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Ingrown hairs falling out with scabs well after shedding period. Anyone experience this?

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Hi there,

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Question for y'all. I had a HT pretty much exactly 3.5 months ago. 1500 grafts densely packed into my hairline area. My shedding period started fairly early about a week after the transplant with the shedding really peaking around the 2.5 - 3 week mark. I really did not notice much shedding at all after the 1.5 month mark, if at all. Certainly, after the 2.5 month mark, I would say I noticed zero shedding. Bottom line: I think my shedding period is well over.

I have been fortunate to only be getting the occasional ingrown hair. From the 1 month - 3 month mark, I was getting a fair number of them in the donor area, but only the occasional one in the transplanted area. Bottom line: I am not getting many ingrown hairs in the transplanted region. 

One thing I have noticed, however, is that when an ingrown hair in the transplanted area is healing, and a small scab has formed, sometimes hairs will fall out if I gently scratch the itch, and the scab falls off. Today, the scab fell off with 3 hairs attached to what seemed like the root. With the hairs that shed normally, I didn't really see the root come out with the hair. These scabs are usually very small and dried out. Would likely have fallen out through the course of washing my hair in the shower. In other words, I am not really digging a fresh, embedded scab out. Bottom line: Sometimes, when I gently scratch the scab off from a healing ingrown hair, 1-3 hairs will come out with the scab attached to what looks like a root. 

My questions are as follows:

1) Is this common?

2) Are these hairs that I scratched out with the scab goners?


Thank you!  I recently discovered this forum and really appreciate how helpful people are around here. 

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