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Native Hairfall After HT

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Hello everyone,

I'm one week shy of five months post-op and I've been having very bad native hair fall since month one of my transplant and I'm not sure if the hairfall is normal or not because pre HT I didn't have any hair fall. I checked with Dr. Patty's assistant and at month 3 she said the hair fall was normal then I asked again recently and she said it isn't, and if it's over 100 hairs a day and I should reach out to a derm to find out why... Sadly, the wait time for a derm in my country is 1 year plus... Anyway has anyone on here gone through what I'm going, and if so, did your native hair ever grow back?

Also, I'm on Fin for the past year and no Min due to the severe chest pains it causes me.

I recently posted my month's 3, 4 and 5 pictures on my main post on here which is on my profile, if anyone wants to check them out, but I'll post a few pictures here too to show the difference in hair in the past few months.

The first four photos are from today, and the last two are from month two and half. The last photos doesn't look the best due to how zoomed in it is, but you can see with slightly wet hair my hair looks fuller than it does today.








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Did you stop using fin for a little while around the time of the transplant and for a while after it?



Forum Moderator

(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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2 hours ago, Al - Moderator said:

Did you stop using fin for a little while around the time of the transplant and for a while after it?


No, the only day I didn't take it was the day of the transplant. I got a bag with some pills which I took the day after, and I've continued to stay on it since then. Do you think this loss is permanent, or possibly temporarily?

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14 minutes ago, Obucks said:

few question , when & where  do you have HT also they used your Beard hair for your head co of you have poor donor area? 

I'm not sure if that question is for me, but if it is, no, they didn't use my beard hair. They used the back of my head as the donor. I had my HT at Hairtran in Bangkok Thailand, and it was five months ago.

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It's not uncommon to have telogen effluvium after HT, essentially, the trauma of the transplant makes the hair restart to telogen, and when this happens the hair will shed the first month after the transplant and remain dormant for 3-5 months. Some people are 2 months, some are 7 months. BUT, when the transplanted hair starts to grow in, you should see the native hair also start to grow back (since they both fell out for the same reason). So hopefully, you will start to notice little baby hairs this month or next. 

If you see crusting at the base of the hair or inflammation otherwise (I don't see it in the photos), then maybe see a derm, but if not you may benefit from being patient. I know it's annoying, my second procedure (FUT) around 3cm of hair around my scar shed and took 4 months to come back. Needed to be hat mode the whole time.




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Preventative: Dutasteride 0.5mg po qd, Minoxidil 2.5mg po qd

Concealment: DermMatch, XFusion

Replacement: FUT 2500 (Year 2016), FUT 2800 (Year 2024)

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4 hours ago, Hazy said:

It's not uncommon to have telogen effluvium after HT, essentially, the trauma of the transplant makes the hair restart to telogen, and when this happens the hair will shed the first month after the transplant and remain dormant for 3-5 months. Some people are 2 months, some are 7 months. BUT, when the transplanted hair starts to grow in, you should see the native hair also start to grow back (since they both fell out for the same reason). So hopefully, you will start to notice little baby hairs this month or next. 

If you see crusting at the base of the hair or inflammation otherwise (I don't see it in the photos), then maybe see a derm, but if not you may benefit from being patient. I know it's annoying, my second procedure (FUT) around 3cm of hair around my scar shed and took 4 months to come back. Needed to be hat mode the whole time.





Thank you for your detailed explanation!

Oddly, I do have small red spots that is itchy on my crown and near the front of my hairline. This happened after the HT, so I'm guessing it is Dermatitis, but I can't be 100% sure as there are no dermatologist near me to go see.

If I'm right, and I do have dermatitis and my hairfall is due to that, would the fallen hair eventually regrow?

Also, one last thing, some of the newly transplanted hairs have popped out and are like 1cm long, but never grew. It's been like this for three months now. Is this also normal, and does this indicate they are in their resting phase?

Btw sorry for all of the questions. I guess I'm just nervous about my hairfall.

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It's common to have small red bumps after a HT that are itchy unfortunately, this is typically the new hair attempting to pierce the skin or small cysts from the procedure, but it's possible it's dermatitis. Unfortunately I wont be able to tell from photos. If it's dermatitis and the shedding is due to that, the hair should regrow IF you can correct the dermatitis. 

Yes sometimes the initial hairs are short then shed and grow correctly after. It takes about a year for the final result to be seen.

Preventative: Dutasteride 0.5mg po qd, Minoxidil 2.5mg po qd

Concealment: DermMatch, XFusion

Replacement: FUT 2500 (Year 2016), FUT 2800 (Year 2024)

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5 hours ago, Hazy said:

It's common to have small red bumps after a HT that are itchy unfortunately, this is typically the new hair attempting to pierce the skin or small cysts from the procedure, but it's possible it's dermatitis. Unfortunately I wont be able to tell from photos. If it's dermatitis and the shedding is due to that, the hair should regrow IF you can correct the dermatitis. 

Yes sometimes the initial hairs are short then shed and grow correctly after. It takes about a year for the final result to be seen.

The red spots on my head are on my crown and other areas that I didn't get any hairs transplanted into. So, I think it is Dermatitis. I've also been seeing white/yellow stuff on my hair like it's dandruff or something else. I've been using Nizroal to hopefully combat it. Hopefully, you are right, and my hair does grow back because it's getting worse everyday.


Also, thank you very much for your responses. 

Edited by KAIT
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