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Dr De Freitas | ~3,000 grafts FUE | June 2024 | ~40 yrs old


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Let me start by thanking members of the community for all the guidance they’ve provided as I started thinking about my journey towards a hair transplant. After considering various options, reviews and suggestions I decided to book my transplant with Dr De Freitas last year as my primary focus was my hairline and density. I finally went through my procedure towards the end of June.
There’s still a long way to go before I know how successful the HT was but overall I was very pleased with the process and the clinic. 
Some tips before I go into specifics of my procedure:
  • the clinic provides a pillow but I highly recommend you bring your own as well just to have an option. You will be using it to sleep for a few days so it’s very crucial you be comfortable.
  • The process is arduous, especially the second day, so be mentally prepared for that
  • If possible, I’d recommend staying two nights after the surgery before heading back
Here’s a quick summary of the procedure: age: ~40 yrs
Initial graft estimate: 2,800
Grafts extracted: ~3,000
Hair: ~7,000
Average: 2.36
The initial estimate of 2,800 grafts (5,600 hair approx) was to repopulate the frontal area and receding hairline. He ended up extracting ~3,000 grafts (~7,000 hair). I mentioned that my crown is also thinning and he said that would require another procedure with another 2,500 grafts. The doctor ended up implanting 100 grafts in the crown and was kind enough to not charge extra for the additional grafts. The extraction was done by a technician and implantation and hairline was done by Dr De Freitas. 
Summary of my trip:
Day 0: arrived in Valencia the day before the procedure. Stayed at the hotel provided by the clinic. It’s very clean but basic.
Day 1: arrived at the clinic at 1015am, changed etc. 
1115-noon: doc drew first hair line, shave, hairline finalized 
Noon -130: extraction 
130-230: lunch 
230-4: implantation 
Day two:
Check in 1015
1045 shampoo cleaning instructions/medication instructions 
12-8: included two extractions and implantations and lunch/snack. 
The staff was very attentive, helpful and most people that interacted with me were fluent in English. Dr De Freitas was friendly and professional and very involved. He drew the hairline, did the implants and took progress photos himself. 
I wanted to thank everyone for their support during the journey. I will try and update this thread  thread periodically with progress pics but the focus now is on recovery. 
Hair before surgery:
1st day of surgery:
First day post-op:
Edited by randomhair
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Thank you very much for sharing your experience in this forum. It has been a pleasure to welcome you at Clínica De Freitas.

You can count on us for whatever you need during your evolution.

Best regards.

▪️Ignacio Torres Blanchard - Representative of De Freitas Clinic
▪️https://www.injertocapilar-alopecia.es/en - https://www.clinicadefreitas.com
(+34) 681 273 588

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