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1 hour ago, TorontoMan said:

Exciting news, selfishly now I’d like to know if it would work on donor regions that have already been extracted from

I don't see why it wouldn't. The FUE dots can be extracted the same way as hair follicles,so fresh wound would be created and Verteporfin can be injected. Maybe Doctors will find more efficient way to excise these scars. In Dr. Bloxhams trial it seems there is no difference in verteporfin healing whether its fresh wound or scar revision.

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6 minutes ago, Nikoni said:

I don't see why it wouldn't. The FUE dots can be extracted the same way as hair follicles,so fresh wound would be created and Verteporfin can be injected. Maybe Doctors will find more efficient way to excise these scars. In Dr. Bloxhams trial it seems there is no difference in verteporfin healing whether its fresh wound or scar revision.

Yep, I don't see why not either. Rewound the same sites where extractions were made and go through the same regenerative process. Just wonder if if there is a difference because some scarring has settled in with someone who hasn't used vert before the extraction process, so that could potentially play some part, but I'm just speculating entirely. Really cool stuff in any case, admittedly I didn't think anything of this experiment when I first saw it, but the difference between the two is evident. 

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Perhaps, when @DrTBarghouthi concludes his trial with this patient, he could repeat it once more on him in the initial control group, re-wound the sites that were previously extracted from and didn't have vert applied, and see if in a year even those areas will regenerate. Please let us know if this sort of experiment is possible in the future?

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1 minute ago, TorontoMan said:

Perhaps, when @DrTBarghouthi concludes his trial with this patient, he could repeat it once more on him in the initial control group, re-wound the sites that were previously extracted from and didn't have vert applied, and see if in a year even those areas will regenerate. Please let us know if this sort of experiment is possible in the future?

You don't need to wait for a year. Noticeable difference in skin color and hair regeneration was  evident from month 4. We know that remodeling continues after that and  results get better. Same assumption was made by Harvard team working on trial. 

And if it works on month 4 for older scars, there is no reason it wouldn't continue to improve. Dr. Bloxham is also reaching reaching 4 months mark and in a month or two we will have very good data on verteporfin working on scar revision/bigger scars.

And sure I hope Dr. Barghouthi will do also existing FUE scars revision trial. He will have endless demand and patients :D

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14 hours ago, DrTBarghouthi said:

Hi guys,

Hope you’re keeping well. Apologies for keeping you waiting again. It was a busier than usual period in the last few weeks and I just landed in India for the annual hair conference. 
As mentioned in a previous post, I continue to see the consistent difference between injected and control sites. I think the 0.4 area has been showing the best overall progress- but I also think that we do notice changes in the other doses too. The zoomed out 0.4 area looks to me untouched- but that’s only my subjective judgement. 
I was also happy to see the 0.24 mg area catching up to show better visual recovery and that might be due to the fact that this area had tumescent fluids injected in it, leading to vasoconstriction. This might be leading to a more localised effect of Verteporfin in the region. I have uploaded the photos here. 
















As for future trials, I had one planned for the 24 th October, but I pushed him back because of the conference. I thought it would be important to follow him closely in the first few weeks and I didn’t want to be away in his initial recovery. We agreed to do it in November as he also has no travel commitments or difficulties with regular follow ups. We also have another patient who will be potentially having Verteporfin in November along with his procedure. 

I think the optimal dosing is not too far off. I am still keen on increasing the dose slightly- or at least in some areas. 

Are you still planning on testing in the recipient area? 

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Definitely promising. But is there side by side pre-op and post op pics of the highlighted regions?....I feel like that's the best way to show results. The colored boxes of the treatment area looks similar to the areas outside of the box to me. Which I'm assuming hair was also extracted from.

The treatment box definitely looks better than the control box for sure. But the area above the box looks similar in density to me. Think it would help to see pre op photos of the same green regions. Or maybe I'm just missing something. But thanks anyway. Definitely looking forward to more updates. Think I'm gonna push back my second surgery because of this. 

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Exciting news! Thank you Dr. for your work.

Consistent lighting will definitely help for future updates. For example, the white dots in the control box for 0.24 are more noticeable than the ones in the 0.4 control box, which should look the same if seen in person, from what I understand.

But anyway, there's a clear difference between the control and test area, and that's what matters. Do the current observations contradict the biopsy results in any way?

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25 minutes ago, -TheHairUpThere- said:

Definitely promising. But is there side by side pre-op and post op pics of the highlighted regions?....I feel like that's the best way to show results. The colored boxes of the treatment area looks similar to the areas outside of the box to me. Which I'm assuming hair was also extracted from.

