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4 hours ago, jwolfe890 said:

wondering how much more evidence is needed before surgeons can start incorporating this into procedures. i'm not expecting this to be a cure, but even a 10% reduction in scarring or hair regrowth in donor areas would be phenomenal. 

I think just documenting all the exact side effects of having large amounts of Verteporfin injected and making sure it’s safe , seeing the best concentration to use for highest outcome of regrowth and reduction of scarring. We’ve gotten more than 10% regrowth already and are shooting for the most optimal steps on using it on patients rather than wasting any precious donor hair.

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4 hours ago, Jonathan said:

I think just documenting all the exact side effects of having large amounts of Verteporfin injected and making sure it’s safe , seeing the best concentration to use for highest outcome of regrowth and reduction of scarring. We’ve gotten more than 10% regrowth already and are shooting for the most optimal steps on using it on patients rather than wasting any precious donor hair.

Sounds reasonable. I just worry it's going to get locked into endless experimentation like the countless other "advancements" that never seem to emerge. 

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4 hours ago, jwolfe890 said:

Sounds reasonable. I just worry it's going to get locked into endless experimentation like the countless other "advancements" that never seem to emerge. 

As it is already FDA approved we should be good woth expreiments. Melvin is at the convention today in LA so hopefully he can convince others to begin trials. Like i said before jusy imagine of you could just derma roll and injecy verteporfin.

Also not related to this thread but check this out. Its from follicle thought.


Essentially ultimate dutasteride topical using their tech orginally designed for crisp gene editing more powerfull, effective and less side effects than oral dut

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1 hour ago, Fox243 said:

@Melvin- Moderator Hey Melvin, would love to be kept in the loop about if any potential doctors show interest. No need to give names ofc if the doctors prefer anonymity, but would just leave to hear if any doctors showed interest to pursue.

I’m going to be doing a live podcast with Dr. Nader, Dr. Bicer, Dr. Bisanga, and Dr. Kostis. Make sure you join in and request they start a study. 

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 I was just an inch away from booking a a hairmill based on google reviews before i stumbled upon this goldmine of a forum. 

I’m a paid administrator for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive compensation from any clinic, and my comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

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Topical dutasteride journey 

Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

Follow our Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.


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15 minutes ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

I’m going to be doing a live podcast with Dr. Nader, Dr. Bicer, Dr. Bisanga, and Dr. Kostis. Make sure you join in and request they start a study. 

Thanks Melvin – appreciate what you’re doing for us. 

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1 hour ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

I’m going to be doing a live podcast with Dr. Nader, Dr. Bicer, Dr. Bisanga, and Dr. Kostis. Make sure you join in and request they start a study. 

On youtube

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1 hour ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

I’m going to be doing a live podcast with Dr. Nader, Dr. Bicer, Dr. Bisanga, and Dr. Kostis. Make sure you join in and request they start a study. 

When, where and at what time? (mention time zone please).

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 I was just an inch away from booking a a hairmill based on google reviews before i stumbled upon this goldmine of a forum. 

I’m a paid administrator for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive compensation from any clinic, and my comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

View my thread

Topical dutasteride journey 

Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

Follow our Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.


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If hair regrowth is constant within the donor area it could in theory mean an infinite donor from which grafts could be taken. It does in a way sound way too good to be true but big if proven.

I wonder if past HT patients could in some way benefit from that in case they want more hair on the donor, especially those who may had great results in the recipient area but got overharvested in some turkish cheap hairmill.

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1 hour ago, Melvin- Moderator said:


Hi Melvin,

     Thank you for hosting this! The bad was the video cut out a few times, so we couldn't get those ideas related. The other thing that would have made the argument more convincing to the doctors is the FAK inhibitors were also tested in red duroc pigs, not just mice. Whenever mice are the subject of hair regeneration from a therapy or drug no one really is convinced as to the potential effectiveness as it relates to humans. I hope some of the doctors were convinced to do their own trials regarding YAP inhibitor Verteporfin (hopefully FAK inhibitors as well) and they should definitely first consult with Dr. Bargouthi about how to correctly go about the process.   

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4 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:


Melvin is a hero of the people. What are the vibes you've gotten from doctors after you showed them the pics?

Edited by Fox243
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2 hours ago, Hairgain said:

Hi Melvin,

     Thank you for hosting this! The bad was the video cut out a few times, so we couldn't get those ideas related. The other thing that would have made the argument more convincing to the doctors is the FAK inhibitors were also tested in red duroc pigs, not just mice. Whenever mice are the subject of hair regeneration from a therapy or drug no one really is convinced as to the potential effectiveness as it relates to humans. I hope some of the doctors were convinced to do their own trials regarding YAP inhibitor Verteporfin (hopefully FAK inhibitors as well) and they should definitely first consult with Dr. Bargouthi about how to correctly go about the process.   

