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LAORWONG 2000 No shave FUE 6 months, feeling so/\+

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first few photos are the before. Then 2 photos of right after surgery. Now the rest are at about 6 months. some wet, some dry, some styled, with the last 2 being from an event i was at last week

42/m been on 1mg fin for years, topical minox off and on but post surgery added 2.5mg oral minoxidil daily and have gotten 3 Prp shots over the 6 months.

My overall feeling is of somewhat disappointment, with the caveat that i likely had unrealistic expectations, may have hair dysmorphia and also it’s partially my fault. After his initial drawing in the clinic  i got a little paranoid it would be too low and asked for it to be maybe half a centimeter higher, i feel like it ended up being a full centimeter higher or more and now i feel like i spent thousands of dollars to still have a receding hairline. I don’t know what was going through my head. I think i thought it would use less graphs, cause he originally told me 1600-2000, but the graph count didn’t change. Also maybe i was wrinkling my forehead and didn’t realize it 😂 I did feel rushed during the design phase, and also wish he had included my temples, but at the end of day I’m the moron.

And i know everyone says it’s not 12 months yet, but my growth has also tapered off, especially density wise. I feel like I had great growth in the first 4, 4.5 months and it really hasn’t grown since then, in basically the last 1.5 months. The hair feels very wispy, you can see it in some of the photos. Additionally, it’s just weird and hard to style. It mostly grows straight up, in a way that isn’t normal. Like, it won’t go down and i can’t wear it down. Just straight up. It kind of looks like I have a line of hair drawn where my hairline is, if that makes sense. And in maybe 15% of it, along the right edge, it’s growing in sideways, at like a 60 degree angle. For example, i can’t comb or wear my hair down, if i wanted to cover up the forehead or do a fringe. The hairline also just looks weird, too straight, and even though I asked for micro irregularities there doesn’t seem like any put in. Luckily i have a few forgotten soldiers that survived and give it maybe a little bit more normal appearance. I don’t think it’s the kind of thing the average person would mostly notice but it definitely looks off to me.

Weirdly, i think it looks best when it’s wet as the new hair blends with my old hair.

The back looks fine unless I cut it short, in which case it has a bit of the moth-eaten look, which means i can’t really get fades which is also another issue. Granted, i haven’t done that since about the 4 month mark cause I’m too scared now of what it’ll look like, so it could have improved.

While this isn’t a horror story or anything, and it could still turn out solid, i really wanted to be able to stop hyperfocusing and thinking about my hair all the time. And maybe i have hair dysmorphia or something, but that hasn’t been the case. I also really wanted to be able to slick my hair back and can’t really do that. So all in all, somewhat disappointed. I’m starting to look for a touch up surgeon who could do some temple work and maybe give me a half or full centimeter lower hairline, if anyone has any recs. Would love to get something done this winter and finally have something I’m happy with but seems unrealistic. Happy to answer any questions




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I'm sorry you are feeling this way @yetanotherONE. Your results are excellent and you need to remember that every year older you will need a hairline that you will grow into (and not out of). The biggest thing is that you are on the right medication and can tolerate it which is a huge thing in itself. Also your hair looks natural and that is the goal of a successful hair transplant. I would still give your hair the full 12 months for further growth and maturing. If you really are hell bent on temple work and lowering your hairline that's always an option. However temple points, if not performed correctly, can turn out terribly as they require a lot of skill so do lots of research. Remember you can always have a hair transplant 'tomorrow.' Wishing you all the best!

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Hi, to reiterate Gatsby, the result is natural and it will mature and thicken in the next 6 month. It is possible to be overcautious, and overthink things. I understand the anxiety.  Re the hairline, it's important to be on the same page as your surgeon. I went to Laorwong twice-am currently 6 days post op in fact. The first time the Dr measured 7.5 cm for the hairline and i asked, donor permitting, if it could be lowered to 7 cm. The Dr gave the green light so went for it

For context, I was a NW 5 and stabilized my hairloss with fin after trying various other treatments over the years. 

In short, you went to an excellent surgeon, and time, patience and a touch up will get you to where you want to be. Hang in there!

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The hairline does look pretty straight, it's the Asian style he can't seem to work out that caucasians have different hair lines to Asians which is weird U would think he would have worked it out by now , but it's not bad better than before no doubt and if U want an extra centermetre anyway make sure U show him pics of what U want . It's really amazing that they just draw a hairline on the day and that it ,you would think they would put your bald head on a computer program and have different hair lines and styles of hair cuts and paste it into the perfect position, it's weird in this day and age they aren't all over that 

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I think it looks pretty good. You're not going to get the density you had if you never lost any hair. If you think the hairline is too high then you could always go back for another HT to lower it.



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(formerly BeHappy)

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Does anyone have any recommendations for a surgeon that could do some slight fixes on the hairline (and temples) so it's not so straight? i've seen Saifi recommened, but would prefer someone in Thailand or Mexico/south america

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8 hours ago, yetanotherONE said:

Does anyone have any recommendations for a surgeon that could do some slight fixes on the hairline (and temples) so it's not so straight? i've seen Saifi recommened, but would prefer someone in Thailand or Mexico/south america

Why don’t you just go back to dr laorwong and ask him to fix it 

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3 hours ago, CharlesBarkley said:

Hello Laor. As others have already stated, your result at 6 months looks excellent. Be patient and lets see the final result at least till the 12 months mark. 

the hairline design isn't going to magically get better in the next few months. Whether density increase or not, the hairline will still look fake

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13 hours ago, Jamos1982 said:

Why don’t you just go back to dr laorwong and ask him to fix it 

doesn't make much sense imo to go back to a doctor whose work you are not satisfied with 

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Posted (edited)

HTs start off wirery for the first 6-10 months which I am surprised you do not know.  This is not the final result as the hair needs time to keep growing and softening.  You need to wait 15-18 months before passing judgement.  I think it looks decent so far.

Edited by 1978matt

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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On 7/26/2024 at 10:10 PM, yetanotherONE said:

doesn't make much sense imo to go back to a doctor whose work you are not satisfied with 

Disagree with you here.

I am with @Jamos1982

My initial result wasn’t as expected for myself or Dr….so he fixed it.

Now I have a ridiculously good result.

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