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Advice related HT in Iran/Turkey

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Hello everyone,

Here’s a bit about me: I’m 45 years old, have lost all the hair on my crown and am losing a significant amount in the front as well.

I’ve started looking into hair transplant options in Turkey and Iran. I considered Iran because a friend of mine had a hair transplant there with good results. Most hospitals in Turkey are recommending the DHI method for me, suggesting around 4,000 grafts in one session. However, a hospital in Iran believes they can achieve better results with 5000 grafts using the FIT method. They say the procedure would take 2-3 days, extracting small amounts like 2,000 grafts and completing the transplant on the same day. This is new to me, as I haven’t heard of such a process over multiple days.

Aside from the cost, I find the clinic in Iran to be open and honest. Is this approach normal? I haven’t found many reviews about clinics in Iran and am relying on my friend’s experience.

Also, in Iran, the doctor doesn’t perform the transplant, which seems to be common in Turkey nowadays as well. Offers from Estegrande and Fuecapilar look good, though there is a significant price difference. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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