I don't know if we should be diluting the efforts from verteporfin. It's true that FAK inhibitors may be more effective, but verteporfin has decades of safety data and is FDA approved while FAK inhibitors aren't, making it much more difficult for doctors to be comfortable with.

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1 hour ago, Fox243 said:

I don't know if we should be diluting the efforts from verteporfin. It's true that FAK inhibitors may be more effective, but verteporfin has decades of safety data and is FDA approved while FAK inhibitors aren't, making it much more difficult for doctors to be comfortable with.

Well, here's another way to think about what you're saying. I really don't think it has to do so much about the safety factor you mention. If it was really about safety then why do brand new antidepressants get promoted with ease? My father was one of the early folks to take Venlafaxine AKA Effexor. Was there such an uproar about the safety? No. Psychiatrists prescribed it. You know what it's really about when they use the code word "safety"? It means (how) are we going to make a constant stream of money revenues from this? That in the end is all the drug makers and medical industry really cares about. They couldn't give one hoot about curing disease or making people feel whole as individuals. Antidepressants have to be taken continuously to be effective in patients, so there's a constant revenue stream to the pharmaceutical industry. If people get a one time dose of Verteporfin, how is that going to translate to continued revenue streams to keep businesses afloat, companies profitable, stockholders wealthier through dividends and increase stock value? This is why Finasteride, Minoxidil, Dutasteride, hair vitamins, Ketokonazol, platelet rich plasma treatments, keep being pushed. It's a constant revenue stream for most, not a one and done. Heck, even hair transplant surgery is often not just one procedure. The only exception to this is low level laser helmets. No idea why that one got allowed. Frankly it hardly matters, those things do practically nothing from my experience. Here's another great example of the code word "safety" as an excuse for business against the interest of the people. These red-light and speed cameras. These things are not about safety, they are about making money for municipalities and corporations claiming their contraptions keep us "safe". It's a trick they use to fool people who aren't critically thinking behind the motives of their decision making. If these red-light and speed cameras are keeping us safe then how do they explain the increased number of accidents they are causing drivers to jam on their breaks and have unnecessary rear end collisions? It's good for insurance companies too. Cars get damaged, they increase car insurance rates. This is all capitalism done the wrong way, working against the public rather than helping the public. Governments and corporations will never explain this as it is not in their economic interest to do so and even if they were forced they'd just fudge numbers and statistics to their advantage. No different than polling for politicians, political issues or election fraud in general. They just make up the numbers they want. Sorry to go on a tangent here. This is not a forum to discuss such matters but essentially my point is you've got to be a detective and see past the things they're doing and why they're doing them. As long as the comment here isn't edited, deleted or I'm not banned then I'm happy to share this. Don't worry though, I won't regularly post such material. I just want a way somehow to get my see through parts of my scalp to be hair covered once again. Amazing that something that seems so easy as a concept is so difficult to figure out but if there was the investment we'd have had a cure already and I bet a long time ago. 

Nonetheless, this is why I would not like to back down on the FAK inhibitors. Let's use what will work best should individuals be willing to take the risk. It's part of freedom that sadly has been forgotten too long in too many countries. 

Edited by Hairgain
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46 minutes ago, Fabio69 said:

One verterporfin trial needs to be tested on a  thinning scalp and a slick bald scalp to see if the scarring/fibrosis can be reversed

I totally agree! Of course the main obstacle is how to best accomplish this. If it's thinning hair (like what I have in my right vertex) then I certainly don't want to make a huge wound and gamble. Basically I want something that at worst won't move the dial and hopefully improve the thickness and hair count.

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3 hours ago, Hairgain said:

I totally agree! Of course the main obstacle is how to best accomplish this. If it's thinning hair (like what I have in my right vertex) then I certainly don't want to make a huge wound and gamble. Basically I want something that at worst won't move the dial and hopefully improve the thickness and hair count.

Is there anyway we can push this for dr Barghouthi to do these type of trials. Its now or never. 

Video about fak inhibitors not jak inhibotors 


Video about verteporfin 



@Melvin- Moderator

Edited by Fabio69
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6 hours ago, Fox243 said:

Melvin is a hero of the people. What are the vibes you've gotten from doctors after you showed them the pics?

