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Finally Looking to Take the Leap (FUE)

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After almost 20 years, I'm finally looking to get a hair transplant (FUE). I've been a long time lurker on this forum and a few others, I remember my first username was "23goingon30" and now I'm about to turn 40. At 23, I would have expected my hairloss to be worse by the time I was 40 but I'm definitely a NW3 with more temple recession than the standard image looks like but not loss in the crown. My expectations are reasonable for a hairline but I would certainly like to find a surgeon that does excellent work with hairline density.

Over the year, it seems that doctors have come in and out of favor in these forums so I'm curious if anyone has any suggestions with who I should be considering. I live in the US (California) and price isn't a determining factor but it is a consideration and it seems like doctors near me are charging $10-$12 USD per graft and their work isn't great so I'm certainly open to travelling abroad. I also don't want to wait a year or longer for an appointment, preferably can book a few months out.

My list:

Dr. Bisanga

Dr. Feriduni

Dr. Demirsoy

Dr. Gur/Turan


Any thoughts on the list above or other recommendations? I've seen some great work out of the Turkey doctors but they seem to have more negative reviews as well.

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