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Follow Up Dr. Pittella

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  • Senior Member

During my 2nd consultation with Dr. Pittella, he estimated I woukd need a minimum of 11k grafts.  Also, he said I will likely need a 2nd procedure to add density and fine tune-- likely 2k to 3k more.

1) I forgot to ask him:   Does he usually shave the patients head -- for guys who do 2nd procedures too?  (Ie, the density/fine tune part)

2) Dr. Pittell noticed my strong beard is salt/pepper.  Sorry to ask this again, I never quite understood the gray hair logic.  Do surgeons find it more difficult to do salt/pepper procedures?  Or, is it no big deal compared to transplanting a patient with no gray hairs?

3) Are there any advantages to transplanting/exhausting ALL Dark donor hairs first (esp from beard)? Then, do the gray hair?  I'm asking b/c this method would result in fewer gray hairs on the scalp.  PS)  (I realize I can color my hair, but kinda prefer not to.)


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