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Day 2/3 After 2961 Graphs, HDC Hair Clinic Dr Maras- Thoughts?


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46 almost 47m no meds - I was norwood 3V, the front hairline was thinning a bit, and had some scalp showing in the crown- Did my research for over 2 years (Really my front wasn't bad) Finally spoke with @Doron Harati a representitive of HDC hair clinic last year, he gave me all the info i needed and never pressured me or bothered me, he really has been so supportive throughout the entire process.

FFW a year later i decided ok i want to do this got an appt with Dr Maras (Of course after much research and i was impressed with his work & approach / ethics)

Day 1 i went in, felt very comfortable from the first moment, the staff really is phenomenal. Met with Dr Maras, he seemed to try to get to know my "Personality" first, then he drew my hairline (i wanted to lower it a bit but he advised against it, and said let me just draw it and see if you like it, it seemed to me he drew it to where it "used" to be dense so still natural but will fill in + there were a couple of small areas behind the hairline starting to thin which he marked as well..I basically let the Dr do what he felt was going to result in the best outcome that matches my age range & facial structure.

We started with 1180 on the crown Day 1, the procedure was very simple, barley any pain, Aristos was the tech giving me the injections and hes a super calming sort of guy, i was so scared of the injections but to my surprise they barley hurt especially when using a vibrating wand near where the needle goes in. Was there from 9-3/4 pm, both Dr Maras & Dr Christina worked on me, the Dr's do all the critical stuff, Punch + slits , the techs do the pulling out and placing of the folicles. Went back to the apartment across the street they provide you , no issues, no pain and barley any blood on the pillow overnight.

Day 2 was the front, redrew hairline, again i let the Dr decide and went with the flow, Dr Maras is definitely an Artist and i just trusted his placement. The injections that day hurt a little more than the day before but still nothing bad , and believe me i'm a wuss and scared of needles (reason it hurt a little more is the front of the scalp is thinner than the back) This day was long, from 8:30 they started and done around 6:30 ended up doing around 1780 on the front hairline, i'm 2 days post op now, went in for my first cleaning and all good, no pain,minor swelling - i went out for the walk the day of the op and even yesterday walked around the city almost 10 miles (walked slow so i wouldn't sweat & had an umbrella) doc said its fine. I'm here another 4 days as the clinic wants you to stay and check in once a day for cleaning and checkup (all part of the cost including accommodation)

Anyways so far of course can't tell anything, but i'll update the thread in a few months- HEre are pics from me before and now (Plan was for 3500-3800 graphs) i'm impressed that the Dr when seeing me in person decided on lesser graphs to not waste any that woudn't have made much a diff (we will see)

From the pics (first 3 are Before) rest are from today, so 3 days post crown, 2 days post front - you can see, my front hairline wasn't bad to begin with, it was just thinning..so i think the Docs decision of just thickening it (which they said will also make it appear a tad lower) is better than actually lowering it which would have made for a much more complex bigger procedure that may have not yielded "dense" results..again "we will see" Remember my op just finished so my forehead is a little but not much swollen which the doc did tell me will make hairline look a bit further back/ non semetrical for a couple of days.

One thing that concerns me, is day 1 the Dr drew the Hairline and a couple of marks behind it, but they did the crown first, i went home overnight with the drawing on the front, and the 2nd day i went in and they did the hairline, first they worked on the donor then the Dr came in and redrew the hairline again, i barley even looked at it and now that i think about it, i wonder if what he drew the day before was all wiped off because earlier they were working on donor and cleaning, i'm including a photo of the day 1 hairline which is the one i really was attentive to, never took a pic of the 2nd drawing and was so tired and exhausted i barley paid attention now i realize- from the photos of the work does it seem that same hairline is what was adhered to? 
















IMG_1189 2.jpg


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Days 4 (Front) Days 5 (crown) All seems to be good so far, went in for wash this morning. 

Was hoping to get some feedback on how everything looks here but seems maybe people aren't too interested in these immediate post op pics and prefer to see the "result pics" lol 









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Thanks guys, the replies help ease the anxiety :) the entire process went so smooth and healing is on point that i almost feel like i wasn't under the knife just a week ago...

While at the airport in Paris waiting to board to LA, i saw another guy that had just gotten a transplant, i think he said 4500 graphs done in Turkey and literally his donor area looked like he was scalped, it was so inflamed and looked like a peeled off filet...hope he has good results, so glad my procedure was nothing like this.

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Day 8 now so i suppose rocking a Zara textured beret in public is safe for the hair- its not too tight, gets the job done. would love to dye my hair though, didn't realize how white my hair and beard are as i've been dying for years...started getting white hair at 30 years old. 

The top of my head wasn't very white though, i wonder if now that the white hairs from the side donor (which is very white)  are going to also be white on my hairline when they sprout out...willl be interesting


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Day 10 - Pretty much all scabs are gone...been sleeping normally the past 2 days without neck pillow - Yesterday when washing my hair i did see some hairs in my hand with a little white thing on the end, hopefully these were scabs and not grafts falling out. 







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