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Sweden for transplant

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Which doctor in Sweden are you considering?


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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I don't believe there are any good Swedish surgeons, there are much better options in the US or the UK.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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11 hours ago, Melvin- Admin said:

I don't believe there are any good Swedish surgeons, there are much better options in the US or the UK.

Thanks for that insight.  When I posted this, I hadn't yet found the recommended surgeons page (I just signed up on here yesterday).  Even looking through the recommendations, it can get overwhelming.  I'm potentially open to going anywhere in the world, and I don't want cost to be my primary factor (though I'm not independently wealthy and cost is a factor at some level).  

Any guidance you can give into how to best go about researching?  Appreciate any wisdom from an Admin!

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6 hours ago, CautiousResearcher said:

Thanks for that insight.  When I posted this, I hadn't yet found the recommended surgeons page (I just signed up on here yesterday).  Even looking through the recommendations, it can get overwhelming.  I'm potentially open to going anywhere in the world, and I don't want cost to be my primary factor (though I'm not independently wealthy and cost is a factor at some level).  

Any guidance you can give into how to best go about researching?  Appreciate any wisdom from an Admin!

whats your norwood status? how many grafts do you think you will need? what is your budget

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6 hours ago, mr_peanutbutter said:

whats your norwood status? how many grafts do you think you will need? what is your budget

Great questions.

One doc said I’m an early Norwood class 5A, and I agree.  I have a fairly decent tuft still in the front middle, and significant thinning around that and all the way from hairline to the front of my crown.  But no part of my head is slick bald— still lots of miniaturized hairs all throughout the balding zone (enough so that with Toppik, it looks like I have a fairly decent head of hair but with a receding hairline.  My own mom didn’t even realize I was losing my hair until I told her how obvious it is without Toppik in it. 

I had in person consults with three different clinics, and their recommendations ranged from 2200-3500 grafts.  None of these were on the list if recommended surgeons (had consults before I found this site), and I’m looking for surgeons beyond these. 

Regarding budget, I’m not independently wealthy, but I don’t want price to be the primary factor.  I’m willing to pay for quality flit don’t want to overpay if I can get the same result for less).  

I was actually scheduled for a surgery at a cost of $5/graft— but I cancelled because I just wasn’t sure about the quality of the surgeon, the plan, and the overall decision. But that surgeon would have charged $5/graft for 2,500 grafts… and I told him to take more if he could safely get them.    For quality, I would pay more than that. 

doe these answers help?


thanks for the questions and the reply. 

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59 minutes ago, davidn said:

hey man, can you post pictures? are you on medication? what is your age?

On medication:

finasteride (oral) for several years

Was in topical minoxidil for several years (but just switched to oral a few weeks ago)


i’m in my early 40’s.


I I’ll  to take some photos this evening. 

thanks for asking, man!

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  • Senior Member
7 minutes ago, CautiousResearcher said:

On medication:

finasteride (oral) for several years

Was in topical minoxidil for several years (but just switched to oral a few weeks ago)


i’m in my early 40’s.


I I’ll  to take some photos this evening. 

thanks for asking, man!

just being curious: any sides on fin?

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A lot of the clinics in Sweden, Denmark and Norway from what I have seen have connections with clinics in turkey and they basically hire someone from there to do the surgery on you. rekommenderar inte att ta chansen.

Can you share pictures with us so we can meaby help you? :) 

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1 hour ago, Ajamilo said:

A lot of the clinics in Sweden, Denmark and Norway from what I have seen have connections with clinics in turkey and they basically hire someone from there to do the surgery on you. rekommenderar inte att ta chansen.

Can you share pictures with us so we can meaby help you? :) 

Definitely!  Hoping I can take some tonight and get them uploaded; just had meetings today and haven't been able to.

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Looking forward to seeing your pics!


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Sorry for the delay— had some family stuff tonight. 

im sure these photos could be better, but for quick reference here’s a start. 

these are with my hair dry and combed straight down.  Can do another way if that’s better— I have no experience with photos like these  












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@Gatsby That’s hard to say.  I don’t think I finasteride and minoxidil stopped it, but maybe slowed it down. Maybe the reason I have miniaturized hairs in the balding area but not slick bald is because of the meds.  Not sure. One of the surgeons I consulted with said that he believes that now that I recently switched from topical minoxidil to oral that I’ll see better results (I know that is hotly debated, but that’s what he said).  