It is already a great sign that such top doctors are willing to take the time to listen to Melvin and apparently want to participate in follow-up podcast after this video. They are sceptical, with is completely understandable because of the history of the hair loss industry and the 869483 supposed cures that all fell flat in the past. It doesn't help when there have been surgeons like Coen Gho, promoting obvious scams as the solution for hair loss.

I couldn't hear all speakers that well, which is espacially unfortunately in the case of Dr. U as he is probably the most innovative doctor in this industry. Most if not all of the were not aware of this development but, despite their scepticism, seem to be persuadable if the right evidence would be presented. 

Very well done by Melvin as well, made the case and handled questions in a calm and enthousiastic, but not overly zealous, way.



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On 4/28/2023 at 5:25 AM, Fabio69 said:

Hey melvin, it would not let me send you an message but  here are a few youtubers who would probs want to be involved

Matt dominance - Mattdominance@gmail.com

hairliciously -Hairliciously@gmail.com

hairlosscure2020 - Hairlosscure2020@gmail.com

i cannot find these other youtuber emails, but due to your platform u need to contact these guys they would be interested

Dr gary linkov
The hair transplant channel
Kevin mann

I would also add Jake Kent: https://www.youtube.com/@JakeKent/videos

His channel is not focused on hair loss treatments per se, but rather towards hair systems and related topics. Still, a prime audience for this type of thing. Specially since those who wear hair systems are usually too far gone for most standard treatments, they need a cure or extremely effective treatments. And since most probably gave up on the usual, there's likely not a big intersection with the channels you already mentioned. Worth a DM imo! @Melvin- Moderator

I couldn't find his email but his IG is @jacob_t_kent and i believe he's also one of the mods of the /r/HairSystem/ subreddit. So maybe someone can try contacting him through those.

On 4/28/2023 at 10:20 AM, Fabio69 said:

Agreed. Everything takes so bloody long. I have spread the word on tressless some people have been interested messaging me if they can participate, i just direct then to these posts. 

I am really interest in wounding the scalp via microneedling and injecting the verteporfin becuase if that was to work, no scarring/fibrosis surely means no hair loss. Take for instance the old man who burnt his scalp and regrew back his juvenile hairline even though he had been bald for decades.

Precisely. The first thing that came to mind when i first read about the verteporfin study was that guy! Maybe he had a weird mutation or a "glitch" happened in the healing process that made him heal without scarring, basically what we're expecting Verteporfin to do. A great reason to try it with micro-needling or some other, more aggressive, wounding. The hair that grows on the sides of my head is not as good quality as what i used to have on top so if possible i'd rather recover that, even if i have to repeat the procedure more times.

For those that don't know what we're talking about here, watch this:

On a similar note, this Rob English guy is probably also a good person to contact, he's a medical editor and seems interested in all sorts of obscure research and the science behind hair loss. He also has a closed community of hair loss sufferers and seems well connected, having appeared in the HUGE channel, "What I've Learned"(+2M subs).

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3 hours ago, IberianChad said:

I would also add Jake Kent: https://www.youtube.com/@JakeKent/videos

His channel is not focused on hair loss treatments per se, but rather towards hair systems and related topics. Still, a prime audience for this type of thing. Specially since those who wear hair systems are usually too far gone for most standard treatments, they need a cure or extremely effective treatments. And since most probably gave up on the usual, there's likely not a big intersection with the channels you already mentioned. Worth a DM imo! @Melvin- Moderator

I couldn't find his email but his IG is @jacob_t_kent and i believe he's also one of the mods of the /r/HairSystem/ subreddit. So maybe someone can try contacting him through those.

Precisely. The first thing that came to mind when i first read about the verteporfin study was that guy! Maybe he had a weird mutation or a "glitch" happened in the healing process that made him heal without scarring, basically what we're expecting Verteporfin to do. A great reason to try it with micro-needling or some other, more aggressive, wounding. The hair that grows on the sides of my head is not as good quality as what i used to have on top so if possible i'd rather recover that, even if i have to repeat the procedure more times.

For those that don't know what we're talking about here, watch this:

On a similar note, this Rob English guy is probably also a good person to contact, he's a medical editor and seems interested in all sorts of obscure research and the science behind hair loss. He also has a closed community of hair loss sufferers and seems well connected, having appeared in the HUGE channel, "What I've Learned"(+2M subs).

Absolutely the more the merrier. Rob english talks about fibrosis and scarring which is why he uses the scalp massages. Verteporfin through the pig skin trial does exactly that, stops the scarring, hence healing the skin, hence regrowing hair follicles.

At least Dr Barghouthi is doing more trials, just need to make sure other surgeons are doing trials using different techniques and  dosages This has hope.

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