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Experience or Results? Help Deciding on a Surgeon

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Looking into FUE and considering the doctors out there, I would narrow it down to 2 choices. One is a pioneer in this field based in Australia who seems a likely choice because of the experience he must have. However there isn't that much information available on his methods or results. On the other hand, an American doctor who has a great deal of information available on his results, is maybe newer to the field. Any thoughts? anyone been to the Australian Doc? icon_confused.gif

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Looking into FUE and considering the doctors out there, I would narrow it down to 2 choices. One is a pioneer in this field based in Australia who seems a likely choice because of the experience he must have. However there isn't that much information available on his methods or results. On the other hand, an American doctor who has a great deal of information available on his results, is maybe newer to the field. Any thoughts? anyone been to the Australian Doc? icon_confused.gif

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There are other doctors out there who perform high quality FUE other than the two you mentioned. However, if you're deciding between those two, Dr. Feller should be your choice in a landslide. Nobody here knows much about the Australian doctor because he shrouds his work in mystery. Compare that to Dr. Feller who has dozens of PATIENT posted examples of his work, detailed posts about his FUE tools, and an overall transparency that is second to none. I would never risk visiting a doctor who is so reluctant to open his techniques and results for the world to see. Again, if you're only consider those two, do yourself a favor and visit Feller.

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Hi there, thanks for all the feedback. I think my initial instinct led me to RW because my assumption was that if he invented the self-named technique and fine tuned the FUE procedure and has done it for so many years, then even if other doctors had progressed it, he was still a safe bet in the worst case scenario. Does that make sense? Also TC17 - who would you say are the other doctors worth considering?

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It also seems that Dr Ron Shapiro could be a good choice having researched TC17's recommendations. From what I can tell he has only recently started doing FUE's though - is that correct? What are the thoughts on him and Feller. What does it come down to - experience, results - there doesn't seem to be much to differentiate the two.

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is the $6 for both Paul and Ron? I heard somewhere that it was less to use Paul but no idea how long ago that was.


Also money is the last thing on mind. After years of torturing myself on this issue, I just want to make the right decision and pick the best doctor. So is there any other info I can work with?



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In a sense, you need to decides whose strip work you like better -- hairline/crown artistry, yield, aftercare, etc.....over the backdrop of who you trust more for FUE, since it's an entirely different ballgame with regard to yield *and* session size. And if you don't feel strongly way one or the other, let price be the decider.


SMG is very new to FUE, and it's widely held that experience with FUE is integral to honing the technique to produce greater session sizes with higher yield.


Feller wins in this category. But, while I haven't seen much from SMG by way of FUE, I'd have a good deal of faith in it just based off their near-impeccable history and philosophy on hair transplantation and a commitment to excellence.


I'd want to see a bunch of FUE cases that would be approximating whatever session size your looking at before making a final call -- on either doc.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Btw....you should talk with both clinics...and also on this forum you can PM or start a thread asking Spex or Bspot to help you and post a bunch of cases. (I know Spex recently did this for someone else, I'll try to find that thread for you and link it here).


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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If money is no object, then you should visit the clinics you are considering in person. You will be able to review way more patient photos than are posted online, you can get a feel for the surgeon, you can meet with former patients, and you can have any questions answered.


You're in the beginning stages of your research. Do not allow my opinion to sway you in any particular way. Each person on this site has his own favorite physicians for a number of reasons. The subjectivity of a hair transplant is why you have to be comfortable with YOUR choice in a doctor. By playing around on this site for a few months you will begin to recognize the patterns and philosophies of the individual physician. When you get to that point, you should be able to find a doctor whose philosophy and talent mesh with your goals. I have a short list of doctors that I would consider having a surgery with, and some of the most popular doctors on this site are not on that list. That's why you really need to do your own research, and not rely on the general consensus of the members. Keep in mind, some people see The David as art, others as pornography. Some people love Shakespeare, others don't understand what the fuss is about. It doesn't matter one bit if a thousand people love Dr. X's work, it only matters if YOU love his work.

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This is definitely all helping.Thanks


thanatopsis_awry - If you find that link from spex, let me know


TC17 - I can see your point about liking things for personal reasons. Do you know of any distinguishable patterns or traits in either of these doctors' work that stands out? Have seen so many pics of HT & FUE work that its all beginning to become one big blur now.


One other thing I am confused about from reading many different forums is the whole concept of technicians. Some people are saying that doctors like RW are better because they do all the work themselves which minimizes risks as FUE requires skill and it is this skill you are paying for. Other say it doesn't matter so long as the techs are experienced because the doctor is still present or overlooking.


How much do Feller and SMG do themselves and how much is done by other people and do you think it matters either way?

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Hey Baldilocks, FUE at SMG is 6.00 per graft with a 500.00 travel discount with both Dr. Ron and Dr. Paul.


To answer your question directly, all HT's are a team process. The ONE doctor you mention has his particular philosophy concerning FUE and it has served him well. However, not all of us can afford 8K per day for 500-600 grafts, or fly to OZ---his results by all accounts are excellent. Again, a matter of choice. Do a search on a poster named Franklin to see his results.


Dr. Feller has produced excellent FUE results for several years. If like Thana suggests you desire several grown out results of patients whose loss is near your own, then I encourage you to schedule your session with Dr. Feller who I am 100% confident will take care of you.


At SMG we will eventually build a patient base that will allow people just like yourself to view our patients and make a better informed decision. At this time, all our patients can do is trust SMG's 10+ years of excellence, the support of both patients and peers throughout the industry, and the hundreds of happy patients that have shared their experiences on every forum.


I would happy to discuss your situation over the phone or via email and as always, no strings attached and no pressure.


Take Care,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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B-locks, I'm pretty sure in either case, as is the standard, the doctor would be handling the surgical extraction of the grafts, as well as the making of the "slits" in the recipient zone; the techs would then do the "planting" of the grafts themselves. Dr's Konior, Cooley, Lindsey immediately spring to mind as docs who will engage in part of the planting, as well. IMO, this is one area where either approach is fine (re: techs doing all or just part of the planting).


Basically, it's a fundamental part of the process connected to the yield of the grafts; in FUE, of course, the harvesting of grafts from your donor is an extremely delicate part, too. But ya, as long as the clinic in question has found the best way to maximize yield I don't see why it matters whether the doc does 0%, 1%, or 100% of the planting.


Also, you have quite a tough decision, and I didn't mean to imply that's it's a cut-and-dry decision, though it's obviously a good thing if you can see grown out cases that resemble yours. SMG will no doubt have these in due time. I'd def take Bspot up on the chat -- you'll get very honest, very informed answers with no pressure!


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Hi Guys - this is great , all really helping.


B spot - could you direct me to any FUE results from SMG, seen a few but not sure if there are any more. Am definitely considering Dr Ron from the few FUE cases I have seen and their general reputation.


Spex - thank you for the montage, still working through it! But not sure if you have me mistaken for someone else though? I haven't met or spoken to you before but would be more than happy to do so given the chance :-)


Thana - in ref to your reply, how do the slits and planting work? I mean does the doctor open all the necessary slits and only then does the planting begin or is it more like the doc opens a slit and a tech plants a graft etc. The second way makes more sense to me given that the slits must not stay open for long and that the doctor probably has better idea of which kind of hair to place where and how it should be placed for density etc but I am just guessing all of this so I could have the wrong end of the stick.

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