I also just started (about three weeks ago) using an IRESTORE elite laser cap.  Never have until now because I just thought they were a gimmick (and maybe they are), but this has a full refund for a year, so I thought I’d give it a go. 

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18 hours ago, CautiousResearcher said:

Great questions.

One doc said I’m an early Norwood class 5A, and I agree.  I have a fairly decent tuft still in the front middle, and significant thinning around that and all the way from hairline to the front of my crown.  But no part of my head is slick bald— still lots of miniaturized hairs all throughout the balding zone (enough so that with Toppik, it looks like I have a fairly decent head of hair but with a receding hairline.  My own mom didn’t even realize I was losing my hair until I told her how obvious it is without Toppik in it. 

I had in person consults with three different clinics, and their recommendations ranged from 2200-3500 grafts.  None of these were on the list if recommended surgeons (had consults before I found this site), and I’m looking for surgeons beyond these. 

Regarding budget, I’m not independently wealthy, but I don’t want price to be the primary factor.  I’m willing to pay for quality flit don’t want to overpay if I can get the same result for less).  

I was actually scheduled for a surgery at a cost of $5/graft— but I cancelled because I just wasn’t sure about the quality of the surgeon, the plan, and the overall decision. But that surgeon would have charged $5/graft for 2,500 grafts… and I told him to take more if he could safely get them.    For quality, I would pay more than that. 

doe these answers help?


thanks for the questions and the reply. 

you have good options in europe such as


1. fuegenix

2. ferudini

3. bisanga

4. hattingen

5. heitmann

6. couto

7. pinto

8. de freitas

9. zarev



more budget friendly solution in europe would be


1. hdc cyprus

2. fuecapilar

3. medecap

4. kostis

5. jean luc portelli

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  • Senior Member
7 minutes ago, mr_peanutbutter said:

you have good options in europe such as


1. fuegenix

2. ferudini

3. bisanga

4. hattingen

5. heitmann

6. couto

7. pinto

8. de freitas

9. zarev



more budget friendly solution in europe would be


1. hdc cyprus

2. fuecapilar

3. medecap

4. kostis

5. jean luc portelli

what is your opinion on hlc bro

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  • Regular Member
1 hour ago, mr_peanutbutter said:

you have good options in europe such as


1. fuegenix

2. ferudini

3. bisanga

4. hattingen

5. heitmann

6. couto

7. pinto

8. de freitas

9. zarev



more budget friendly solution in europe would be


1. hdc cyprus

2. fuecapilar

3. medecap

4. kostis

5. jean luc portelli

Thanks, @mr_peanutbutter for the reply and the suggestions— really helpful.


a couple questions:


1. I’m also open to beyond Europe—US,  Asia, Pacific, South America, North America— really anywhere.  I don’t see any recommended surgeons listed in Africa and I’d be reluctant to go to the one recommended surgeon in Jordan right now, simply because of it’s proximity to the current conflict in Israel and Gaza. Any thoughts on outside of Europe? 

2.  You mention both Drs Bisanga and Kostis.  I reached out to BHR on this site, and Ian of BHR messaged me.  When I asked about pricing, this is what he said: “Current pricing for surgery at BHR Clinic for surgery with Dr. Bisanga which will also see Dr. Kostis assist with punching of extraction sites, is charged at €4.00 per graft.”. Any thoughts on this Bisanga/Kostis combo?


thanks again for the help.  

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10 minutes ago, davidn said:

Its a clinic haha. Good call on Bisanga tho. Bisanga is one of the best in the world!

Ha!  Ok, gotcha. Regarding Bisanga, what are your thoughts on the Bisanga/Kostis combo BHR quoted me?


“Current pricing for surgery at BHR Clinic for surgery with Dr. Bisanga which will also see Dr. Kostis assist with punching of extraction sites, is charged at €4.00 per graft.”

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33 minutes ago, davidn said:

Bisanga is a highly ethical surgeon. He turns down a lot of patients. 

Kostic was trained under Bisanga. Bisanga would never employ someone that is unskilled/messes up surgeries. It should turn out good (although all surgeons have mess ups).

Thanks foe the insight— super helpful!

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