The treatment box definitely looks better than the control box for sure. But the area above the box looks similar in density to me. Think it would help to see pre op photos of the same green regions. Or maybe I'm just missing something. But thanks anyway. Definitely looking forward to more updates. Think I'm gonna push back my second surgery because of this. 

I think exactly the same, I'm not going to be like the other crazy fanboys who believe with blind faith everything the doctor says, honestly without a photo from before, this is rather of little use to me, since let's not fool ourselves, in any aesthetic treatment you look for the before and after to see if it is really worth the disbursement of money, If he doesn't show me pictures of the before, I automatically think it's because there's something to hide, and if there's something to hide, I spend the money on a leap of faith, it's simple

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18 minutes ago, victorcitolago said:

I think exactly the same, I'm not going to be like the other crazy fanboys who believe with blind faith everything the doctor says, honestly without a photo from before, this is rather of little use to me, since let's not fool ourselves, in any aesthetic treatment you look for the before and after to see if it is really worth the disbursement of money, If he doesn't show me pictures of the before, I automatically think it's because there's something to hide, and if there's something to hide, I spend the money on a leap of faith, it's simple

He's already shown pictures of before... he's been documenting with pictures since the beginning of the experiment. Dr Bargouthi has been very consistent with updating both with pictures, and data including a lab analysis. 

Edited by takuma
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22 minutes ago, takuma said:

He's already shown pictures of before... he's been documenting with pictures since the beginning of the experiment. Dr Bargouthi has been very consistent with updating both with pictures, and data including a lab analysis. 

Yes, Dr. Barghouthi has gone above and beyond, way more than what I would’ve ever thought for a first trial. Remember he has no obligation to be sharing anything with the public. He could’ve just shared the results in the end and got a 5 year waiting list and doubled his prices once he perfected the technique. 

There’s nothing wrong with being critical – in fact being critical is what leads to improvements. However, the criticism should be constructive and not dooming - feels like a lot of criticism is trying to nitpick every little detail and making a mountain out of a molehill. 

Edited by Fox243
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4 hours ago, takuma said:

He's already shown pictures of before... he's been documenting with pictures since the beginning of the experiment. Dr Bargouthi has been very consistent with updating both with pictures, and data including a lab analysis. 

And what post in this thread has the before pictures of this particular patient?....I can't seem to find them. 

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On 7/22/2022 at 1:17 PM, Melvin- Admin said:

As you know, yesterday I interviewed @DrTBarghouthi to date, Dr. Barghouthi is the only physician testing Verteporfin in the field of surgical hair restoration. Verteporfin is a drug that prevents the pathway to scarring, specifically Engrailed-1 fibroblasts. Scars lack hair and sebaceous glands, and other dermal appendages such as the hair matrix and dermal papilla necessary for hair growth. Verteporfin aims to treat scarring by treating these three key factors, promoting regrowth of dermal matrix structures and appendages (normal skin and hair follicle growth). 

Here's an article  with the research that has been done at Stanford University using Vertoporfin on mice.

Here is a quote from the study:

"The results were astounding, Longaker said. The healed skin looked completely normal. “There must be three things for wound healing to be true skin regeneration,” Longaker said. “The skin needs to have normal hair follicles and glands, it needs to have a normal appearance under a microscope, and it needs to be just as strong as normal skin.”

“The first thing we were shocked by was the all the hair in the healed wound,” he said. “We were also able to see normal glands and showed that the skin was just as strong as unwounded skin.”

Now, we have to be realistic. I'm cynical when it comes to hair loss regeneration. I'm optimistic, but wait to see how the trial on humans go, but even if 25% of the hair follicles grow back, this would increase the number of lifetime grafts DRAMATICALLY. If you have a donor capacity of 8,000 grafts, that would bump you up to the 10,000 number. 

I have attached the photos from the most recent photos from the study. This thread will be updated by @DrTBarghouthi as the results come in. 





Here is the original photos of the patients donor after extraction i believe. Dr Bargouthi has been keeping us updated every step of the way.

Edited by takuma
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5 hours ago, victorcitolago said:

I think exactly the same, I'm not going to be like the other crazy fanboys who believe with blind faith everything the doctor says, honestly without a photo from before, this is rather of little use to me, since let's not fool ourselves, in any aesthetic treatment you look for the before and after to see if it is really worth the disbursement of money, If he doesn't show me pictures of the before, I automatically think it's because there's something to hide, and if there's something to hide, I spend the money on a leap of faith, it's simple

There is literally no reason for a reputable surgeon to fake the results.  Maybe he will have some short term gains, but in a long run he will have much worse reputational damage.

