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What strategy to choose ?

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At the beginning I would like to thank everyone who shares their knowledge at this forum, you're doing great job - greatings.

I've been reading this site since a year and now I decided to go for HT.

A few words about me. I'm 37 years old. I've noticed a hair loss started about 10 years ago. But since a few years I didn't notice any signs of hair loss. When I'm washing my hair I don't see any hairs that fell out on my hands. I've never used any kind of meds and I'm not going to after HT.

I'm planning to do it in Turkey.           I've made my own research and after that I contacted a few clinics. After checking my pictures they suggest 4000-5000 grafts. They also state that for full coverage and good density it would be better to split the process for 2 procedures. First for creating a hairline and thicken the middle scalp (using 4000-5000 grafts depending on clinic) and second for crown (using 1000-2000).

This option would bring better effects but certainly it would harvest my donor zone and in the future it could close the road for another HT if the baldness would progress.

Another clinic where I was personally at their representative office told me that they can do it during one procedure with 4000-4500 grafts with priority on the hairline and crown with only 600 grafts on the middle scalp (last picture)


Choosing this option could be more wiser for the future - save more donor for next HT if baldness will progress especially that I'm not going to take medications.


I know that I have to make my own decision but I'm asking you for advice, maybe together we will sort it out :)

Thank you.









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  • Regular Member

You likely need 5.5-7k grafts, depending on how dense you want it to be. You could even go higher. Usually it's best to break surgery down into 2 stages. Which clinic are you planning to do it with? That's more important than absolute numbers. There are some decent clinics in Turkey(like with any other geography), but majority of them are really bad. There is nothing about Turkey that makes it better than other places for HT.

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Well, I know that the density won't be as good as native hair. The estimates were made after my meeting in the HT clinic's office and it was set on something around 50 grafts per cm2. (Last photo)

I think I am going to do my HT at Dr's Altan clinik - he is also present on this forum. His reputation and effects of procedures convinces me.

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One more thing I forgot to ask. Which method of HT is safer for native hair? I've heard that pen implantation is better because it is more precise and because of that it prevents of damaging existing hair. Is that true?

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  • Senior Member
15 minutes ago, silver_lion said:

One more thing I forgot to ask. Which method of HT is safer for native hair? I've heard that pen implantation is better because it is more precise and because of that it prevents of damaging existing hair. Is that true?


whether pen or forceps are used is not deciding, its more important who experienced and skilled the person who is using the device


an inexperienced technician/doctor wont have a good result with an implantation pen or forceps. 


which clinics did you contact? id avoid hairmills. and i wouldnt limit myself to turkey. for example you have good surgeons in cyprus such as hdc cyprus, belgium (bisanga, ferudini), netherlands (fuegenix), spain (defreitas) etc

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