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Is HT worth it without Meds with fine hair and average donor supply?

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40 yr old. Been researching HT's for 15 years, slow receeder and diffuse thinning for past 8 years, at the stage where I need a HT really. 

Been told by all docs I've contacted so far I'm a candidate, even though I can't take meds. 


Just weighing up if what I can achieve is worth all the money and stress as I'll need multiple surgeries. Tried the head shave in lockdown and looks terrible. 


For most NW6/7 (think this is my destiny 10/15 years time, seriously thinning already), is it a matter of prioritising regions of the scalp as full coverage isn't realistic? 


Partly considering an fut then some fue's, this seems the way to get maximum grafts? Also utilising body, load it up and use what I can, is this usually enough for decent coverage? 


My nightmare is to end up with a wispy see- through top after all the work and money and I can't shave down due to fut scars. With finer hair I'm concerned this could be a real possibility for me. 

More I read about HT's the more I feel is uncertain, they thin, may not take, depends on surgeon skill etc. So many variables.


Should I just focus on front or address all sides.bclinics I've spoke too so far want to focus on hairline reconstruction, with exception on Maitland clinic who said keep my hairline and contact them when I've lost more hair. 


I'd like a lower hairline but naturalness and cosmetic impactfulness is more important I think (i.e not a low hair line and everything see through behind- have seen surgeons that I've consulted with deliver these low and see through effects for people). 


Needing grafts in the diffuse thinning regions is also a concern as shock loss can be permanent I've read. Is 


I don't want to where a system, look horrible bald. Thinking if I get the hairline done and rest is too thin at least if it's short/ shaved I have facial framing. Do transplanted areas look okay shaved down?


Thanks for reading and any help. This whole thing is a minefield! Hard to take Dr's words on things as it's their business/ livelihood and I'm a prospective customer. 



Edited by Frontrunner22
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