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Surgeon good with macro irregularities

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Hi experts,

I'm 34M, currently estimated to be a NW2. I've been slowly but steadily losing hair since I was 17. Fortunately I started out with VERY thick hair and a VERY low hairline. I went to a consultation with Rahal and his sales rep put my donor supply at 8000 grafts and recommended 1,500 grafts FUE at ~50 grafts/cm^2 average density. He drew a very straight hairline that lacked any sort of macro irregularities. I did not like the hairline he drew on me.

Instead, I want something that has a widows peak in the middle and secondary peaks on either side similar to Collin Farrell.

 I designed my own HT hairline using the shape of my juvenile hairline as well as Collin Farrell's hairline as reference. It isn't as low as my juvenile hairline but it definitely lowered my temples quite a bit and has the macro irregularities I wanted.


I need some advice on the following:


1 - Is my HT design too low/high, should I go more aggressive/conservative? How would you change it?

2 - Which surgeon would you recommend me to achieve the results that I am looking for? I've been pitched Pekiner, Laorwong and Panchaprateep. I was told that Panchaprateep is an expert at macro and micro irregularities.

3- what density should I aim for?


some more info for those who likes to reading lol:

My dad is late 60's with NW3A. Density wise he isn't doing great but also isn't doing bad.

I've been on finasteride for 6 months about a year ago. Came off of it due to headaches and gyno. The gyno calmed down when i went on a lower dosage but the headache never went away. I plan on trying RU58841 and topical finasteride while I get on a surgeon's waiting list.



r/HairTransplants - surgeon good with macro irregularities

r/HairTransplants - surgeon good with macro irregularities

r/HairTransplants - surgeon good with macro irregularities

r/HairTransplants - surgeon good with macro irregularities

r/HairTransplants - surgeon good with macro irregularities

r/HairTransplants - surgeon good with macro irregularities

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To be honest your hairline looks fine. Your hairline looks more like it is maturing if anything. I definitely wouldn't be thinking of having surgery at all. Any surgeon who would build you a juvenile hairline as you have drawn it should be a huge red flag. Perhaps go on finasteride if your hairline worries you. Wishing you all the best!

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8 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

To be honest your hairline looks fine. Your hairline looks more like it is maturing if anything. I definitely wouldn't be thinking of having surgery at all. Any surgeon who would build you a juvenile hairline as you have drawn it should be a huge red flag. Perhaps go on finasteride if your hairline worries you. Wishing you all the best!

Thanks for your input.





Dr Rahal's sales rep drew something like this and told me 1500 grafts. H&W's virtual reps told me 2000 graphs.


What do you think of Rahal and H&W's reps plans? Do you still think its too aggressive and I should stick to fin? 




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Looking at these other pics I can see from these angles that your hairline is slightly receding. I would normally say to first see if topical medication is stabilizing your hair loss. However at 34 you could go ahead with surgery knowing that MPB is progressive. A hair transplant will not stop MPB and you will most likely need another surgery down the track. If your surgeon has a life long plan to address this with you then that's what you want. I think if you keep in mind that your donor is a finite quantity then the hairline is fine as long as it's not too straight. You want a hairline that you will grow into, as you grow older for the rest of your life, not out of. All the best!

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Personally I think it looks fine and wouldn't touch it. But if you want to go for it and understand the risks, then look at Thaigo Bianco Leal. He does macro irregularities very well and his work on cases like you is fantastic. He can do very high densities that we haven't seen with many other doctors. I think you could benefit from something like that. But do note that he won't be cheap. I think his prices start at $18k.

Laorwong's hairlines has less macro irregularities and more micro, it depends on if you like them. Same like Pekiner. Panchaprateep has more macro irregularities compared to her partner. 

I would also look into Nader. He can do both macro/micro.


Edited by 4chanhrn
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  • Valued Contributor

Personally I wouldn't even be doing a HT at all. The aesthetic benefits of having a hairline is that it frames your face, and in order to have a framed face and a more youthful appearance, you only need enough hair (a dense central forelock will do the job even with heavy recession) - you don't actually need a full hairline (think Jude Law).

In your case, you have tons of hair and a good strong hairline (way more than is needed to providing facial framing). It doesn't seem to me that you'd be getting the aesthetic benefits by lowering you hairline. You have some recession, but it's a natural looking, mature recession that looks pretty good as it is.

Those soft, miniaturised hairs along the hairline could possibly be improved with finasteride & oral minoxidil also. It seems to me that from where you are now to what you want to get to, the cost and time would yield diminished returns.

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  • Regular Member
2 hours ago, baddecisions said:

You don't need a HT, in fact, it is more likely you end up with an unsatisfactory result.

This. Look over this site and see the grief bad HTs cause

My heartfelt suggestion: you look young with great hair, go out there and enjoy it, get a cool haircut (mohawk! 🙂) and spend that HT money on something you'll remember for life, instead of messing around with unnecessary surgery

  • Well Done 1

Two successful repairs (pluggy hairline removal + donor restoration) with Dr Ball - The Maitland Clinic



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7 hours ago, baddecisions said:

You don't need a HT, in fact, it is more likely you end up with an unsatisfactory result.

Why do you think this is the case? I'm looking at some of the best surgeons for hairlines. What is the success rate going with these surgeons? What are some things that are likely to go wrong precisely? 

A few that I can think of is grafts failing to grow causing low density, over harvesting of the donor, bad hairline design and bad angulation of the transplanted hair. Correctly selecting the surgeon can reduce the risk of most of these no? What am I missing?


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  • Valued Contributor
6 hours ago, Paul_ said:

This. Look over this site and see the grief bad HTs cause

My heartfelt suggestion: you look young with great hair, go out there and enjoy it, get a cool haircut (mohawk! 🙂) and spend that HT money on something you'll remember for life, instead of messing around with unnecessary surgery

100% this. Most of us that have had HT’s would much preferred to have never needed one and been able to put that money towards something far, far more worthy like a great travel trip or something. 

It’s never too late to remember that surgery should ALWAYS be the last resort. 

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