my sides so that it doesn't look like I have more hair on my sides than I do in my crown. 


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  • 5 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

Month 3 photos update: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/7hkipu2f4rvvc1afiki1o/AE5W1KgKpqNFGZUhpmt2XnQ?rlkey=2gf4qrg8az68fbi5rdn4rdu64&st=7k8awgbu&dl=0

I think there might be a little more growth in my crown but otherwise, nothing earthshattering quite as yet. I trimmed my sides to make sure there isn't visibility more hair on the sides than there is on my scalp. The white mark in my scalp is a mosquito bite. I made the mistake of sitting near a plant in the backyard of a bar in my neighborhood. Not the wisest decision - since that attracted mosquitoes! 


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