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Eugenix (Drs. Somesh/Bansal) | 4047 grafts | NW 5 | 33 year old M | Sept 10/11, 2024


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Hello all,


Will start sharing my transplant journey. I live and work in the US. Originally from India. I have noticed male pattern baldness that has progressed since the last 10 years. 

The transplant thought started 8 years ago but never to fruition. I always knew I’d get it, but not sure when. About 3 years ago, I started digging into it seriously. I looked at superficial reviews first and thought I knew it all, but then came across this site and a few others where the reality is much more clear. I ruled out almost 15 other choices (some hair mills and some not) including Dr. Pekiner (who I spoke to personally and have great respect for- but ruled out due to long wait times) until I finally settled on Eugenix.


I spoke to their team about a year ago and at that time I was offered a package that I liked with Dr. Das and Dr. Bansal (crucial slits/planning) however due to no foreseeable travel flexibility, I could not commit at that time. 

I made plans for travel to India in Sept and reached out to them 2 months in advance asking for the same package, however while they did offer the package- the prices had gone up. I guess this was expected and my own fault. So I chose to accept that and booked my transplant date with Dr. Das and Dr. Bansal on Sept 10/11. I was arriving in Delhi on Sept 8 but since Dr. Das was unavailable for the procedure, I chose to wait until Sept 10.


Initial plan: Norwood Grade V, 4000 grafts estimated for dense regrowth. 3500 from scalp and 500 from beard. 

I am a doctor myself and after a lengthy discussion with Dr. Pekiner in the past (who I adore and think is one of the best), I started oral finasteride 1 mg daily and up to this point- had been on it for 8 months and noticed hair thickening and some regrowth (although not significant). 

Pre-surgery with Eugenix was smooth, the only hiccup came about 10 days prior to the surgery date when I was informed that Dr. Das would be unavailable due to an emergency. At first- this left me with a hard decision to make as I had made travel arrangements from the US just so that I could accommodate with Dr. Das as primary surgeon. I spoke with the Eugenix team and clearly communicated my discontent given that this was just 10 days prior to the surgery and came as a shock, they offered same date availability of Dr. Somesh and Dr. Bansal with slightly reduced package. I also scheduled a video consultation with Dr. Somesh and once I did that- I was pretty confident with the decision to go ahead.


Sept 8- Arrival in Delhi. Traveled to a different domestic location.

Sept 10- Back in Delhi around 9 AM. DoubleTree by Hilton at Baani Square booked for me, they also arranged airport pick up. Reached hotel, early check in and Eugenix arranged pick up and I was at the clinic by 11 AM. Pre-op vitals and check up done, photos taken.

Dr. Bansal did my planning + design. 
Spoke to Dr. Somesh in person, and he is smart + funny and knowledgeable. 

Had 3846 slits done on day 1 by Dr. Somesh + 1522 grafts implanted same day. The entire team was respectful, professional. 

Ritu was my co-ordinator and she ensured I was comfortable at all times. They knew I had traveled quite a bit and they ordered me a heavy lunch to my satisfaction. 

Procedure wise- I would say everything went smooth, just the local anesthesia pricks, specially to the donor area were a little painful for me (4-5/10) but that quickly wears down and the following procedure is not painful at all (until the anesthesia wears down). 

Tired at the end of day 1. It was almost 7 pm. Was given short instructions with sleep pillow at the end.

Day 2: Had a heavy breakfast meal at Hilton. Pickup arrived at 8 AM. Dr. Somesh met me and informed me that they were going to do all extraction from scalp since it was dense and beard was not needed at all. Underwent local anesthesia and then Dr. Bansal did the 201 crucial slits which took my total to 4047. I felt the extraction and implantation on day 2 was more smoother and quicker (but I was also pretty fatigued with travel on day 1, so who knows). Procedure was done by 3-4 pm. Had a good lunch too. The full staff ensures you are comfortable, it feels like that is their main priority. They play the music you like, even gave me decent neck massage when I had prolonged sitting session.


Post-op: photos were taken after complete shave. Was given medications + detailed instructions for what to expect over the next few weeks. Said goodbye to Dr. Somesh who came and took a selfie with me. 

Dropped back to the hotel and I flew back to my domestic home location the next day, Sept 12. 

Overall- I am so far satisfied with how my procedure went. I was not sure if switching last moment from Dr. Das to Dr. Somesh would be a good idea, but I feel happy. Time will tell. Dr. Bansal also liked the end product and she seemed very happy with how it had gone so far. I was also quite happy that my beard grafts were not required. Eventually, 4047 grafts for a dense replacement. I plan to continue only PO finasteride 1mg daily. They advised about minoxidil but it is not something I expect to take over a long duration, so probably not going to initiate as it can cause rebound hairfall. 

Will be posting to update frequently. As of the day I am writing this original post- I am day 3 post op. The team has been in regular contact with me. 













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Day 4 post-op: 

Minimal swelling at the occiput.

Itching at times. 

Hardest part so far is sleeping. I am a stomach sleeper but have had to adjust. Just a few more days. 

Can’t wait to share results and hear your feedback!



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Post-op day 10.

I have been carefully and smoothly washing my hair, that’s just me being extra cautious. The Eugenix team reached out to me and said I could apply normal pressure now. 

I am posting these pictures so that it can serve a good comparison with pictures down the line. 

There are still a few scabs as you can see, which I think will be clearer over the next few days. The area is starting to blend with normal hair. 





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