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Honest opinions. How would you feel if this happened to you

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Hi everyone. I have a question. I won't mention the surgeon yet as I want a clear unbiased answer from people on how they would feel in this situation. 


I recently traveled about 10 hours to have a surgery. This was the second procedure I was going to have with this surgeon. There were quite a few mistakes made in the first surgery. On the morning of this follow up surgery, I was considering canceling surgery as I didn't feel well and was worried another mistake would be made as so many were made in the past.  I spoke to the surgeon in the morning at his office detailing all of my concerns and he told me he didn't want to take me into surgery if I was having doubts. I told him let me take a few more minutes and make a final decision on whether to proceed. Than on his own, the surgeon told me to go back to my hotel to think it over and that he can offer the surgery to me in a few days if I decide I want to do it as he could make it work. Upon hearing this, I accepted as I thought why not. I can take a bit more time to settle down and decide.


Than after that, when I reached out about a day later saying I'm highly leaning towards doing the surgery on the day he said i could, the surgeon responded it's better for me not to have surgery at this time citing the same concerns I had which he already knew about at the time he extended the offer.  Than, it was made to seem like I solely made the decision to cancel surgery so they could act like I was not entitled to a refund of the amount I paid. I personally don't believe I canceled the surgery as I was given time to decide to do it a few days later and was leaning towards doing it and than the clinic on their own decided its not the right time to follow through with surgery because of my concerns. Do you guys feel as if this is dishonest on the surgeons part?


I think anyone in my position who was double minded and trying to make a final choice based on everything that went wrong in the past, when told to take some extra time to decide would take the option to do so. I found this very unethical on the surgeons part.


I'm curious as to your thoughts on this. I will go into more detail about the previous surgery, the surgeon and a bunch of stuff which I thought was extremely unprofessional and share a honest full review soon.

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You can  file a grievance to their customer department. But just as u have a right to have doubts about having surgery, they have a right to refuse service also. Its just fukked up they kept ur deposit, maybe u file for a refund through ur bank or credit card for services not provided. And be grateful u didnt have surgery with them.. they would of totally ignore u if u had a bad transplant, u can already tell how they R

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Unfortunately this kind of thing has happened to more individuals than we all realize…very sorry to hear about your experience.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Can you please name the surgeon and clinic? Your situation will have a lot more clarity and be more informative if we now this.

To be fair to the clinic, I think you really need to make up your mind on surgery before the day of surgery, before you go to the clinic and are in front of the doctor. The clinic is running a business, and they are losing money by last minute cancellations.

I totally get its a very big and anxiety ridden decision to have a HT - but you really needed to make your mind up a bit earlier. 

If I was the doctor, already had a patient who was unhappy with a past surgery and the patient is now vocal in expressing hesitations/concerns again right before the 2nd surgery, perhaps the doctor was wise in cancelling. 

Also, it sounds like this was a free surgery is the 1st one was bad? So basically - at best the doctor gets no profit but corrects your previous surgery, worst case you are upset again and give a negative review. 

I think one of your mistakes is going again to a surgeon you had surgery with and were previously unhappy with. 

Hopefully you paid your deposit with a credit card - just dispute the deposit amount with your credit card company. 

Edited by HappyMan2021
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^ I agree. The clinic is in a bad position. If they move ahead on the surgery you could end up even more unhappy, then you would be blaming them for doing the surgery if they didn’t feel comfortable. The right thing to do is not do something if you don’t feel comfortable. It’s way worse to do the surgery.

Like the previous poster said they lose money canceling last minute. You should have never got on a plane if you weren’t 100 percent sure you wanted to do the surgery.

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To add some more context guys, I had a previous surgery with them and they had agreed to do this surgery , which was a a certain amount of grafts free of charge to make up for errors in the previous surgery.  The amount those free grafts cost already covered the deposit that they usually require for surgeries. These weren't free because I paid for these in the past. They were put in a place that we did not agree to so they were going to fill spots they were supposed to fill in in the initial surgery.  That's why I didn't have to pay a deposit this time around.   So I don't see how they would be losing money considering that room was there for me either way since they were doing a procedure on me free of charge to fill in spots.

I paid them the night before surgery for additional work I wanted done as I had traveled so far, I thought why not make it worth it as I wanted more work done and it required more grafts.


I paid the night before so i had every intention of doing surgery in the morning. In the morning I didn't feel well. I was having doubts as a lot went wrong in the first procedure. 

I still drove to the clinic to speak to the doctor and make a final choice. The doctor spoke to me in his office. I told him about my concerns and doubts. Than I clearly told him, to just give me a few minutes to think and make a final decision if I wanted to follow through as I traveled all this way to do this. 


Than he on his own told me to go back to my hotel and take a day or so to decide if I want to do it. I was confused and he ensured me that he could offer the surgery in a couple of days if i wanted to proceed. I took him at his word.


Because of this, I left the clinic and went back to my hotel. I thought, let me take some time to decide and think it over as I didn't feel good. I thought he was trying to help me.


Than the next day, when I contacted the clinic saying I'm highly considering surgery on the day the doctor said I could do it, they replied to me saying it wasn't a good idea to do it citing the same concerns the doctor knew I had when he extended that offer to me. So essentially, they canceled the surgery.


Than they tried to make it seem like I made the decision to cancel on my own so they could act like they did not have to agree to refund me for what i paid and that they were entitled to keep the money I paid them. They made it seem like they were doing me a favor or something by agreeing to refund any amount. 


Than when I asked them if I could get the grafts they agreed to do free of charge at a future date because they took away the option to do surgery in a couple of days, they said I cannot have them anymore and that they're being more than fair just refunding me anything as they don't have to as I  solely made the decision to cancel surgery, which obviously isnt true based on what happened. I'll add more context to this also as there was more to it that was shady on their part.


As you can see, this was all very unethical on their part. 


I'll mention the clinics name soon.  I'm going to make a detailed honest post about all that happened in my dealings with this clinic. 






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You don’t see how they would lose money? Really. A day with no surgery = no money. 

it sounds like your expectations or demands were not something they could deliver, instead of doing the surgery they refunded you some and kept some to make up for their losses.

You had previous surgery you weren’t happy with, but you went back. Then you let them know you were thinking of canceling when you were there, the best thing to do is cancel it at that point. Why risk it? nothing good would come of it.

It sucks you’re out of some money but you hopped on a plane undecided, can’t blame anyone else for that. 

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25 minutes ago, Sunshine09 said:

Faccio un po' fatica a capire perché esattamente non vuoi dare un nome alla clinica.???!?!

Maybe because he is still in contact with them and hopes to get his money back?🤔

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  • Regular Member

I feel for the OP and in the situation he has found himself in but from a forum perspective it's very difficult to put this into any context as the clinic is not being named, no pictures, vaguely saying there were mistakes in the 1st surgery. What kind of mistakes? How can constructive, helpful feedback be provided with lots of information missing? OP please put full detail on with pictures than perhaps members on this forum can assist in a meaningful way. 

All the best.

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