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Dry scalp/redness/pain and transplanted hair follicles barely growing

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Hello people,

I am really desperate to find an answer and a cure to this issue my scalp developed after a bad hair transplant done almost two years ago. (Please see photos below)


Since my hair starts to grow at month 4-6 after my first hair transplant (that gone wrong with many mistakes) I noticed this area is barely growing and it is always dry and itchy and painful when i touch the hair shafts (and it still does). I tried many skin moisturisers and oils it works temporarily but after a week or so the same issue of dryness/redness and pain starts to appear again. I tried plucking some of these hairs many times during the last two years every now and then to allow any ingrown hairs to pop out to see if there are any so i can see them but all methods tried didn’t work.

When I saw Dr. Bisanga during my first consultation almost 10 months ago, before starting my correction journey with him, i did address this issue and he showed me the area under the microscope and mentioned that there are a lot of hairs in this area and it is weak area with cobblestones and possibly ingrown hairs. And thats it we never discussed this issue again as i was focusing on planning to repair my bad design hairline that was done by cheap hair mill clinic in Kuwait.

Has anyone experienced or came across this issue after hair transplant? 

below more photos from different time frames to allow you to see how the area is being at different times.


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