The first few months of this trial are well documented and you can easily find the photos, also you can compare control photos show what happens when you don't inject Verteporfin.

Of course we would benefit from different lighting scenarios, angles and distances, but I am quite happy with what I've seen so far. We are speaking about full recovery or something close to that. And this is only one trial. Doctor Barghouthi definitely deserves all the credits and gratitude .

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6 hours ago, takuma said:

Here is the original photos of the patients donor after extraction i believe. Dr Bargouthi has been keeping us updated every step of the way.

Oh I was under the impression these newest photos were from a patient he experimented on only a few months ago. Didn't know the newest photos from from original guy in the first page. Getting the bloxham and barghouthi trials mixed up. But yes I will say this looks encouraging. Mainly the 0.4 doses. Can't really see much of a difference at all in the 0.24. If there is, it's miniscule. So it seems 0.4 and up is gonna be the way to go. 

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The 0.4 test site looks amazing. Looks untouched. That really got my hopes up for future trials. But @drbargouthi are you sure this is the exact test site? The patient wasn't marked with tattoos so that's been my only concern from this test. The full FUE and Dr. Bloxhams FUT will be more definitive and giving of answers. 


Also, is Verteporforin totally safe? Has the patients complained of any side effects? I know Verteporforin is a muscle building drug mostly used in people's eyes but I was wondering if it's totally safe and side effect free for use in hair transplant in so many different sites. 

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Man this has to go mainstream - this is incredible. The regrowth is pretty clear at this point, the big question left is how many grafts are regenerated?  30? 50%? 70?. Even 30% is incredible, 50%+ would be an effective cure. More testing will no doubt improve the percentage. I wonder how long it would take before this becomes standard practice to incorporate Vert in transplants. Im hoping by the end of 2024 at least 5-10 docs are offering it. Ill be holding off until then.

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6 minutes ago, ijustbethinkin said:

Man this has to go mainstream - this is incredible. The regrowth is pretty clear at this point, the big question left is how many grafts are regenerated?  30? 50%? 70?. Even 30% is incredible, 50%+ would be an effective cure. More testing will no doubt improve the percentage. I wonder how long it would take before this becomes standard practice to incorporate Vert in transplants. Im hoping by the end of 2024 at least 5-10 docs are offering it. Ill be holding off until then.

It doesn't make any sense to me that this hasn't gone mainstream already if there are studies backing it up. Forget about hair transplants, we are talking about skin regeneration, this could be a huge leap in all medical fields. And the drug is already approved.

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3 minutes ago, tatasabaya said:

It doesn't make any sense to me that this hasn't gone mainstream already if there are studies backing it up. Forget about hair transplants, we are talking about skin regeneration, this could be a huge leap in all medical fields. And the drug is already approved.

Most Doctors actually don't care that much about innovation. There are a lot of efforts and money to be spent to conclude a trial.
But I  think it would go mainstream if Dr. Bloxhams trial shows success. Full thickness wound healing would be much more persuasive. We also were skeptical few days ago before we saw healed 0.4 site.  But as more solid evidence comes, it will spread.

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I suppose more conclusive proof that Vert regrows hair has only started rolling in the past 2-3 weeks with these last two updates haha. Given time and an effort to educate others on this new treatment I'm sure it will get there. The fact it is an approved medication is a big game changer compared to other pipeline treatments. It could start being used today really. 

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the only question i have is if we wound the top of the head and apply verteporfin and the hair grows back there, will it be subject to androgens and mpb, and if so, how long will it take to make the follicles start shrinking again.. If that answer is years, it's totally worth doing it every few years...

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44 minutes ago, takuma said:

the only question i have is if we wound the top of the head and apply verteporfin and the hair grows back there, will it be subject to androgens and mpb, and if so, how long will it take to make the follicles start shrinking again.. If that answer is years, it's totally worth doing it every few years...

Or for hairs undergoing miniturization, dormant hair follicles does it reset the clock for them. 

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@DrTBarghouthi wanted to express my huge gratitude for the amazing job  once more.

I would be happy if you could answer the following questions.

1. When do you think it would be possible to use verteporfin in normal surgeries (not trials) ?

2. Will one vial be enough for  a full FUE ?

3. If Dr. Bloxhams scar revision shows success do you consider doing existing FUE scars revision ?

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it's November fellas! i wonder what trials Dr Bargouthi has planned next, if he will be doing the full fue, or recipient area testing or both! And Dr Bloxham will probably be uploading his 3 month result video soon too! 


this is so very exciting! 😊 

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