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Doctor selection - Pekiner, Cuoto, Lorenzo,Freita, Ferreira, oh my

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I had a hair transplant in 2022 by a dr in NYC through basically a hair mill (a company that provides finasteride and minoxidil via mail) and it turned out to be a hair mill. The doc was very nice but the result was trash. They had the techs put in the grafts and they only put 2k grafts and instead of doing it in the areas that needed it they did it peanut butter spread over the front half of my scalp where there was already hair so it didn’t really do the trick. I am looking to do a second operation and I want to be certain this time. Dr Pekiner has agreed to to take my case for 2800 grafts but Dr Keser had only agreed to do 2k grafts. I don’t really feel that comfortable not even talking to the doc (just some WhatsApp assistant who’s number I got from Reddit) and them asking for a 1.5k holding fee to setup the appointment. I have an in person consultation with Dr Cuoto in April but that means I’d have to pay for two flights and he is more expensive. Granted his work is amazing. I’m wondering if there is someone I am missing here that can give me good density, an aesthetic hairline and good graft survival without destroying my donor. I have attached some pictures - I have a lighter hair color - some would call it blonde, others call it strawberry blonde. It used to be much more red, but that’s beside the point. I really want this to be my last procedure because I can’t afford to keep taking off work. It will be hard enough convincing people that I have a months worth of medical leave and when I come back I’m going to look crazy. I have a very high visibility position and I travel a lot. Any recommendations for a surgeon for my specific case? I live in NY and don’t want to break the bank - trying to build wealth and invest in real estate but this is also a priority. I have budgeted around 10k but would go over for cuoto or an exceptional result (just not 20-30 with Wong - that’s a down payment on a half a million dollar property if house hacking). My miles will help me get free airfare and hotels but I still need to be mindful. Any suggestions are appreciated - I am so sick of my hairline looking half baked and fake and having to come it strategically to not look crazy (even though it still looks crazy). First time posting please be gentle. 















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