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Looking for your opinions - Your advice matters - 28yo looking for a HT in Europe

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Hi everyone and thank you for your numerous useful posts 😊

I am Krakko. European 28yo. I started suffering from AGA when I was 20/21 yo. Unfortunately, even with constant medications, my hairline has receded more on the temples. Especially my right-side temple presents spread hair thickening. Luckily my crown is unaffected

Medications used:
-- 3 years of topical Minoxidil 5%
-- Then moved to topical Finasteride for 1 year
-- Then moved to Oral minoxidil for 1 year
-- Now on topical solution with Finasteride, Minoxidil and other excipients like progesterone


I think I have reached my best possible result with treatments. I do not think there is room for further improvement since I have reached a plateau in terms of hair density and quality

Thus, I would like to consider a hair transplant in the following months or years and I would like to ask your opinion!

I am sharing with you my actual situation.
1.  Pretty thin hair
2. Very good density on the back
3. Crown area with no thickening or baldness
4. High forehead with receding hairline (temples) and some thickening, persisting with medications








Goal: covering the temples to get a more natural hair line and improve density and hairline's height if necessary

I would like to ask you the following:

1. How many grafts do you think are needed?
2. Do you suggest some clinics or doctors specialized in situations like mine?
3. What should I expect from an hair transplant?
4. What should I care the most when asking for quotations or consultation?
5. Is it the right time to consider an HT?

Every other comment/advice/experience you think is useful is much appreciated


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It looks like you have an excellent donor area. I think 3000 grafts can get you a nice result, but the number of grafts is going to depend on how high or low you want the hairline and if you decide to improve your temple points. 


Forum Moderator

(formerly BeHappy)

I am a forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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