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plz help in answering questions

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  • Regular Member

hi guys my HT is getting closer, so could u please help in answering the following questions:


1- when can I apply gel to my hair after a HT


2- Once the hair grows can I blow dry it, since my hair is wavy and I am used to blow it little bit to straighten it.


3- can I use toppik after 1 week from the operation


4- I read that many users here take propecia, how many year has one to take it. I am 36 years old?


5- when is ok to have sex after the HT?


thanks all

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Below are answers to your questions:


1. In my opinion, wait until at least 9 days or until the scabs are gone, whichever comes last.


2. You can start to blowdry your hair after about 5 days however, make sure it's on a low cool setting. It's always better to use the cool setting since heat can damage your hair, even after it matures (true for natural or transplanted hair)


3. I usually like to wait 10 days before applying anything to the scalp to make sure the grafts are fully secured and all the scabs are gone. But for emergencies, I'm sure you could apply a little toppik before if you want.


4. I don't really understand this question. Propecia is only effective as long as you continue to take it. Any hair reserved or grown from Propecia will fall out once you stop taking the medication.


5. 10 days is usually the magic number in my opinion. If you have sex prior, be extremely careful not to strain the donor area and don't overexert yourself. Don't let her run her fingers through your hair for the first 10 days and avoid excessive sweating.


I hope this helps.



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  • Senior Member
Don't let her run her fingers through your hair for the first 10 days and avoid excessive sweating.




You're assuming yskhleif is a man and that his partner is a woman. It could be any way. icon_wink.gif

take care...



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I didnt tell my GF (who is now my wife!) she knows now, but she starting toching the back of my head with a fresh strip scar, and I was like whoa. Told her it had been itching and I had scratched it until it scabbed, seemed to work, I only confessed to her last year that I had gone through all of this (I was in tears when I told her, wuss huh?)

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