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Does changing your finasteride provider have adverse effects?


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I’m currently using the Manual All-In-One capsule since January, of 1mg Fin, 2.5mg Min, and 10mg biotin tablet.

Going really well, but now I want to go to 5mg minoxidil, that Manual do not provide.

So I want to buy all 3 tablets separately. Will it have adverse effects on finasteride? In terms of growth phase etc. Or does the process continue as normal? The plan is to buy the 3 new tablets, and use them the day after my last manual jar of tablets finish.

Also, I have had no side effects with finasteride. Could those occur if I took it at the same dose in a singular tablet?

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Seems like it would be a better idea to get 2.5mg minoxidil tablets and just add that to the all in one that you are currently taking.




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(formerly BeHappy)

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