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Dosage for Liquid finasteride

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Hello all.


Looking for some help.


I started using liquid finasteride and minoxidil blend last October with no side effects. I had decent results in terms of thickening and reduction in hair loss. But then the company called Hims decided to increase the dosage of the drugs from 0.05 to 0.3% of finasteride and 5% to 6% for minoxidil. Their idea is that you have to use it once a day instead but that would still be a 3x increase per day of finasteride and it's all at once. I tried it but found two things:

An increase in side effects.

It's harder to apply as you have to be very careful to only use 1ml of solution. 


So my question is, can I reduce the dosage of the solution by mixing it with purified deionised water. For example, diluting 10ml of the finasteride solution with 20ml of water to make a watered down version with a lower dose. Note that one of the main ingredients in their solution is purified water so I would just be adding to what's already there. It doesn't use alcohol as a carrier since it dries and damaged the scalp. 


My actual mix was: 


10ml of finasteride 0.3% and minoxidil 6%

5ml of minoxidil 5%

15ml purified water.


This was to keep the minoxidil % up but reduce the finasteride.


Any opinions or any chemists that can help? I've been using it for 3 months and had no side effects but worried it may not be working and I'll have a big hair loss coming soon. 


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