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Worried about potential scarring/tenting

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7,5 months post-op

This is what it looks like when held under daylight. Wondering if the redness will subside after waiting a bit longer? I do have quite sensitive skin. There also seem to be bits of tenting. 

Should anything be done about this or should I wait a bit longer?




Edited by HTjourney
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Not easy to say with any certainty. If you have sensitive skin, the presence of what is essentially a "foreign body" (grafts) could just be irritating things. It could be a bit of folliculitis or it could indeed be an issue caused by something technically less than optimal about the way the transplant was performed.

We might be able to rule out the latter issue if you could say who the surgeon is? Speaking of whom, have you spoken to them yet and if so, what have they suggested?

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It was done by Michalis Georgiou in Cyprus, who all in all seemed to have done a good job.

I wrote him an e-mail voicing my concern about this. He answered saying he spoke to a dermatologist he knows about this and apparently it could have something to do with my skin’s reaction to the anasthaesia.

Not sure if credible, still a bit unsure.

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Posted (edited)

It looks like some pretty significant folliculitis -or seb derm, or some other condition.

I'd suggest going to your GP or a hair dermatologist.


I wouldn't rely on the HT doctor at this point as they won't be specialists in these conditions - it might not even be related to the HT.




Edited by mcr7777
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No problem.  I know how stressful these skin conditions can be - and getting a diagnosis - as I've also gone through similar for hair/scalp conditions.

Has your caused any hair loss?

The more I look at it- the more it looks like seb term with significant scaling.  It could be other things of course, but this is what springs to mind.

I was reading this example the other day which looks somewhat similar - Pityriasis amiantacea.  Pityriasis amiantacea is the scaling associated with seb term (and other conditions).  

There are treatments for seb derm thankfully (I also have it) - hope it goes well at the dermatologist.








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